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India, US and Saudi Arabia: The 'new' great game!

Div that is the IPI pipeline. Without India it will not cost that much go check the dates of your articles one of them is dated 2008. The IP pipeline was only signed last April

Now you are just copping out.. we were discussing IPI pipeline from which India withdrew. And the initial link from economictimes that I shared and you ridiculed was about India and Pakistan's agreement on the same. Which was in 2007. You are the one who mixed up the IPI (when India was a part of the mix) and IP pipeline costs..
I am surprised at your lack of english understanding despite living in UK. Which part of my post seems abusive to you buddy?

If anyone is a dot head it is you. Why did you refer to Pakistanis in that manner. how was that not ad hominem. Explain?? I left it to other Pakistanis or FB in particular to develop that theme
If anyone is a dot head it is you. Why did you refer to Pakistanis in that manner. how was that not ad hominem. Explain?? I left it to other Pakistanis or FB in particular to develop that theme

Abu called Indians as Dot heads and I called Pakistanis as the same. After all this term applies to both Indians and people of Arabic origin (which all Pakistanis pride themselves of)

you dot heads should be asking why your local indian people are turning to terrorism against india.....thats what you should be worried about

not just SIMI, but also those half naked tribal naxals that are infesting your entire northeast (i heard they struck yesterday)
Go look up the term.. You will be surprised .. ;)


Now you are just copping out.. we were discussing IPI pipeline from which India withdrew. And the initial link from economictimes that I shared and you ridiculed was about India and Pakistan's agreement on the same. Which was in 2007. You are the one who mixed up the IPI (when India was a part of the mix) and IP pipeline costs..

check my post 49 below which is clear evidence that you are a liar

Checked that article. The article is wrong in the first paragraph it sates the cost of IPI at over 7.2 or 7.4 billion that is incorrect that is the cost of TAPI. IP cost is just over a 1 billion. Then I noticed it was an Indian source. Now you know what the former Indian Judge said about you lot and your media?? Let me remind you:



can I suggest you read other than India media so you do not get so easily owned :rofl:

You produced a 2007 article to prove your point. You will note how I corrected you and said the IP pipeline cost is,,

why r u so jumping about this pipeline which is between iran and pakistan funded by china. why do u live in a dream world that this pipeline willl help u create a block of russia, iran, pakistan and china against india. india backed out of this pipeline due to its own reasons. grow up.

Can some of you Indians not read. i will leave it for the reader to read all the post the only inference to be drawn is that you Indian have been found wanting.
check my post 49 which is clear evidence that you are a liar

The only thing that post 49 is an evidence of is the fact that you have no clue what you are talking off

This is what you said in #49
Checked that article. The article is wrong in the first paragraph it sates the cost of IPI at over 7.2 or 7.4 billion that is incorrect that is the cost of TAPI

Now you called the cost of IPI being 7+ billion as incorrect. Now either you are desperately trying to wriggle out of your blunder or you have no idea of what you are trying to say.. take a pick.. ;)
Abu called Indians as Dot heads and I called Pakistanis as the same. After all this term applies to both Indians and people of Arabic origin (which all Pakistanis pride themselves of)

Yea but you lied earlier and claimed that you had not done this. The mitigation you offer is just that inadequate mitigation

The only thing that post 49 is an evidence of is the fact that you have no clue what you are talking off

This is what you said in #49

Now you called the cost of IPI being 7+ billion as incorrect. Now either you are desperately trying to wriggle out of your blunder or you have no idea of what you are trying to say.. take a pick.. ;)

A number of posts on here prove that you are a liar. no amount of smilies will put a smile on your face
Yea but you lied earlier and claimed that you had not done this. The mitigation you offer is just that inadequate mitigation

What did i claim not having done.. ?? What are you babbling about mate?

A number of posts on here prove that you are a liar. no amount of smilies will put a smile on your face

Show it or accept that you screwed the pooch mate.. just making statement in thin air wont get you far..
I'm surprised to see a lot more of the same hasn't happened in india. There are a lot of unresolved issues that continues to pain the muslims and sikhs in india following the 2002 and 1984 riots.
What did i claim not having done.. ?? What are you babbling about mate?

Show it or accept that you screwed the pooch mate.. just making statement in thin air wont get you far..

hindu have you no shame?? say what you want anyone who reads this thread will realise what I said about you earlier is true.

Back to topic The new game is really an old game and means that Saudis and India will be playing the proxy cum lackey roles

Show it or accept that you screwed the pooch mate.. ..

If you want to refer to yourself as the pooch I have no issues with that. That is entirely a matter for you. You sure you didnt mean poodle?

Div that is the IPI pipeline. Without India it will not cost that much go check the dates of your articles one of them is dated 2008. The IP pipeline was only signed last April

Once again I refer you to


Cost of tapi

The cost of construction has been estimated at US$7.6 billion, of which one-third would be financed by the Asian Development Bank, which has sponsored meetings among the various sides over the years.

Asia Times Online :: TAPI price deal close
If you want to refer to yourself as the pooch I have no issues with that. That is entirely a matter for you. You sure you didnt mean poodle?

I was right after all.. English Comprehension is a definite issue with you despite living in UK.. I should be charging you tution fee, man.. but then I would be worried about accepting any money from a Pakistani source.. If you know what I mean ;)

Urban Dictionary: screw the pooch

Cost of tapi

The cost of construction has been estimated at US$7.6 billion, of which one-third would be financed by the Asian Development Bank, which has sponsored meetings among the various sides over the years.

Asia Times Online :: TAPI price deal close

Track back the thread and you will see we were talking about IPI and TAPI and not IP and TAPI. Stop trying to build a smoke screen to hide your embarrassment...

Is this what they teach in Indian schools. back to topic India is a proxy of America. try reading the article and then express yourself as a grown up. i mean the odd use of smiley is one thing. Using several shows the inability to make your point by writing



And you are a dishonest liar that is obsessed with Pakistan. I come on here cos I am Pakistani. lol You complain that I get better treatment and you get banned yet you keep coming to get kicked and banned lol. Enjoy.... ;)

How it feels to be an American poodle or America's doormat in Asia according to press. i was being polite calling India a proxy.
Is this what they teach in Indian schools. back to topic India is a proxy of America. try reading the article and then express yourself as a grown up. i mean the odd use of smiley is one thing. Using several (Emoticons) shows the inability to make your point by writing http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/187309-us-unleashes-indian-poodle.html


LOL LOL ROFL ROFL, well i just had it in written format for U to understand that we've been laughing at your ridiculous posts.

a pakistani calling other 2 countries ( with unharmed soverginity) proxy of US, now thats what i call Hypocracy or one can say a pathological lie.
Is this what they teach in Indian schools. back to topic India is a proxy of America. try reading the article and then express yourself as a grown up. i mean the odd use of smiley is one thing. Using several shows the inability to make your point by writing

SO you are now down to altering the text of my posts in the quotes to make up a response since you have no other comeback left :lol:.. You remind me of my 3 year old nephew who would come to me with chocolate smeared on his face claiming that he has lost the chocolate I gave him a few minutes back. A liar but still so cute .....

Anyway, let me point you to my ealier post about Ameica's proxy in the region

Any way, again you are diverting the topic somewhat. Hand on heart, tell me who is a proxy/slave of USA

1. A country that rejects most of the USA demands like Arms end user agreements, rejects USA weapon bids against competitors from France, refuses to allow USA nuclear companies to enter Indian market at their terms,


2. A country that allows USA to bomb and kill its civilians and military men without any reaction, allows USA ground forces to come withing 60 miles of Islamabad on an unauthorised kill mission and allows a US citizen to just walk back home after murdering 2 Pakistanis in cold blood.

I guess you know the answer.. But whatever floats your boat mate.. what ever floats your boat.. ;)

And you are a dishonest liar that is obsessed with Pakistan. I come on here cos I am Pakistani. lol You complain that I get better treatment and you get banned yet you keep coming to get kicked and banned lol. Enjoy.... ;)

How it feels to be an American poodle or America's doormat in Asia according to press. i was being polite calling India a proxy.

Repeating a lie does not make it a truth. and about obsession, well, its a good adrenaline rush.. Skirting the boundaries of a ban.. Like going to a casino.. You win some, you lose some.. But when you dont like the casino, you get up and go home.. Unlike people who live at the casino and have no other casino to go to.. They have no choice.. If you get my drift ;)

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