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India using Afghan soil for attacks in Balochistan: IG Frontier Corp

Fought For your independence?

Biggest Joke..

While our freedom fighters fought with the britishers.
What did your leaders do?

Killed Innocents so that you can have a country.. I think it is all Bad Karma which Pakistan is suffering now

WTF........... It was Muslims fighting the Britishers which was what caused them to hate us so much.......

Your leaders, Nehru and gandhi was folling Muslims into living under Hindu Raj and the election of 1936 were a God send, when the Hindus wonand Muslims saw first hand what treatement they were suffering at the hands of their Hindu countrymen. And dont even bring leaders into this, markl my words, I can qoute to you from the Collected Works of Gandhi himself as to how racist and a facsist he was......... so please refrain from getting carried away as a response will not be to your liking
It all started with 1971 mate, don't forget what you did at that time had to be repaid. It was just business.

it didn't started in 1971 infact it started in 1965 when pakistan smuggled terrorists in kashmir to launch a war against india. so 1971 was a kind of repayment by india.
Being kicked out? Karan we fought for our Independence,
not like Congressi Leaders who licked boots of Britisher to cut newly founded Pakistan as short that they don't survive

You just said that you fought for your "independence", why you didn't fight when we planned to cut you as short?
and how you invaded Juna Gardh and other areas that were included in to Pakistan
so this is the 2nd time you didn't fight for your independence?
Indian cowards supported the East Pakistatan rebellion because they always loath Pakistan and wanted to break Pakistan in to two. The humanitarian help extended to Kashmiri Freedom fighters was to defend themselves after what Indian Army did to them.
pakistani cowards supported the militants in Kashmir because they always wanted to break India into two but did not and will not succeed. The humanitarian help extended to east pakistani freedom fighters to defend themselves after what pakistani army did to them. And guess what, we succeede in our very first attempt.

Karan.1970 i can understan the "Jalan" in your back for Pakistan. :) That's why you spit so much venom. You should apply some cold cream there once in a while to make your self cool and calm :)
Even the cream can not cure the "Jalan" that you have in your back. Don't try it, it may act as petrol and there will be a fire in your "already burnt area!"
Being kicked out? Karan we fought for our Independence, not like Congressi Leaders who licked boots of Britisher to cut newly founded Pakistan as short that they don't survive and how you invaded Juna Gardh and other areas that were included in to Pakistan

.Indian cowards supported the East Pakistatan rebellion because they always loath Pakistan and wanted to break Pakistan in to two. The humanitarian help extended to Kashmiri Freedom fighters was to defend themselves after what Indian Army did to them. Killing portestors in cold blood, crushing rallies violently.

Karan.1970 i can understan the "Jalan" in your back for Pakistan. :) That's why you spit so much venom. You should apply some cold cream there once in a while to make your self cool and calm :)

Name a single freedom fighter who was jailed/beaten/hanged/killed by British and wanted Pakistan...... At least one single name if you really hold value of your words like a man should.
You don't know? pakistan is waiting for some god damned "right time!"

Much better is to wait for the right time than wailing all the time, unlike India. No offense, for sure.
India is playing with fire and it'll come back to bite her in the ***.
Name a single freedom fighter who was jailed/beaten/hanged/killed by British and wanted Pakistan...... At least one single name if you really hold value of your words like a man should.
A few:
Muslim freedom martyrs of India | TwoCircles.net

Also there were political figures like Jinnah,Liaqat Ali Khan,Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,Johar,Iqbal,Chaudhry Rehmat... etc etc to name a few.
Being kicked out of Indian mainland was too much for Pakistan and has left pakistanis with an Indian obsession. Subsequent partition of East Pakistan due to humanitarian help extended by India to the hapless population of East Pakistan has traumatized Pakistanis to no extent. Like cowards they supported terrorists in Jammu and kashmir and are doing the same today.. No surprises..

Kicked out of Indian mainland? You mean India was happy letting go one third of its land? What a joke of a poster you have become mr. The inner troll awakens.

It was your leaders who were begging Jinnah to not push for Pakistan, offering him the position of PM after independence. Everyone knows about that offer and Mr. Jinnah's answer was. Keep it. We're getting Pakistan.

Having heard that Indian leaders grew vengeful and butchered millions of Muslims.

Our Obsession woh India? Yours and your countrymen's presence on this site and countless other Pakistani website proves who's obsessed with who. Stop your dirty games through Afghanistan.
Thats about Muslim freedom fighters....... I asked about the ones who wanted "Freedom" for Pakistan. Not a single one of those asked Freedom for Pakistan.

They all wanted freedom of their states... india wasnt even a country back than.. but a bunch of different royal states..in our case> Hunza,kashmir,punjab,Sindh,NWFP,swat,junagarh,mavadar,kalat,kalabagh etc etc.
Thank you for the credit, Mr. i jee. ;)

Although I believe we need to work hard.
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