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India uses `invisible` budget for buying weapons: Chineese NewsPaper


Feb 6, 2006
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India uses `invisible` budget for buying weapons: Report

Beijing, Sept 04: Observing that the Indian Army is the "most active" in Asia, a leading official Chinese newspaper has alleged that New Delhi makes use of an"invisible military budget" for key weapons acquisitions.

The top weaponry is purchased through "invisible military budget," the global times, a sister publication of the ruling communist party of China`s official mouthpiece, the `People`s Daily`, said in a special report on the Indian Armed Forces.

"The Indian army is undoubtedly the most active armed force in Asia today, allegedly stationing forces in Tajikistan, establishing surveillance stations in Africa,sending aircraft carriers to Bay of Bengal for exercise, etc.

"Indian Army makes it to the military news almost everyday, yet the outside world knows so little about it," the paper, mostly read by intellectuals and scholars, said in a lengthy report based on interviews with Indian soldiers.

"It (the Indian Army) has top weaponry, but before a battle, its solders pray to their gods without exception; it has 1.3 million personnel in service, but you seldom run in toone wearing military uniform in the cities; it`s like amelting pot, but service men of different religious sects star eat each other when they meet," the report said.

"If Indian society is the most sophisticated in the world, its army is undoubtedly equally sophisticated," its aid, noting that the Indian soldier is paid well, gettingover 4,000 Yuan (USD 527 us) per month.

"Because the enlistment pays well, applicants are many,"it added.

Zee News - India uses `invisible` budget for buying weapons: Report
India uses `invisible` budget for buying weapons: Report

Beijing, Sept 04: Observing that the Indian Army is the "most active" in Asia, a leading official Chinese newspaper has alleged that New Delhi makes use of an"invisible military budget" for key weapons acquisitions.

The top weaponry is purchased through "invisible military budget," the global times, a sister publication of the ruling communist party of China`s official mouthpiece, the `People`s Daily`, said in a special report on the Indian Armed Forces.

"The Indian army is undoubtedly the most active armed force in Asia today, allegedly stationing forces in Tajikistan, establishing surveillance stations in Africa,sending aircraft carriers to Bay of Bengal for exercise, etc.

"Indian Army makes it to the military news almost everyday, yet the outside world knows so little about it," the paper, mostly read by intellectuals and scholars, said in a lengthy report based on interviews with Indian soldiers.

"It (the Indian Army) has top weaponry, but before a battle, its solders pray to their gods without exception; it has 1.3 million personnel in service, but you seldom run in toone wearing military uniform in the cities; it`s like amelting pot, but service men of different religious sects star eat each other when they meet," the report said.

"If Indian society is the most sophisticated in the world, its army is undoubtedly equally sophisticated," its aid, noting that the Indian soldier is paid well, gettingover 4,000 Yuan (USD 527 us) per month.

"Because the enlistment pays well, applicants are many,"it added.

Zee News - India uses `invisible` budget for buying weapons: Report
The top weaponry is purchased through "invisible military budget," the global times, a sister publication of the ruling communist party of China`s official mouthpiece, the `People`s Daily`, said in a special report on the Indian Armed Forces.

So says 'masters of secrecy'

"Indian Army makes it to the military news almost everyday, yet the outside world knows so little about it," the paper,

Lol...this is funny,outside world doesnt know abt IA. All relevant armies have ether send their soldiers here for training or jt excercises.

noting that the Indian soldier is paid well, gettingover 4,000 Yuan (USD 527 us) per month.

Thats 1.5$ a day, just abopve the poverty line. Whats this chineese smoking.
Sometimes the Chinese can be so naieve and childish that it makes me giggle.

Invisible budget = secret budget = undeclared budget = budget whose aim is not disclosed
Invisible budget is a comon thing, Pakistan and India are no exceptions when it comes to financing socalled black projects or unpublished purchases.

India today is a big buyer, one of the top importer of weapons. I'm sure there's more then meets the eyes.
me: mirror mirror on the wall.. tell me who is the biggest importer of all.

mirror: INDIA

me: u kidding me.

mirror: cant help "im made in china"

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