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India ups the ante on China

What about the brutal Americans and South Koreans?

the brutal south koreans lost their whole army and the americans were pushed back 400 km.

but in general, you're right.

soviet army 1945: completely bloodthirsty, defeated nazi germany and made sure that germany would feel the pain for 50 years.

soviet army 1980: nice and forgiving to the CIA sponsored taliban, lost shamefully to afghanistan
War between India and China is not happening trust me, what I see going forward is India will get closer to China like USA and hence Pakistan will lose it's leverage on China. It is started and it is none stoppable. I hope the soon some people realize that building military does not make you strong but building economics does.

this is not zero-sum games. indo-china relationship would not came at the cost of a degenerated China and Pakistan friendship, bcoz indo-pakistan relationship will become better and better as the indo-china relationship improved.
the brutal south koreans lost their whole army and the americans were pushed back 400 km.

but in general, you're right.

soviet army 1945: completely bloodthirsty, defeated nazi germany and made sure that germany would feel the pain for 50 years.

soviet army 1980: nice and forgiving to the CIA sponsored taliban, lost shamefully to afghanistan

an another twisted fact by fellow chinese member
it is what ur communist govt told u

u won the korean war?:hitwall:
the chinese and north korean soldiers were butchered in the war by americans

chinese casualities ....................................n.korea
114 thousand killed....................................215 thousand dead
380 thousand wounded.............................303 thousand wounded
21 thousand POW......................................120 thousand POW

american casualities...................................s.korea
36 thousand dead......................................137 thousand dead
92 thousand wounded................................32 thousand POW
7 thousand POW

just look at the difference, specially b/t the chinese and american one, still they won the war,i think everybody will only get happy if they win war in the same fashion

abt the war do u even know the full events of the war,do u know that chinese and north korean army had captured seoul after the 4th phase offensive

do u even know that u.s forces counter attacked with operation roundup followed by operation killer followed by operation ripper and forced chinese and north korean forces to retreat from seoul and fall back

do u know chinese counterattacked with fifth phase offense which was a total failure

chinese further retreated back and the UN eighth army regained LINE KANSAS before the stalemate

so next time when u brag abt 400 km,remember that a lot of events also followed after

if u pushed americans from north korean area they also pulled u back from south korean area but still if u think somebody won just look i the numbers i had given:smokin:

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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War between India and China is not happening trust me, what I see going forward is India will get closer to China like USA and hence Pakistan will lose it's leverage on China. It is started and it is none stoppable. I hope the soon some people realize that building military does not make you strong but building economics does.
Jus lyk my buddy said:
its mostly indians who talk about about peace in indo chinese relations, not many chinese talk about brotherly love with india, because they know they have the upper hand.
India cant fight China so want peace, but in the case of Pakistan its the other way around:lol:
Jus lyk my buddy said:

India cant fight China so want peace, but in the case of Pakistan its the other way around:lol:

U think we cant fight china so are wanting peace.Remove your rose coloured tinted glasses and see how the indians are preparing for a two front war.
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U think we cant fight china so are wanting peace.Remove your rose coloured tinted glasses and see how the indians are preparing for a two front war.

Since they are recruiting terrorist as a soilders thats why they are thinking that everyone is like them .. :pakistan:

Pity ..
its mostly indians who talk about about peace in indo chinese relations, not many chinese talk about brotherly love with india, because they know they have the upper hand.

Or may be they are bit lazy to translate their chinese emotions towards India in english. Nevertheless we know their good intentions. :smitten:
the brutal south koreans lost their whole army and the americans were pushed back 400 km.

but in general, you're right.

soviet army 1945: completely bloodthirsty, defeated nazi germany and made sure that germany would feel the pain for 50 years.

soviet army 1980: nice and forgiving to the CIA sponsored taliban, lost shamefully to afghanistan

Are you on weed on something like that?

The number of Chinese casualties was almost more than triple compared to that of the South Koreans and Americans.

So according to you soldiers should go to battlefield to make love stories accepting bullet wounds all over the body from the enemy troops?

And about the Soviet Army? Do you have any idea what the Nazis had done to the Soviets, not only army men but also civilians, particularly women and children?

Do you have access to books? Does your lovely commie regime of Beijing let you read books?

And who said the collapse of the Soviet was related to the capture of Berlin by Soviet soldiers?

Let me tell you the truth, PRC will collapse sooner or later, not because of the PLA but because of your lovely incompetent commie regime's cowardice and harmonious dream. Mark my words.
an another twisted fact by fellow chinese member
it is what ur communist govt told u

u won the korean war?:hitwall:
the chinese and north korean soldiers were butchered in the war by americans

chinese casualities ....................................n.korea
114 thousand killed....................................215 thousand dead
380 thousand wounded.............................303 thousand wounded
21 thousand POW......................................120 thousand POW

american casualities...................................s.korea
36 thousand dead......................................137 thousand dead
92 thousand wounded................................32 thousand POW
7 thousand POW

just look at the difference, specially b/t the chinese and american one, still they won the war,i think everybody will only get happy if they win war in the same fashion

abt the war do u even know the full events of the war,do u know that chinese and north korean army had captured seoul after the 4th phase offensive

do u even know that u.s forces counter attacked with operation roundup followed by operation killer followed by operation ripper and forced chinese and north korean forces to retreat from seoul and fall back

do u know chinese counterattacked with fifth phase offense which was a total failure

chinese further retreated back and the UN eighth army regained LINE KANSAS before the stalemate

so next time when u brag abt 400 km,remember that a lot of events also followed after

if u pushed americans from north korean area they also pulled u back from south korean area but still if u think somebody won just look i the numbers i had given:smokin:

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Winning a war is not measured on the no. casualities. China had to trade life with superioity in American firepower.

China war primary objective is to prevent N Korean fall to the UN and American did not overun the N Korean as planned. In this sense, who won the war?
Are you on weed on something like that?

The number of Chinese casualties was almost more than triple compared to that of the South Koreans and Americans.

So according to you soldiers should go to battlefield to make love stories accepting bullet wounds all over the body from the enemy troops?

And about the Soviet Army? Do you have any idea what the Nazis had done to the Soviets, not only army men but also civilians, particularly women and children?

Do you have access to books? Does your lovely commie regime of Beijing let you read books?

And who said the collapse of the Soviet was related to the capture of Berlin by Soviet soldiers?

Let me tell you the truth, PRC will collapse sooner or later, not because of the PLA but because of your lovely incompetent commie regime's cowardice and harmonious dream. Mark my words.

You must be incompetence in warfare... War is not measured by casualities... It is measured by objective.

I think India will disintegrate into 30pcs... Mark my words.
U think we cant fight china so are wanting peace.Remove your rose coloured tinted glasses and see how the indians are preparing for a two front war.

Indian can talk BIG only. That's what they are famous for...

Trust me! Check it out, many peoples told me how they feel about Indian.

India cannot take Pakistan and how could she take both Pakistan and China together... That's a joke..

1962 is a lesson for India... India PM had to seek UN help when someone kick her ***.
You must be incompetence in warfare... War is not measured by casualities... It is measured by objective.

I think India will disintegrate into 30pcs... Mark my words.

You are confusing China with the communist regime of Beijing which no one likes.

The commies are cowards and traitors. Accept it. Its reality.

The commies have bowed down to indian pressure by recognizing Aksai Chin as part of india and giving up claims over South Tibet. But you blindly keep worshiping the communist regime.

Are you are patriotic nationalist or a communist?

india asked China to support india's effort to get a permanent seat in UNSC. And the disgusting low life scumbag commies just agreed with india out of fear. Just waiting for the news to get published.

China must back India for UNSC, says Krishna - India - The Times of India
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