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India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan


Dec 16, 2010
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India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan

Hopes Britain, France and Germany “will understand the true perspective of issues in the region”

Pakistan on Thursday accused India of using terrorism as a “propaganda ploy” and sought to convey to Britain, France and Germany — which after high-level interactions with New Delhi urged Islamabad to do more to counter terror — that “indulging in blame game just for commercial and political expediencies serves no useful purpose.”

Stating that Pakistan had conveyed its concerns to the three countries on their statements, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit added: “We hope these countries with which we have very good relations will understand the true perspective of issues in this region. Terrorism is a global phenomenon and all countries need to cooperate with each other to address this issue effectively.”

“Unacceptable” references

Meanwhile, in a release issued by the Foreign Office, Pakistan described references to it in the India-Russia Joint Statement as “unwarranted and unacceptable”; adding that Islamabad's views had been conveyed to Moscow.

Asked about statements from the Indian leadership on terrorism originating in Pakistan, Mr. Basit said India had a habit of raising a hue and cry while ignoring its own responsibilities. He pointed out that even four years after the Samjhautha Express blast, India had not shared the findings of its investigations or put perpetrators of the crime on trial. “India's continued reticence raises many questions. It's time India takes us into confidence and stop beating about the bush. The families of the 42 Pakistani victims are desperately waiting for answers and we cannot ride roughshod over their deep pain.”

No talks sans Kashmir

As for India blaming Pakistan for failure of July's Foreign Minister-level talks, he said New Delhi was cherry-picking and avoiding resumption of dialogue on all issues. Stating that India was upset with Pakistan for raising Kashmir at the United Nations General Assembly, he noted: “How can Pakistan look the other way when innocent Kashmiris are brutalised and killed by Indian security forces. Pakistan is ready to resume the dialogue process but not to the exclusion of Jammu and Kashmir dispute or other important issues.”

Had the Kashmir issue been resolved 60 years ago, Pakistan-India relations would have been on a different trajectory, Mr. Basit asserted. “But since this is a core issue, Pakistan obviously cannot agree to negotiations which do not include this dispute on the agenda.”

The Hindu : News : India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan
A nation which cant prosecute 7-8 internationally proven terrorist involved in mumbai attack, but instead come out with statements like this " we are disappointed by so and so country's statement or this is not acceptable".

Come on, move along with time. It so easy to brainwash a mob and mobilize/train them to gain shortsighted goals. Every tiny niny country can do that leave alone biggies.

US did that suffered, Russia did that suffered,India did that and lost a PM.Pakistan must see a changed world order and should not pursue cold era shortsighted policies, its dangerous to its own survival.

regarding samjhauta express blast, the purported accused is already serving in jail term in malegaon blast case, he is not brewing hatred in public rallies like pakistan.
Pakistan seems to be really feeling the sting of its past policies. First it was the UK, then France, Germany & now Russia. Eventually it will be the United States & the rest of the world.

Statements like these by the Pakistan foreign office are nearly an insult to the collective wisdom of the countries to which they are addressed. Either Pakistan is too naive to believe that these countries are gullible enough to be influenced by so called India propaganda or it is the truth that they have finally realized.
India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan

Hopes Britain, France and Germany “will understand the true perspective of issues in the region”

Pakistan on Thursday accused India of using terrorism as a “propaganda ploy” and sought to convey to Britain, France and Germany — which after high-level interactions with New Delhi urged Islamabad to do more to counter terror — that “indulging in blame game just for commercial and political expediencies serves no useful purpose.”

Stating that Pakistan had conveyed its concerns to the three countries on their statements, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit added: “We hope these countries with which we have very good relations will understand the true perspective of issues in this region. Terrorism is a global phenomenon and all countries need to cooperate with each other to address this issue effectively.”

“Unacceptable” references

Meanwhile, in a release issued by the Foreign Office, Pakistan described references to it in the India-Russia Joint Statement as “unwarranted and unacceptable”; adding that Islamabad's views had been conveyed to Moscow.

Asked about statements from the Indian leadership on terrorism originating in Pakistan, Mr. Basit said India had a habit of raising a hue and cry while ignoring its own responsibilities. He pointed out that even four years after the Samjhautha Express blast, India had not shared the findings of its investigations or put perpetrators of the crime on trial. “India's continued reticence raises many questions. It's time India takes us into confidence and stop beating about the bush. The families of the 42 Pakistani victims are desperately waiting for answers and we cannot ride roughshod over their deep pain.”

No talks sans Kashmir

As for India blaming Pakistan for failure of July's Foreign Minister-level talks, he said New Delhi was cherry-picking and avoiding resumption of dialogue on all issues. Stating that India was upset with Pakistan for raising Kashmir at the United Nations General Assembly, he noted: “How can Pakistan look the other way when innocent Kashmiris are brutalised and killed by Indian security forces. Pakistan is ready to resume the dialogue process but not to the exclusion of Jammu and Kashmir dispute or other important issues.”

Had the Kashmir issue been resolved 60 years ago, Pakistan-India relations would have been on a different trajectory, Mr. Basit asserted. “But since this is a core issue, Pakistan obviously cannot agree to negotiations which do not include this dispute on the agenda.”

The Hindu : News : India using terror as ‘a propaganda ploy,' alleges Pakistan

yawn . . . who cares what your government thinks
I think the Indian Government has already said point blank "Dismantle LeT and JuD, which have been declared as terrorist organizations by UN"
Act first, then we can talk.
typical of them to stoop to low levels. not suprising at all.

dude please change the avatar it is very offensive else we will start doing the same


edited :
its just the starting this avatar will stay till u remove urs..............
i agree with sageof6path that avatar is offenseful to indian members. Being said that, two wrongs dont make a right. Now i am being offended by your avatar. Doesnt anyone here read the rules of this forum. you cant be racist towards anyone.
i agree with sageof6path that avatar is offenseful to indian members. Being said that, two wrongs dont make a right. Now i am being offended by your avatar. Doesnt anyone here read the rules of this forum. you cant be racist towards anyone.

dude i completely agree with u and it is not in my nature to do something like this and to be honest i never wanted to do this ...........but for some members until some drastic measures are taken it wont impact them and they do not realize how serious it is..... i do understand ur feelings but untill he removes his avatar my avatar will stay and both indians and pakistanis alike should live with it...........
dude i completely agree with u and it is not in my nature to do something like this and to be honest i never wanted to do this ...........but for some members until some drastic measures are taken it wont impact them and they do not realize how serious it is..... i do understand ur feelings but untill he removes his avatar my avatar will stay and both indians and pakistanis alike should live with it...........

Latoon ka bhoot aapki latoon se maan gaye..:lol:
You can change your avtar, otherwise you can get banned.
This guy has immunity against ban..
One wrong statement there!
Terrorism is a global issue indeed as it effects the world.
But the place of origin is mostly known(We know that ;) )

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