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India, US and Saudi Arabia: The 'new' great game!

There is nothing wrong with people disagreeing and arguing with each other, especially in these troubled and confusing times. However, the way to handle disagreements is with lucid arguments and temperate speech. A person’s mode of discussion should show the purity of his intentions, the strength of his intellect, and the nobility of his character but for people like you there is a saying "Never argue with an idiot; he will bring you down to his level and win from experience".
i have started to love u, u make me laugh in every time see ur posts or threads , keep going just
. .​

Unable to coax you to realign your foreign policy Pakistani style, now you will be called "US pet" like we're being called since 2005. Ironically, those who call you and me puppets are the biggest recipients for US financial or indirect economic assistance. :D
Its just one incident from pressure from USA.. Still india and saudi have to create confidence,... We need their help in tracking finance of terrorist organisations....

If they help you it will lead back to them. :rofl:
a couple things:
if he was a wanted terrorist and there's evidence against him then whats the big deal he was deported? We've deported terrorists to Saudi Arabia...theyve deported elements whom we wanted to get our hands on (in that sense GIP has been quite cooperative with the ISI liasons in Riyadh).
Abu bhai, the answer to this is simple. The big deal is that this guy played a vital role in the 26/11 Mumbai pogrom and Pakistan had been pressing Saudi Arabia for the past several months to whisk him away to Pakistan. He was even issued a Pakistani passport by the Establishment even though he is an Indian national. He himself has admitted this.

Now what was the urgency and the necessity for Pakistan to go all out to get this man back into Pakistan? So that he is not deported to India as he would spill the beans which would make the Establishment very uncomfortable and embarrassed. He is singing like a canary giving intimate details of the whole 26/11 plot and how it was executed as well as the many terrorist IM and SIMI sleeper cells within India which are being supported by the LeT.

as for Occupied Kashmir -- Pakistan doesnt need to play much role. Kashmiri nationalism is an indigenous phenomenon.
I'm afraid you aren't aware of the reality. Pakistan has been waging a proxy war with the help of various terror groups like the LeT, JeM, HM etc since the late 1980s. All these groups except the HM are NOT indigenous but sent from across the border for the ultimate objective of taking Kashmir by force. The project has failed and can never succeed. Period.

says the indian whose govt's officials run around like funny people all over the world begging countries to stop doing business with and arming the evil Pakistanis

you dotties should listen to yourselves sometime

The extent of abusiveness in your posts seems to be directly proportional to the level of frustration you are undergoing due to lack of a valid response.. Would have been funny, if it wasnt so pathetic :)
That's the truth. Pakistan has been so far the country at the forefront on the war on terror. It has done more than any country on earth can hope to achieve.

Pakistan has been on the forefront on the War on Terror.

It is just which side it is on the forefront that is under question.
pakistan was used as a proxy for many decades by America. The current stalemate is all about money.
Once the dollars start flowing in, Pakistan will be back playing American proxy. Currently it suits Pakistan to be a proxy of China.
I remember some time ago that this was in line with a theory or hypothesis propagated by some American analyst that America would or should try to rule the world through proxies.

India Saudi are two such proxies along with America being a proxy for Israel. It is not at all surprising that we see the proxies working closer and closer

That's because Pakistan is allowing America to drone its civilians only in tribal areas? Hence Pakistan is not bending?
Tell me genius why do American media demonise Pakistan and Iran?? Cos when push comes to shove these countries will never bend to American. Remember Iranian Pakistani India pipeline which India backed out of under pressure from Americans?? Well we didn't. We didn't even when GGC lot tried to get us not to do the IP pipeline

India chose not to buy oil. Pakistan chose to kill its own citizens. Who is America's proxy?
You have no shame?
tell me why did Indians not join the IPI pipeline as Iran is a country Indians say is a good friend?? I say it is cos India along with the others is a proxy of America

@Aryan B
From dream to nightmare - Roedad Khan
Read the above article where Roedad Khan says Pakistan is slave of America.
Here's another link
From England to US, our slavery continues: Fazal - geo.tv

Imran Khan said, that Pakistan has been treated like a hired gun by America to kill its own people.
you dot heads should be asking why your local indian people are turning to terrorism against india.....thats what you should be worried about

not just SIMI, but also those half naked tribal naxals that are infesting your entire northeast (i heard they struck yesterday)

Those 'half naked tribal naxals' do not infest our entire north east. But that's just the fact. The innuendo really gets me; it is vile even by your standards. The last time clothing made a difference to a political stance, it was Churchill talking about a half-naked fakir being allowed to meet the King-Emperor.

I suppose you are to be congratulated on achieving Churchill's level of bad taste. Well done.
Iran is next, if it already isn't.

While it gets ready to jump into bed with Russia, seeing the warning signs coming out of China very clearly, Pakistan finds itself between a rock and a hard place as it can neither play the victim card nor the Muslim brotherhood one anymore.

Would be delicious irony indeed if India could play a central role of hobbling together a grudging alliance between Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the USA, with Pakistan forming the fulcrum around which it is built and moves.

With maybe the first roundtable in the Ritz, Kabul.

Interesting days ahead.
I remember some time ago that this was in line with a theory or hypothesis propagated by some American analyst that America would or should try to rule the world through proxies.

India Saudi are two such proxies along with America being a proxy for Israel. It is not at all surprising that we see the proxies working closer and closer

If India is Proxy Of American; then, what would you call Pakistan :bunny:
so in this new "Great Game".....Saudi replaces Israel from (CIA-MOSSAD-RAW)......interesting!!!!!

besides there are some more great games being played else where on this forum....
India and Vietnam in http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/135370-india-vietnam-great-game-east.html

between India and china inhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/146679-india-china-new-great-game.html

India inhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/128954-india-beefs-up-great-game.html and in http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/71378-india-must-master-great-game-wsj.html

God India must be good
They first begged America for nuclear energy and didn't get it. Then they begged for control of drones and didn't get it. America said, kill your people using foot soldiers. We will kill using drones. Then after dollars stopped flowing, some Pakistanis in PDF started propagating the myth that Pakistan is fighting imperialism and will never bend before America. Then they console themselves by calling India an American proxy.
The fact is their leaders send memo to America asking America to help them save their government.
India co-operates with America when their is common interest, that's all. For instance American intelligence tipped off Indian authorities about this Abu Jindal in Saudi Arabia. Saudi's agreed for his deportation. It was under American pressure that the Pakistani government confessed that the Mumbai attack perpetrators were Pakistani citizens.
It was under American pressure that Pakistan banned Let.
Yet if calling India a Pakistani proxy gives people like Aryan B some self esteem, so be it.
However, it would be a mistake if we believe all Pakistanis are like him. Most Pakistanis believe in peace between India and Pakistan.
I too believe if nations of South Asia unite, we can be very prosperous region.
Both Musharraf and Vajpayee were moving in this direction but soon Vajpayee lost power in India and Mush lost power in Pakistan.
If India is Proxy Of American; then, what would you call Pakistan :bunny:
Pakistan cannot manage the Islamic fundamentalism on its own soil. They are out of their depth and too proud or stupid or ignorant to admit it.

The US knows it. India knows it. Afghanistan knows it. Iran knows it. China knows it. Russia knows it.

The only solution I can possibly see is for foreign forces on their soil to clean things up and give Pakistan back to the Pakistanis.

Even if it would probably involve taking Pakistan away from the Pakistani Army first.

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