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Featured India Tops 6 Million COVID-19 Cases

However, authorities have indicated that the country will not impose any more lockdowns as the focus turns to reviving India’s battered economy and most public health experts agree that shuttering the country cannot stop but only delay the virus.

1. I believe a stuttered series of lockdowns should be implemented until vaccines are produced in sufficient quantity.

2. For those people who will be rendered unemployed during the lockdowns some reasonable unemployment money should be provided for them to obtain necessary items such as food, toiletries etc.

3. The health system should be made totally free for the public so that private hospitals do not fleece lakhs of rupees from people who contract Covid and some of these people will have other members of their family too who will have also contracted Covid and this will put a huge financial burden on these people.

4. As to where the government will find money to spend on points 2 and 3, well, stop wasting money on importing armaments.
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