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India Tops in Illiteracy and Defense Spending

I have just published on my blog, Haq's Musings, a guest post by Colonel Pavan Nair, a retired Indian Army officer, a detailed analysis of the Indian defense spending in the context of the nation's growing needs for social spending on food, education and health care. Col Nair prefaces his analysis by lamenting that "defense economics has not been a subject for serious study or debate in Indian academic or military circles. Little or no literature is available with the exception of a few books in the area of defense accounts. Economists and activists have long argued that defense related expenditure needs to be curtailed. Opinion is clearly divided between the developmental lobby and strategic thinkers who wield influence with the political leadership."

Centre to set up Model Colleges in 374 educationally backward districts

Thursday, January 21, 2010
New Delhi: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the introduction of a new Scheme to provide central assistance for setting up of a model degree college in each of the identified 374 educationally backward districts where Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for higher education is less than the national GER.

Point-wise details:

(a) The Central Government shall provide assistance to the extent of one third of the capital cost for establishment of each college, limited to Rs.2.67 crore. For Special Category States, the Central share shall be 50% of the capital cost limited to Rs.4 crore for each college.
(b) The land shall be provided free of cost by the State Governments. The balance amount of the capital cost, and the recurring cost of running these new colleges shall be met by the concerned State Governments.
(c) During the remaining period of the 11th Five Year Plan, assistance shall be provided for establishing 200 model colleges in identified districts, with priority being given to special category states and districts having concentration of weaker sections and minorities as well as other districts in Schedule V and Schedule VI areas.
(d) The Scheme will have prospective effect and will be applicable to those colleges where admissions commence after 21.01.2010.
(e) A clear Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be signed with each State Government before any release of funds is made.
(f) The Scheme shall be implemented both through the University Grants commission (which can release funds to the concerned affiliating university for establishment of the college as its constituent college) and also alternatively by way of direct release of funds by the Ministry of Human Resource Development to the concerned State Government, which may like to set up the college either as an affiliated or a constituent college.

The total funds requirements will be Rs.2992 crore (for 374 colleges @ Rs.8 crore per college), and the Central share shall be about Rs.1079 crore. During the remaining period by the XI Plan it is proposed to provide Central assistance for 200 colleges for which the financial requirement (central share) shall be limited to about Rs.615.13 crore.

Assuming that the average number of students in a college is 500, the total number of students who would be enrolled in the 374 colleges, shall be about 1,87,000.

This is a new Scheme meant exclusively for students in educationally backward districts, aspiring for higher education. The Scheme shall help in increasing the GER in educationally backward districts.

The Scheme will be publicized among the State Governments immediately for inviting proposals from the States. All the identified 374 higher educationally backward districts in the country where the GER is less than the national GER shall be covered.


In his Independence Speech on 15th August 2007, the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India had announced, inter alia, that "We will also ensure that adequate numbers of colleges are set up across the country, especially in districts where enrolment levels are low. We will help States set up colleges in 370 such districts". The XI Five Year Plan document as approved by the National Development Council envisages, among other things, that 370 new Degree Colleges will be established in Districts with low Gross Enrolment Ratio based on careful selection.
Human Development Report 2009 - Adult illiteracy rate (% aged 15 and above)

Adult illiteracy rate (% aged 15 and above)

HDI Rank Country 1999-2007 1

1 Norway ..
2 Australia ..
3 Iceland ..
4 Canada ..
5 Ireland ..
6 Netherlands ..
7 Sweden ..
8 France ..
9 Switzerland ..
10 Japan ..
11 Luxembourg ..
12 Finland ..
13 United States ..
14 Austria ..
15 Spain 2.1 2
16 Denmark ..
17 Belgium ..
18 Italy 1.1 3
19 Liechtenstein ..
20 New Zealand ..
21 United Kingdom ..
22 Germany ..
23 Singapore 5.6 3
24 Hong Kong, China (SAR) .. 4
25 Greece 2.9 3
26 Korea (Republic of) .. 5
27 Israel 2.9 6
28 Andorra ..
29 Slovenia 0.3 3 5
30 Brunei Darussalam 5.1 3
31 Kuwait 5.5 2
32 Cyprus 2.3 3
33 Qatar 6.9 2
34 Portugal 5.1 3
35 United Arab Emirates 10.0 2
36 Czech Republic .. 5
37 Barbados .. 4 5
38 Malta 7.6 7
39 Bahrain 11.2 3
40 Estonia 0.2 3 5
41 Poland 0.7 3 5
42 Slovakia .. 5
43 Hungary 1.1 3
44 Chile 3.5 3
45 Croatia 1.3 3
46 Lithuania 0.3 3 5
47 Antigua and Barbuda 1.1 7
48 Latvia 0.2 3 5
49 Argentina 2.4 3
50 Uruguay 2.1 2
51 Cuba 0.2 3 5
52 Bahamas .. 4
53 Mexico 7.2 2
54 Costa Rica 4.1 3
55 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 13.2 3
56 Oman 15.6 3
57 Seychelles 8.2 7
58 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 4.8 2
59 Saudi Arabia 15.0 3
60 Panama 6.6 3
61 Bulgaria 1.7 3
62 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2.2 8
63 Romania 2.4 3
64 Trinidad and Tobago 1.3 3
65 Montenegro 3.6 7 9
66 Malaysia 8.1 3
67 Serbia 3.6 7 9
68 Belarus 0.3 3 5
69 Saint Lucia 5.2 10
70 Albania 1.0 3 5
71 Russian Federation 0.5 3 5
72 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3.0 3
73 Dominica 12.0 10
74 Grenada 4.0 10
75 Brazil 10.0 2
76 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.3 11
77 Colombia 7.3 2
78 Peru 10.4 2
79 Turkey 11.3 2
80 Ecuador 9.0 7
81 Mauritius 12.6 3
82 Kazakhstan 0.4 3 5
83 Lebanon 10.4 2
84 Armenia 0.5 3 5
85 Ukraine 0.3 3 5
86 Azerbaijan 0.5 2 5
87 Thailand 5.9 3
88 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 17.7 2
89 Georgia 0 5 12
90 Dominican Republic 10.9 3
91 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 11.9 10
92 China 6.7 3
93 Belize 24.9 10
94 Samoa 1.3 3
95 Maldives 3.0 3
96 Jordan 8.9 2
97 Suriname 9.6 3
98 Tunisia 22.3 3
99 Tonga 0.8 3 5
100 Jamaica 14.0 3
101 Paraguay 5.4 2
102 Sri Lanka 9.2 2
103 Gabon 13.8 3
104 Algeria 24.6 3
105 Philippines 6.6 3
106 El Salvador 18.0 7
107 Syrian Arab Republic 16.9 3
108 Fiji .. 4
109 Turkmenistan 0.5 3 5
110 Occupied Palestinian Territories 6.2 2
111 Indonesia 8.0 2
112 Honduras 16.4 2
113 Bolivia 9.3 2
114 Guyana .. 4
115 Mongolia 2.7 3
116 Viet Nam 9.7 7
117 Moldova 0.8 3 5
118 Equatorial Guinea 13.0 11
119 Uzbekistan 3.1 11
120 Kyrgyzstan 0.7 3 5
121 Cape Verde 16.2 3
122 Guatemala 26.8 3
123 Egypt 33.6 7
124 Nicaragua 22.0 7
125 Botswana 17.1 3
126 Vanuatu 21.9 3
127 Tajikistan 0.4 3 5
128 Namibia 12.0 3
129 South Africa 12.0 3
130 Morocco 44.4 3
131 Sao Tome and Principe 12.1 3
132 Bhutan 47.2 7
133 Lao People's Democratic Republic 27.3 7
134 India 34.0 3
135 Solomon Islands 23.4 6
136 Congo 18.9 3
137 Cambodia 23.7 3
138 Myanmar 10.1 11
139 Comoros 24.9 3
140 Yemen 41.1 3
141 Pakistan 45.8 2
142 Swaziland 20.4 11
143 Angola 32.6 11
144 Nepal 43.5 3
145 Madagascar 29.3 11
146 Bangladesh 46.5 3
147 Kenya 26.4 11
148 Papua New Guinea 42.2 3
149 Haiti 37.9 13 7
150 Sudan 39.1 11 14
151 Tanzania (United Republic of) 27.7 3
152 Ghana 35.0 3
153 Cameroon 32.1 2
154 Mauritania 44.2 3
155 Djibouti .. 4
156 Lesotho 17.8 2
157 Uganda 26.4 3
158 Nigeria 28.0 3
159 Togo 46.8 11
160 Malawi 28.2 3
161 Benin 59.5 3
162 Timor-Leste 49.9 15
163 Côte d'Ivoire 51.3 11
164 Zambia 29.4 3
165 Eritrea 35.8 3
166 Senegal 58.1 2
167 Rwanda 35.1 11
168 Gambia .. 4
169 Liberia 44.5 3
170 Guinea 70.5 11
171 Ethiopia 64.1 2
172 Mozambique 55.6 3
173 Guinea-Bissau 35.4 3
174 Burundi 40.7 11
175 Chad 68.2 3
176 Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 32.8 11
177 Burkina Faso 71.3 2
178 Mali 73.8 2
179 Central African Republic 51.4 11
180 Sierra Leone 61.9 3
181 Afghanistan 72.0 11
182 Niger 71.3 2

Buddy do you think 92 spot for china better just because its better then india? When china reach around top 5 then you should pull india's leg. Right now china need to do alot. 92 spot for next big thing is not something boostful buddy.
isnt india ahead of many countries in illiteracy

i know its still very low and it will for 10yrs but are we really top in tat section
hope some one will get wat i mean

India to set up 1600 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) & Polytechnics and 50,000 Skill Development Centre

Rajya Sabha

In compliance of the announcement of Hon’ble Prime Minister on 15th August, 2007 to set up 1600 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) & Polytechnics and 50,000 Skill Development Centres with active help of the private sector, DGE&T, Ministry of Labour & Employment has undertaken a project titled “Kaushal Vikas Yojana” to set up 1500 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) & 5000 Skill Development Centres (SDCs) in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode in the country at locations identified by the State Governments. ITIs are proposed to be set up in unserviced blocks (blocks where no ITIs/ITCs exist) & SDCs in a cluster of about ten villages.

State Governments have been requested to identify locations where free of cost land and basic infrastructure such as power, water, road, etc. are available.

Establishment of such institutes involves three partners (i) Private Training Provider playing the leading role (ii) State Government providing land free of cost and basic infrastructural support and (iii) Central Government providing Viability Gap Funding (VGF), if needed. Depending on the locations, various options are proposed to be explored. Funding pattern may vary from place to place.

The Govt. is in the process of preparing Detailed Project Report with the help of a Transaction Advisor and obtaining mandatory approvals. The project is likely to be rolled out in the next financial year.

This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour & Employment Shri Harish Rawat in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.
@ all guys
Is it 2nd spot australia literate? i think they should be somewhere 'last spot'. The way they beating indians just for a penny shows the crediblity of the list. What u say guys?
I have just published on my blog, Haq's Musings,

Govt plans three universities for minorities
New Delhi, IANS:

After allocating Rs 25 crore (Rs 250 million) for two more campuses of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), the government is planning to set up three more universities for the country's minorities, according to officials.

"Three universities primarily for the students of minority communities will be set up with a view to providing them better higher education," a senior official of the minority affairs ministry told reporters, requesting anonymity since he is not authorised to speak to the media. These universities will be set up in Mysore (Karnataka), Kishanganj (Bihar) and Ajmer (Rajasthan). According to the official, "Fifty per cent of the seats in these universities will be reserved for minority students to make them more competitive in the job market."

To be set up on land owned by Waqf boards, these universities will provide education in all modern subjects along with theological teaching. However, officials said the biggest problem in establishing such universities will be to overcome the legal hurdles for providing 50 percent reservation for students from minority communities.
"Our effort is to find a solution according to constitutional provisions so that the proposal doesn't get stuck in legalities as it happened in the case of AMU."

In a 1968 lawsuit, the Supreme Court of India scrapped the minority status of the AMU. Then prime minister Indira Gandhi restored the AMU's minority status through legislation in 1981. But in 2006, a division bench of the Allahabad High Court struck down the provision of the AMU Amendment Act, 1981. It rejected the central government's plea for restoring the minority status of the AMU and scrapped 50 percent reservation for Muslim students. This was challenged by the centre in the apex court, which is yet to take a decision on the matter.

Minority affairs ministry officials said the government was trying to work out a new model to overcome such legal hurdles. According to this model, the "land for these universities will be given by the Waqf board and the government will set up a university on it. Since these universities will be for the minorities, reservation for 50 per cent minority students will be justified". The draft has been prepared and will be sent to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD).

Hence, brother you should be more censored about the your own back yard then losing sleep over India.
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Buddy do you think 92 spot for china better just because its better then india? When china reach around top 5 then you should pull india's leg. Right now china need to do alot. 92 spot for next big thing is not something boostful buddy.

I hope you will stop trolling by intentionally draging China into it to

flame, unless you asking to get ban.

Now go and read the details of my two posts, one was ranking of

all ages and updated on 2001, the next one was ranking of illiteracy

for 15 years old and above from 1999-2007.

Take a detail look before you looking for comparison .

P.S. I will take it as an insult for China to be compare with India in

illiteracy issue. :smitten::pakistan::china:
. .
Hai, grey boy 2, just a finding of the tables you posted. in Litracy rate India at 145 but at HDI India at 134. that means we are improving & countering the Illetracy. but why Chaines position has sliped from 81 in Literacy to 95 in HDI. does that mean chaina should more woried than india. as we are going in the right direction but your are not.
Hai, grey boy 2, just a finding of the tables you posted. in Litracy rate India at 145 but at HDI India at 134. that means we are improving & countering the Illetracy. but why Chaines position has sliped from 81 in Literacy to 95 in HDI. does that mean chaina should more woried than india. as we are going in the right direction but your are not.

This will be the last time for me to answer such a dumn question,

Now can you read and understand the difference of the two ranking ?

(1) for all ages, last updated on 2001.

(2) for age 15 and above from 1999-2007.

Do you understand now ?

Read my post of rankings again, it dosn't came with any of my comments, i had no

intention to start a flame war. Don't get me to start one !!

This thread is about India not China, don't troll and flame !!:smitten::pakistan::china:
StateMaster - Encyclopedia: List of countries by literacy rate

Rank Country Literacy rate
1 Georgia 100.0[1]
1 Finland 100.0[2]
1 Luxembourg 100.0[3]
1 Norway 100.0[4]
5 United States of America 99.9 [5]
6 Cuba 99.8 [2]
6 Estonia 99.8
7 Barbados 99.7
7 Latvia 99.7
7 Poland 99.7
7 Slovenia 99.7
11 Belarus 99.6
11 Lithuania 99.6
11 Slovakia 99.6
14 Kazakhstan 99.5
14 Tajikistan 99.5
16 Armenia 99.4
16 Russian Federation 99.4
16 Ukraine 99.4
19 Hungary 99.3
20 Uzbekistan 99.3
21 Switzerland 99.0
21 Sweden 99.0
21 New Zealand 99.0
21 Netherlands 99.0
21 Japan 99.0
21 Ireland (Republic of) 99.0
21 Iceland 99.0
21 Denmark 99.0
21 Germany 99.0
21 France 99.0
21 Czech Republic 99.0
21 Belgium 99.0
21 Canada 99.0
21 Australia 99.0[6]
35 Tonga 98.9
36 Azerbaijan 98.8
36 Turkmenistan 98.8
38 Albania 98.7
38 Kyrgyzstan 98.7
38 Samoa 98.7
41 Trinidad and Tobago 98.6
42 Italy 98.5
43 Romania 98.4 [3]
44 Bulgaria 98.2
45 Croatia 98.1
46 Austria 98.0
47 South Korea 97.9
48 Mongolia 97.8
48 Greece 97.8
50 Spain 97.7
50 Uruguay 97.7
52 Argentina 97.5
53 Maldives 97.2
54 Israel 96.9
55 Cyprus 96.8
56 Guyana 96.5
57 Montenegro 96.4[7]
58 Moldova 96.2
59 Republic of Macedonia 96.1
59 Taiwan 96.1
61 Grenada 96.0
62 Costa Rica 95.8
63 Chile 95.7
64 Bahamas 95.5
65 Bosnia and Herzegovina 94.6
66 Colombia 94.2
67 Hong Kong S.A.R. of the People's Republic of China 93.5
68 Venezuela 93.0
69 Fiji 92.9
70 Brunei 92.7
71 Philippines 92.6
71 Thailand 92.6
73 Malta 92.5
73 Portugal 92.5
73 Singapore 92.5
76 Palestinian territories 91.9
76 Panama 91.9
76 Seychelles 91.9
79 Paraguay 91.6
80 Ecuador 91.0
81 People's Republic of China (mainland only) 90.9
82 Sri Lanka 90.4
83 Mexico 90.3
83 Vietnam 90.3
85 Saint Lucia 90.1
86 Zimbabwe 90.0
87 Jordan 89.9
88 Myanmar 89.7
89 Qatar 89.2
90 Malaysia 88.7
91 Brazil 88.4
92 Turkey 88.3
93 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 88.1
94 Dominica 88.0
94 Suriname 88.0
96 Indonesia 87.9
97 Bahrain 87.7
97 Dominican Republic 87.7
97 Peru 87.7
100 Jamaica 87.6
93 Bolivia 86.5
93 Lebanon 86.5
94 Antigua and Barbuda 85.8
95 Namibia 85.0
96 Mauritius 84.3
97 Equatorial Guinea 84.2
98 São Tomé and Principe 83.1
99 Kuwait 82.9
99 Syria 82.9
100 Congo 82.8
110 South Africa 82.4
111 Libya 81.7
112 Lesotho 81.4
113 Iran 80.0
113 Honduras 80.0
115 El Salvador 79.7
116 Saudi Arabia 79.4
117 Swaziland 79.2
118 Botswana 78.9
118 Tanzania 78.2
119 United Arab Emirates 77.3
120 Belize 76.9
121 Nicaragua 76.7
122 Solomon Islands 76.6
123 Cape Verde 75.7
124 Oman 74.4
125 Tunisia 74.3
126 Vanuatu 74.0
127 Cambodia 73.6
127 Kenya 73.6
129 Gabon 71.0
130 Madagascar 70.6
131 Algeria 69.8
133 Guatemala 69.1
134 Uganda 68.9
135 Laos 68.7
136 Cameroon 67.9
136 Zambia 67.9
138 Angola 66.8
138 Nigeria 66.8
140 Djibouti 65.5
141 Democratic Republic of Congo 65.3
142 Malawi 64.1
143 Rwanda 64.0
144 Morocco 61.6 [4]
145 India 61.0
146 Sudan 59.0
147 Burundi 58.9
148 Timor-Leste 58.6
149 Papua New Guinea 57.3
150 Eritrea 56.7
151 Comoros 56.2
152 Egypt 55.6
153 Pakistan 54.2
154 Ghana 54.1
155 Togo 53.0
156 Haiti 51.9
157 Mauritania 51.2
158 Yemen 49.0
159 Central African Republic 48.6
160 Nepal 48.6
161 Côte d’Ivoire 48.1
162 Bhutan 47.0
163 Mozambique 46.5
164 Ethiopia 41.5
165 Bangladesh 41.1
166 Guinea 41.0
167 Guinea-Bissau 39.6
168 Senegal 39.3
169 Gambia 37.8
170 Afghanistan 36.0
171 Benin 33.6
172 Sierra Leone 29.6
173 Chad 25.5
174 Mali 19.0
175 Niger 14.4
176 Burkina Faso 12.8

List is a bad reflection of Asia generally. Even the Russian Federation is sitting at a lower number. As for India, China and Pakistan, their ratings are worrisome. I think that the direction of the thread is correct. There is no point in investing in technology (miltary wise)if you do not have a major part of your population who understand the basics or the concept behind it.
Guys this thread is about India..dont bring China in to it..keep it that way only
. .
india is a big country...huge population....considering all these facts its obvious we agree that a part of our poulation is still deprived of some basic needs such as education and living...

Our neighbours should not forget that inspite of all this india is rising economically, growing and it will take come time for us to be on par with other developed nations....our neighbours should also not forget that india is not the one with begging bowl in her hand, asking for aid and grants and then diverting it for military purposes....our government knows what they are doing...

whatever you say....you will see the huge strides which india will take in coming 10years and prove to everyone that they were wrong....

jinke ghar sishe ke hote hai, woh dusre ke ghar pe pathar nahi pheka karte....
Hai, grey boy 2, just a finding of the tables you posted. in Litracy rate India at 145 but at HDI India at 134. that means we are improving & countering the Illetracy. but why Chaines position has sliped from 81 in Literacy to 95 in HDI. does that mean chaina should more woried than india. as we are going in the right direction but your are not.

Where is “chaina”?Check the word “Illetracy, Litracy, sliped, woried” ~~~
The post is a little exaggeration of the current state in India But the problem is true but nothing to worry all the necessary things have been done to improve it.

Indian literacy rate grew to 66% in 2007 from 12% at the end of British rule in 1947.this is greater than fivefold improvement,But the level is well below the world average literacy rate of 84%.

Unicef Study Predicts 16% World Illiteracy Rate Will Increase - NYTimes.com

as this graph suggests things are improving & can be seen.

Kerala is the most literate state in India, with 90.86% literacy, followed closely by Mizoram at 88.80%. Bihar is the least literate state in India with 47% literacy.

The right to education is a fundamental human right, that means free primary education to all in India.

Government schemes

1.National Literacy Mission

The National Literacy Mission, launched in 1988, aimed at attaining a literacy rate of 75 per cent by 2007.

2.Sarva Siksha Abhiyan

The Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (Hindi for Total Literacy Campaign) was launched in 2001 to ensure that all children in the 6–14 year age-group attend school and complete eight years of schooling by 2010.
The centrally sponsored District Primary Education Programme, launched in 1994, had opened more than 160,000 new schools by 2005, including almost 84,000 alternative schools.

now those are huge numbers :cheers:


3. Mid-day Meal Scheme

One of the most popular schemes adopted to attract children to schools is the Mid-day Meal Scheme, launched in 1995.

Of the estimated 205 million child population in the age group 6–14 years on March 1, 2002, nearly 82.5% were enrolled in schools.

This is just what is being done by the Government & I can go on speaking abt NGO's much has been done" We have sowed the seeds and should wait for the fruits to ripen "

Hope this ends the discussion :cheers:

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