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Featured India Uncovered its secret "GHATAK" drone: Stealth deep strike capable

At least work is under progress and it always starts with a model.
Yes 50 years from now we will still be discussing this model
A full scale version is already built and currently undergoing radar cross section testing.

Yes, but autonous systems (take off, landing, loitering) are better tested on scale model. In case of crashes (not unlikely with new software), it's easier to move on
Yiu are telling an aerospace engineer this???? Loool ok
Yes 50 years from now we will still be discussing this model

Yiu are telling an aerospace engineer this???? Loool ok
You pakistanis are a different breed overexaggerating everything, if we will take 50 years then how much time you will take making a simple drone out of yourself without copying chinese drones😂?
You pakistanis are a different breed overexaggerating everything, if we will take 50 years then how much time you will take making a simple drone out of yourself without copying chinese drones😂?View attachment 678896View attachment 678897View attachment 678898View attachment 678899
Atleast we are making them ourselves... not paying America 3 billion usd for 30 drones ... keep filling other people's pockets and act like you are a drone super power.... what happened to your rustom drone failure DODO milking you guys ......
Atleast we are making them ourselves... not paying America 3 billion usd for 30 drones ... keep filling other people's pockets and act like you are a drone super power.... what happened to your rustom drone failure DODO milking you guys ......

Rustam 2 UCAV just completed a 8 hr test flight in SATCOM mode. Is to be tested on 24 hours endurance mission by the year end.

You are importing Chinese drones, in semi knocked down kits, assembling them, painting a Pakistani flag on them, rechristening them with a Arabic name and calling them indigenously developed drones.

And that is much worse.
Rustam 2 UCAV just completed a 8 hr test flight in SATCOM mode. Is to be tested on 24 hours endurance mission by the year end.

You are importing Chinese drones, in semi knocked down kits, assembling them, painting a Pakistani flag on them, rechristening them with a Arabic name and calling them indigenously developed drones.

And that is much worse.

1. Pakistani “Indigenous” Burraq UCAV

2. Chinese CH-3 UCAV

You pakistanis are a different breed overexaggerating everything, if we will take 50 years then how much time you will take making a simple drone out of yourself without copying chinese drones😂?View attachment 678896View attachment 678897View attachment 678898View attachment 678899
But our systems are active and do we claim 100 %indigenous? Now look at tejas...indigenous. engines made in India
Radar made in India
Design made in India
Weapons made in India
Coconut. Made in India????
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Rustam 2 UCAV just completed a 8 hr test flight in SATCOM mode. Is to be tested on 24 hours endurance mission by the year end.

You are importing Chinese drones, in semi knocked down kits, assembling them, painting a Pakistani flag on them, rechristening them with a Arabic name and calling them indigenously developed drones.

And that is much worse.
Rustom failed so you guys decided to go for 30 drones from US instead because DODO can't make shit right ... just like LCA 40 year failure Rustom is also a failure and will stay in testing phase for the next 40 years .... btw yesterday I heard your nirbhay also failed what a shame .... only brahmous works which is a Russian missile you guys just paint it with your flag only paint is indigenous in brahmous.... what other drones has India made so far ?? None the ones you make are still in testing and will stay in testing phase forever... atleast we are manufacturing light weight UAVs and importing heavier ones but you guys on the other hands are filling Israeli and US pockets a nation of more than a billion can't even make a light weight UAV ....
Wish we had a sugar daddy who let's us paint our flag on their platforms
You guys have two sugar daddy's Israel and US both selling you drones for absurd amount of money..... can't make a drone sad ....
But our systems are active and do we aim 100 %indigenous. Now look at tejas...indigenous. engines made in India
Radar made in India
Design made in India
Weapons made in India
Coconut. Made in India????
Everything gets indigenised over time, for example our 5th Gen Fighter AMCA

1. Design: 🇮🇳
2. Radar: UTTAM AESA of 🇮🇳
3. Engine: Joint venture 🇮🇳-🇬🇧/🇫🇷
4. Weapons:
a) Ait-to-air: Astra MK1 BVR🇮🇳, Astra MK2 BVR🇮🇳, Astra IR🇮🇳, SFDR of 🇮🇳 🇷🇺.
b) Anti-Radiation: DRDO NGARM (Rudram-1)🇮🇳
c) Air-to-Surface: BrahMos🇮🇳🇷🇺, various others made by Private firms and DRDO in 🇮🇳.
d) Anti-Ship: BrahMos🇮🇳🇷🇺, DRDO NASM-SR 🇮🇳
e) Bombs: Dozens of guided/unguided bombs already made in 🇮🇳.
5. Avionics: 🇮🇳(Completely/Almost)
6. IRST: 🇮🇳
7. Thrust Vector Control: 🇮🇳🇷🇺
8. Helmet Mounted Display/Cueing system: 🇮🇳
9. Stealth Technology: 🇮🇳
10. Radar Absorbing Material:🇮🇳

On one side you say we are beggars
on the other side you say we are importer

When you accept it's our homemade you call it cheap useless
on the other side you compare it with Top class goods

Mental health???
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Who are you to say Rustom failed?
a 2 rupee troll like you will always say this that Indian systems are always failures.

we are buying it from USA because it is a UCAV, Rustom is a Reconnaissance and ISTAR operations drone with additional capability of carrying weapons and Rustom 2 days ago completed its test flight.

Where do you shit then?
So after failure of your so called INDIGENOUS rustom 2 you guys are purchasing drones from Americans ....
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Everything gets indigenised over time, for example our 5th Gen Fighter AMCA

1. Design: 🇮🇳
2. Radar: UTTAM AESA of 🇮🇳
3. Engine: Joint venture 🇮🇳-🇬🇧/🇫🇷
4. Weapons:
a) Ait-to-air: Astra MK1 BVR🇮🇳, Astra MK2 BVR🇮🇳, Astra IR🇮🇳, SFDR of 🇮🇳 🇷🇺.
b) Anti-Radiation: DRDO NGARM (Rudram-1)🇮🇳
c) Air-to-Surface: BrahMos🇮🇳🇷🇺, various others made by Private firms and DRDO in 🇮🇳.
d) Anti-Ship: BrahMos🇮🇳🇷🇺, DRDO NASM-SR 🇮🇳
e) Bombs: Dozens of guided/unguided bombs already made in 🇮🇳.
5. Avionics: 🇮🇳(Completely/Almost)
6. IRST: 🇮🇳
7. Thrust Vector Control: 🇮🇳🇷🇺
8. Helmet Mounted Display/Cueing system: 🇮🇳
9. Stealth Technology: 🇮🇳
10. Radar Absorbing Material:🇮🇳
Design is Indian.....lol ask the French

Hell everything is indian...that's why it took 40 years and still the airforce is forced to take it.
Why do you buy french and Russian crap when you have a samosa.. I mean tejas
This forum instantly become troll each other forum when Indian and Pakistanis join a thread.
Why we can't just discuss the topic in hand?
It doesn't matter who is making what and who is better... It can be decided in war, until hen we should discuss the technicalities and design etc. So, that people like us, who are here to learn can learn something!
Grow up guys!
This forum instantly become troll each other forum when Indian and Pakistanis join a thread.
Why we can't just discuss the topic in hand?
It doesn't matter who is making what and who is better... It can be decided in war, until hen we should discuss the technicalities and design etc. So, that people like us, who are here to learn can learn something!
Grow up guys!
I respect your point, I don’t understand why pakistanis start trolling Indian projects saying them failure, Today’s Tejas is heavily upgraded and in December the deal for 83 MK1A Tejas will be signed.

Rustom-2 failed? how? when it is under development how one say it failed?
yesterday’s Nirbhay test was done with an Indian engine which was turbofan, earlier tests were done with russian turbojet engines.

turbofan use increases range and that was the test about.
just google how many times American and Russian missiles failed tests before trolling us.
Tejas is 40 year old junk don't even compare it to JF 17 ..... Nirbhay failed.. tejas failed.. your UAV projects failed... so you guys decided to purchase 30 MQ 9 for 3 Billion usd .... a nation of more than a billion can't make a UCAV and wants to fight China a world leader in drone technology..... AMCA just like tejas will keep developing for 40 years I know how good HAL is ..... we are manufacturing 58 percent of JF 17 it's a joint venture the rest comes from China ... I hope you know the meaning of JOINT VENTURE .... we never called JF 17 indigenous because clearly it's not .... while you guys keep on importing things and paint it with your flag ....
Tejas was delayed due to following reasons:
1. Engine development (Jet engine is world’s most difficult and complex system to make)
2. American sanctions
3. HAL being a PSU not Private Company
4. Modifications for FOC


which UAV projects failed?
lol you trolls just spam indian projects failed, should I remind you that even your project sabre-II failed :omghaha: :rofl: .

58% of Airframe is Pakistani rest whole aircraft is made with Imported components, name anything pakistani in JF17.
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