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India uses UN report on Sri Lanka to assert its interests

Anyway sorry for going off topic, China already in regarding this issue.

China stands by with Sri Lanka to safeguard its independence and sovereignty

Chinese President Hu Jintao and Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa met today and discussed ways to expand the already strong bilateral ties between the two countries in all directions.

The two leaders held discussions Friday at the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, currently being held in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Observing that the two countries are trustworthy friends President Jintao has said that China is ready to join hands with Sri Lanka to lift the all-round cooperative partnership between the two countries to a new height.

Hu has noted that in recent years Sri Lanka-China relations have grown healthier and suggested to increase high-level contact, expand intergovernmental exchanges between government departments, political parties, and local governments, and boost personnel exchanges at all levels.

Hu has assured that China will always support Sri Lanka to safeguard the country's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity and maintain the coordination and cooperation with Sri Lanka on regional and international affairs.

The Chinese President has highlighted the development taking place in Sri Lanka with the Chinese support and encouraged the Chinese businesses to invest and set up businesses in Sri Lanka.

The Sri Lankan President has appreciated all the long-term support China has given during the years to develop the country socially and economically.

Rajapaksa, observing that Sri Lanka's relations with China are based on mutual respect, mutual trust, and friendship, has said that Sri Lanka is always ready to stand by China to advance their traditional friendship, expand pragmatic cooperation, and strengthen cooperation on regional and international issues and will continue to support China's drive to safeguard its own core interests.



Sri Lanka : China stands by Sri Lanka to safeguard its independence and sovereignty

All this means zero. If war crimes have been committed then the criminals have to be brought to justice. A statement issued by some country means nothing. Let some one butcher ethnic Chinese in Singapore or Malaysia and then see the reaction of the Chinese!! Or let some ethnic Russians be killed in Ukraine or Tajikistan. We will see what the Russians have to say then. The world has caught up with Ratko Maldic now after the massacre at Srebrenica in 1995. Ratko Maldic had many supporters, that is why it took so long to bring him to justice. Let us see how long it takes this time. Like they say....der hai andher nahi....
Let some one butcher ethnic Chinese in Singapore or Malaysia and then see the reaction of the Chinese!!

Actually they already did that in Malaysia and Indonesia.

(Singapore's population is mostly ethnic Chinese. So they don't have to worry about that.)
Actually they already did that in Malaysia and Indonesia.

(Singapore's population is mostly ethnic Chinese. So they don't have to worry about that.)

The killings that you talk of were carried out mainly by radical Muslims. No one has the answer to that. They were not carried out by Government troops during the course of a civil war.
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