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India using Afghan soil for attacks in Balochistan: IG Frontier Corp


@ Haqqani Sahab,

So which haqqani you are? Sirajuddin or Jalaluddin or Alauddin or Nasiruddin or Ilmudddin ?
Where the hell is evidence?? You keep ranting about we got evidence we got evidence and when asked about em, you say we are waiting for RIGHT TIME!!! LOL

What a joke!!

False allegations with no proof = Bullsh!t

so, the US says it has evidence, where is the evidence, and if US says relevant authorities, any outside US, no. So, where is the evidence by the US of it's statements that we support Haqqani network? And where are the Indian evidences?

False allegations with no proof=Bullsh!t
where is proof?

we proved that kasab is Pakistani.

if Pakistanis have proofs why they are not showing them to world?

show proofs or stop accusing us

its wrong that without showing proof Pakistan accuses us for problems in Baluchistan
Rehman Malik needs to show some proof or quit making these silly statements to save his own skin
Being kicked out of Indian mainland was too much for Pakistan and has left pakistanis with an Indian obsession. Subsequent partition of East Pakistan due to humanitarian help extended by India to the hapless population of East Pakistan has traumatized Pakistanis to no extent. Like cowards they supported terrorists in Jammu and kashmir and are doing the same today.. No surprises..

its mostly indians who crawl all over the web taling news related to Pakistan , check this forum , CNN comments section etc its indians who seem to be suffering with Pakistan obsession.

For more that 10 years , day in day out indian fills out page afte page after page on Pakistan on their forums .. you people are indeed traumatized by the formation of Pakistan.
its mostly indians who crawl all over the web taling news related to Pakistan , check this forum , CNN comments section etc its indians who seem to be suffering with Pakistan obsession.

For more that 10 years , day in day out indian fills out page afte page after page on Pakistan on their forums .. you people are indeed traumatized by the formation of Pakistan.

Some ofyour own people think otherwise

Make long-term plans instead of obsessing over India: expert – The Express Tribune

Some times you should see yourself in the mirror
Cowards ???? Cowards were those who surrendered to us.

The real Pakistan never surrendered; the east Pakistan saga is a reminder and sets the precedence for the case of the support India gives to terrorist groups against Pakistan
Using the India bogeyman unites various ethnic groups of Pakistan , ridden by infighting and factionism amongst themselves ...so little wonder they like to obsess about us day and night.
Being kicked out of Indian mainland was too much for Pakistan and has left pakistanis with an Indian obsession. Subsequent partition of East Pakistan due to humanitarian help extended by India to the hapless population of East Pakistan has traumatized Pakistanis to no extent. Like cowards they supported terrorists in Jammu and kashmir and are doing the same today.. No surprises..
Being kicked out? Karan we fought for our Independence, not like Congressi Leaders who licked boots of Britisher to cut newly founded Pakistan as short that they don't survive and how you invaded Juna Gardh and other areas that were included in to Pakistan

.Indian cowards supported the East Pakistatan rebellion because they always loath Pakistan and wanted to break Pakistan in to two. The humanitarian help extended to Kashmiri Freedom fighters was to defend themselves after what Indian Army did to them. Killing portestors in cold blood, crushing rallies violently.

Karan.1970 i can understan the "Jalan" in your back for Pakistan. :) That's why you spit so much venom. You should apply some cold cream there once in a while to make your self cool and calm :)
If I wanted to show someone the biggest display of hypocrisy in the world, I'd redirect that person to this thread and show them the posts that bharatis are making. Man these guys have no shame. Hypocrites galore.

The theory is simple, you hurt us and we will hurt you back. First stop what your doing in India and we will reciprocate. We followed the path of peace for a long time and watched Mumbai burn and Delhi in bits, now its time for Pakistan to taste some of its own medicine. Its not hypocrisy, its just business.
The theory is simple, you hurt us and we will hurt you back. First stop what your doing in India and we will reciprocate. We followed the path of peace for a long time and watched Mumbai burn and Delhi in bits, now its time for Pakistan to taste some of its own medicine. Its not hypocrisy, its just business.

It all started with 1971 mate, don't forget what you did at that time had to be repaid. It was just business.
The theory is simple, you hurt us and we will hurt you back. First stop what your doing in India and we will reciprocate. We followed the path of peace for a long time and watched Mumbai burn and Delhi in bits, now its time for Pakistan to taste some of its own medicine. Its not hypocrisy, its just business.

Business huh........... Indian launched its attacks inside Baliochistan when the Soviets occupied Afghanistan and when they left, Pakistan paid it back with Jammu and Kashmir.........However, most the attacks, and I stress most were limited to the Balchistan province with some around Pakistan, and same for Jammu and Kashmir....... now India has gone the full monty, and played a very very big gamble across the whol;e of Pakistan and Afghnanistan...... if this plan of India's does not work, hell, the whole of India is going to burn next when hot air starts blowing over the LOC into India.......... If I was India, they better do everything in their power to make sure Pakistan cannot strike back in ANY POSSIBLE way, as when the Taliban do take over again, they have good reason to attack you for what your doing in Afghanistan and Pakistan, well Pakistan will have many plans for ou then........ gamble India should not have taken as the US is leaving it behind in Afghanistan......... see how this pans out soon enuogh though..........soon enough
Being kicked out? Karan we fought for our Independence, not like Congressi Leaders who licked boots of Britisher to cut newly founded Pakistan as short that they don't survive and how you invaded Juna Gardh and other areas that were included in to Pakistan

.Indian cowards supported the East Pakistatan rebellion because they always loath Pakistan and wanted to break Pakistan in to two. The humanitarian help extended to Kashmiri Freedom fighters was to defend themselves after what Indian Army did to them. Killing portestors in cold blood, crushing rallies violently.

Karan.1970 i can understan the "Jalan" in your back for Pakistan. :) That's why you spit so much venom. You should apply some cold cream there once in a while to make your self cool and calm :)

Fought For your independence?

Biggest Joke..

While our freedom fighters fought with the britishers.
What did your leaders do?

Killed Innocents so that you can have a country.. I think it is all Bad Karma which Pakistan is suffering now
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