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India urged to participate in campaign against Israel

I said some of it and develop the rest in house. Will take longer but you can get there in the end.

We are already working on joint development with Israel, why would we do it on our own? when we can help from the tech leader in this field?
I said some of it and develop the rest in house. Will take longer but you can get there in the end.
in israel ! arabs are living too right ! hindus were made to compromise in pakistan why you wont compromise in israel and that too such a small land !
We are already working on joint development with Israel, why would we do it on our own? when we can help from the tech leader in this field?

Like I say principle before interest.

You obviously don't care so there it is.
The idea is to transfer applied research and technologies to the farmers in various states across India. While Israel has already entered into agreement with seven state governments to set up these centres, the most successful model has been Haryana," Israeli Embassy spokesman Ohad Horsandi told IANS.
Are you now saying that the Palestinians do not deserve a state?
"deserves" got nothing to do with it.
. . .C.Eastwood(Unforgiven)

when was the last time they supported us on kashmir?
if they genuinely want India on there side,,,,all they have to do is pass a resolution in favor of India on kashmir in OIC....
Are you now saying that the Palestinians do not deserve a state?

Even most Jews accept the two-state solution!

Unless the world pressurises the Jews they will not give the Palestinians a viable state.

We don't care what happens to an imaginary country created by Jordanians in 1967 to demand a separate state.

These guys are the same scum that pretend to be victims and attack and kill innocent civilians in Israel.

It is not like the Jews are required for India's existence here. They supply some military equipment and agriculture technology. The agriculture technology is more useful but again India can get some of it from elsewhere and develop the rest in-house. Will take a little longer but won't mean that India will cease to exist.

Indians seem to be by far the biggest supporters of Jews - even more than Westerners these days!

They help us, why should we not help them?

What have the fakestinians got to offer us other than the usual islamic 'oh we are victims' whining?

We don't want that and neither we care about what happens to them.

These losers support resolutions against our internal matters internationally in armchair bodies like OIC and then expect us to support them?



We prefer to respect those who helped us genuinely in times of our need.
india must support Israel against the oppression by these Arabs....
these Palestinians are illegally occupying the jew land ..they must evacuate the Israeli land...
the people of india support Israeli cause....
we dont care your culture , religion , people , burkha , jihad , OBL keep it to yourself !

That is why Muslims will always treat you with suspicion.

There are over a billion Muslims in this world and some like Malaysia and Indonesia are making great progress in the economy and technology field. If you want to keep on with your anti-Muslim views then you will only lose out in the end.

But, you Indians are driven by your blind hatred of Muslims and so you cannot see what is best for your long-term interests
That is why Muslims will always treat you with suspicion.

There are over a billion Muslims in this world and some like Malaysia and Indonesia are making great progress in the economy and technology field. If you want to keep on with your anti-Muslim views then you will only lose out in the end.

But, you Indians are driven by your blind hatred of Muslims and so you cannot see what is best for your long-term interests

you dumb or what? we have good relations with both Malaysia and Indonesia lol what you been smoking?
these uk bengalis are bottom of every social indicator in UK according to the UK census and they want to lecture us lol

you dumb or what? we have good relations with both Malaysia and Indonesia lol what you been smoking?

your Saudi wahabi brothers even signed a strategic agreement with India, what do you have to say to that?
you dumb or what? we have good relations with both Malaysia and Indonesia lol what you been smoking?

No I think you are dumb.

Both the Malaysians and Indonesians are very aware how much Indians dislike Muslims and take sides of anyone that has a dispute with Muslims.

They will take into account how much Indians hate Muslims if and when India needs them in the future
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