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India Turning Into World's Child Death Capital!

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OMG this is sick you people are living in 10th world country why they producing kids if they can't feed them majority killed their babes because they want son not daughter. Indians better wake up to the reality before its too late stop these human activities this only possible if you people stop dreaming about supa powa and focus on your domestic social problems.
India 5,000 children die every day, it is not considered one. This is the biggest human rights and child rights violation of all times.

According to survey conducted by the NGO World Vision

India has turned into child death Capital!

A report says that India is responsible for 25 percent of the world’s child deaths. India along with Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo cause 40 per cent of the total child deaths in the world.

Why India Is Still Such a Dangerous Places to Give Birth | TIME.com

India Turning Into World's Child Death Capital!



And China has become a legal Abortion Capital of the world.....

Exact statistics on the number of abortions performed annually are hard to come by as not all abortions are registered and Family Planning statistics are usually considered state secrets.[4] However in 2008, there were an estimated 13 million abortions performed, and approximately 10 million abortion pills sold.[4] Induced abortions are more common in urban areas, where couples may only have one child.[5] In rural areas, it is permissible to have a second child if the first born is a girl and a "second-birth permit" is granted, costing approximately 4,000 yuan (US$600).[6] By the 70s, abortion was officially termed a "remedial measure" for realising China's goals of controlling the population.[7]

Abortion in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This son better than daughter attitude is sick. I hope after a generation, the my countrymen would be free from this attitude.
The govt needs to be very serious in tackling this problem.
WTF. All our political leaders should be brought to account for these sad and tragic state of affairs. man our govts are sick
Always feel sorry for innocent children who are victims of greedy, shortsighted and/or inept politicians.
this is sick, what kind of monsters do such things.
india is worse than nazi germany.
truly disgusting.

True ..now go and stop your Govt from aborting 7-8 month pregnant women.
India 5,000 children die every day. This is the biggest human rights and child rights violation of all times :tdown:

Did you read the post that I answered to or just decided to post some random brain fart for your 50 cents.
this is sick, what kind of monsters do such things.
india is worse than nazi germany.
truly disgusting.

India has killed more people since 1947 than the Holocaust 100x over.
India infant mortality rate( under 1) - 48
Child mortality rate ( under 5)- 63

Pakistan infant mortality rate ( under 1)- 70
Child mortality rate (under 5 )-87

WHO | World Health Statistics 2012

Download the global health indicators .

You compare under 1 stats for India with under 5 stats for China? You turd.

India infant mortality rate( under 1) - 48
Child mortality rate ( under 5)- 63

Pakistan infant mortality rate ( under 1)- 70
Child mortality rate (under 5 )-87

WHO | World Health Statistics 2012

Download the global health indicators .

Read the same fvcking report.

China mortality under 5 - 18
India mortality under 5 -48

You are one liar. Case closed.
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