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India uses UN report on Sri Lanka to assert its interests

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. Just because we are a bigger and more powerful country does not mean we can force them into accepting something they dont want to. That will only make them despise us. I haven't seen the images, but I know that war is evil. Indian leadership is too weak to do anything in such matters. They are afraid to face any criticism and dont have what it takes to take bold action. Sri Lanka knows that they are gonna stay where they are, and India's influence will only keep getting stronger. No matter how much they sing about China, they know they cannot get on the wrong side with India. Besides, you are going to get nothing out of threatening a couple of Sri Lankans on a defence forum. If those clips were broadcasted in the media at that time perhaps public opinion would have forced our leaders to allow our forces to intervene on humanitarian grounds.

Avtar - you do not seem to know the issue past and current and hence your post. Do some research on why the LTTE came into existence, what they wanted initially.

Do you know what Tamil Srilankans want ? They just want equality..period..............this is asking too much and reason for 2 decades of strife / war.

India supported Sri Lanka on the understanding that they will treat all their citizens equally............but now they are having after thoughts...
Avtar - you do not seem to know the issue past and current and hence your post. Do some research on why the LTTE came into existence, what they wanted initially.

Do you know what Tamil Srilankans want ? They just want equality..period..............this is asking too much and reason for 2 decades of strife / war.

India supported Sri Lanka on the understanding that they will treat all their citizens equally............but now they are having after thoughts...

Is there any discriminating laws against tamils in lanka?
Is there any discriminating laws against tamils in lanka?

This is what I'm always trying to explain for some Indian members in this forum.

Here's from Sri Lankan constitution,


Freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
10. Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

Freedom from torture.
11. No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Right to equality.
12. (1) All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law.
(2) No citizen shall be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, language, caste, sex, political opinion, place of birth or any such grounds:
Our parliament discuss these matters earlier times, Also Sri Lankan President has made a statement about it few times. UN also helping returning Tamils who were on TN camps.

But when will Parliament adopt resoultion for this Issue don't you think this dicrimination against tamils because for their economic backwardness when compared to other races? when srilanan goverment going realise this ?
But when will Parliament adopt resoultion for this Issue don't you think this dicrimination against tamils because for their economic backwardness when compared to other races? when srilanan goverment going realise this ?

You mean they are behind other citizens in here? :blink:
New Delhi & Colombo shares a common interest for defeating separatism and terrorism.

Why New Delhi so soft when dealing with Colombo? Mainly because Colombo defeated a separatist and terrorist group called LTTE, Yes I agree New Delhi helped Colombo for defeat the LTTE terrorists.

For New Delhi one of the top security concerns regarding South India became the separatist activities of LTTE supporters in South India, also LTTE terrorists were actively involved in smuggling activities in South India. Also there are some people actively supported the LTTE.

Also the same time connections between LTTE terrorists and some other separatists and terrorists groups already banned by New Delhi began to emerge.

Security for key economic zones, nuclear power plants and other economic installations in South India became a top issue for New Delhi.

New Delhi silently and steadily began to crackdown on LTTE separatists and terrorists and also helped Colombo to launch a steady crackdown on LTTE separatists and terrorists.

Jointly Indian Navy and Sri Lanka Navy destroyed 14 LTTE ships, LTTE terrorists were carrying out a large scale illegal arms smuggling network, which New Delhi and Colombo directly considered a direct threat to there national security.

There are many people connected to LTTE arrested in other countries arrested jointly by New Delhi and Colombo but New Delhi maintain a low profile while Colombo maintains a front profile.

New Delhi & Colombo will take action against any separatists and terrorists activates of LTTE supporters anytime.

Regarding so called India’s sanctions on Sri Lanka.

New Delhi will never take any action against Colombo, The recent visit by Indian delegation a normal diplomatic dialogue between New Delhi & Colombo which will be held between every 6 months, some media promoted that event as like New Delhi pushing Colombo.

There are already stable ties between New Delhi & Colombo, it will remain so cool and also in a comfortable level……..
BD has life expectancy of 67 years compared to India's 64. Please think before you make silly comments.

god knows which u madrassa u graduated from..
Life expectancy: 69.89 years (2009 est.)
–male: 67.46 years (2009 est.)
–female: 72.61 years (2009 est.)

Demographics of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ife expectancy: 60.25 years
–male: 57.57 years
–female: 63.03 years (2009 est.)

Demographics of Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. Just because we are a bigger and more powerful country does not mean we can force them into accepting something they dont want to. That will only make them despise us. I haven't seen the images, but I know that war is evil. Indian leadership is too weak to do anything in such matters. They are afraid to face any criticism and dont have what it takes to take bold action. Sri Lanka knows that they are gonna stay where they are, and India's influence will only keep getting stronger. No matter how much they sing about China, they know they cannot get on the wrong side with India. Besides, you are going to get nothing out of threatening a couple of Sri Lankans on a defence forum.
Sir, being a big power means you are expected to make tough,bold, fearless decisions taking into account the larger good of the nation and the humanity as a whole. If our Indian leadership is spineless to make such type of decisions we better pack up our dream of becoming a major power.

If those clips were broadcasted in the media at that time perhaps public opinion would have forced our leaders to allow our forces to intervene on humanitarian grounds.

They were constant demands from Tamil groups that India should intervene to stop this massacre. But our leadership turned a deaf ear to theses demands.The 40,000 souls would blame the whole world and India in particular for failing to save their lives.
New Delhi & Colombo shares a common interest for defeating separatism and terrorism.

Why New Delhi so soft when dealing with Colombo? Mainly because Colombo defeated a separatist and terrorist group called LTTE, Yes I agree New Delhi helped Colombo for defeat the LTTE terrorists.

For New Delhi one of the top security concerns regarding South India became the separatist activities of LTTE supporters in South India, also LTTE terrorists were actively involved in smuggling activities in South India. Also there are some people actively supported the LTTE.

Also the same time connections between LTTE terrorists and some other separatists and terrorists groups already banned by New Delhi began to emerge.

Security for key economic zones, nuclear power plants and other economic installations in South India became a top issue for New Delhi.

New Delhi silently and steadily began to crackdown on LTTE separatists and terrorists and also helped Colombo to launch a steady crackdown on LTTE separatists and terrorists.

Jointly Indian Navy and Sri Lanka Navy destroyed 14 LTTE ships, LTTE terrorists were carrying out a large scale illegal arms smuggling network, which New Delhi and Colombo directly considered a direct threat to there national security.

There are many people connected to LTTE arrested in other countries arrested jointly by New Delhi and Colombo but New Delhi maintain a low profile while Colombo maintains a front profile.

New Delhi & Colombo will take action against any separatists and terrorists activates of LTTE supporters anytime.

Regarding so called India’s sanctions on Sri Lanka.

New Delhi will never take any action against Colombo, The recent visit by Indian delegation a normal diplomatic dialogue between New Delhi & Colombo which will be held between every 6 months, some media promoted that event as like New Delhi pushing Colombo.

There are already stable ties between New Delhi & Colombo, it will remain so cool and also in a comfortable level……..

You are correct. India will not take any action against Sri Lanka, definitely not Sanctions.
India actively supported SriLanka int the war against the LTTE. India also knew about the Civilian casualties very well even then.

Good that LTTE is destroyed.

I don't know why a lot of Indian members are coming out with an outpour of emotions here. They all know India was also indirectly involved. Then what are they talking about?

Are they trying to portray themselves as being extremely concerned about feelings in Tamil Nadu?

I am sorry to say that in some Indian forums the same members do not give a damn about the issue. And here they behaving like bleeding hearts.
Is there any discriminating laws against tamils in lanka?
Yes there were and that is why the struggle started in the first place. The tamils were the brightest of the lot and most educated since the british times. The whole tamil movement started because of the language issues and then the discrimination in the jobs. This present peace will also wither away if the discrimination is not set aside whoch anyway is looking as if it is not going to happen. North is most fertile and the food prices in lanla are increasing because of the lack of crops from the tamil north. Srilanka is not all colombo you see.
Is there any discriminating laws against tamils in lanka?
Yes there were and that is why the struggle started in the first place. The tamils were the brightest of the lot and most educated since the british times. The whole tamil movement started because of the language issues and then the discrimination in the jobs. This present peace will also wither away if the discrimination is not set aside whoch anyway is looking as if it is not going to happen. North is most fertile and the food prices in lanla are increasing because of the lack of crops from the tamil north. Srilanka is not all colombo you see.

---------- Post added at 10:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

You are correct. India will not take any action against Sri Lanka, definitely not Sanctions.
India actively supported SriLanka int the war against the LTTE. India also knew about the Civilian casualties very well even then.

Good that LTTE is destroyed.

I don't know why a lot of Indian members are coming out with an outpour of emotions here. They all know India was also indirectly involved. Then what are they talking about?

Are they trying to portray themselves as being extremely concerned about feelings in Tamil Nadu?

I am sorry to say that in some Indian forums the same members do not give a damn about the issue. And here they behaving like bleeding hearts.

I am not a tamil and i have no love for LTTE but you have to also understand the plight of the tamils in sri lanka. The ltte while was a terrorist organization but the resistance started due to a cause and that is yet not achieved. Till the tamils in sri lanka do not get the decency of equal opportunities, please expect the tamils in india to be concerned about and so will the government of india. Rajapakse knows that he is on a schedule and the clock is ticking. Nirupama rao was there last week to convey this message i am sure. For lastimg peace, there needs to be justice and equality for tamils in sri lanka. China or no china, rajapakse knows that quite well. Else we will see again another secessionist movement and this time it will be of quite a different nature i am sure.
Yes there were and that is why the struggle started in the first place. The tamils were the brightest of the lot and most educated since the british times. The whole tamil movement started because of the language issues and then the discrimination in the jobs. This present peace will also wither away if the discrimination is not set aside whoch anyway is looking as if it is not going to happen. North is most fertile and the food prices in lanla are increasing because of the lack of crops from the tamil north. Srilanka is not all colombo you see.

---------- Post added at 10:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 PM ----------

I am not a tamil and i have no love for LTTE but you have to also understand the plight of the tamils in sri lanka. The ltte while was a terrorist organization but the resistance started due to a cause and that is yet not achieved. Till the tamils in sri lanka do not get the decency of equal opportunities, please expect the tamils in india to be concerned about and so will the government of india. Rajapakse knows that he is on a schedule and the clock is ticking. Nirupama rao was there last week to convey this message i am sure. For lastimg peace, there needs to be justice and equality for tamils in sri lanka. China or no china, rajapakse knows that quite well. Else we will see again another secessionist movement and this time it will be of quite a different nature i am sure.

You did not understand me......

Every body knows the truth.India is not going to do any thing. India is one of the countries that supported all this. Do you really expect Sanctions?

All these trips of Diplomats to Colombo has been happening for a long time. Do not expect too much.

I was referring to some Non Tamil members in this forum being so concerned on this issue. The same people don't say say anything in Indian Forums. So what does that mean? Is that real concern or do they want to show to the Pakistanis that they care about the feelings of Tamil people of India?

Concern of Tamils in India is not going to change anything. I believe nothing is going to happen but it.
5 pages can be summarized this way.

Sri Lanka proud of the crimes against humanity - and stoops to same level as the LTTE .

Russia, China, Pakistan A-okay with crimes against humanity and genocide-as long as it benefits their meme.

Ladies and gents - presenting so called god fearing, family values- moral preaching posters of the PDF:P

You individual god's / prophets would be so proud of you! next time please understand why we atheist barf when you hear you calling each other a great Muslim, Hindu, Christan, Jews , Buddhists what have you!
5 pages can be summarized this way.

Sri Lanka proud of the crimes against humanity - and stoops to same level as the LTTE .

Russia, China, Pakistan A-okay with crimes against humanity and genocide-as long as it benefits their meme.

Ladies and gents - presenting so called god fearing, family values- moral preaching posters of the PDF:P

You individual god's / prophets would be so proud of you! next time please understand why we atheist barf when you here you calling each other a great Muslim, Hindu, Christan, Jews what have you!

You left out India.
You left out India.

I thought the article says that India is trying to get some changes made in their constitution guaranteeing some protections for Tamils. but yeah throw in India too if they are part of this disgraceful kabal of enablers of the SL govt's massacre
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