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India to test 'China Killer' missile


Apr 7, 2008
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Ben Doherty
April 18, 2012

INDIA could test fire its most powerful nuclear-capable missile yet as early as today, a 50-tonne, 20-metre rocket that has the potential to reach all of Asia and large parts of Europe.

The Agni V - named for the Hindu god of fire, but given the incendiary appellation ''the China Killer'' by the more sensationalist of the local press - has a range of more than 5000 kilometres, and has been slated for a 1000-second test flight some time between today and Friday.

But the rocket will likely be fired from Wheeler Island off the eastern state of Odisha this morning, if all goes to plan and the weather holds, India's Defence Research and Development Organisation said.
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The launch time is flexible ''because this is our longest-range missile and there are many logistics issues and hence we don't plan for one day,'' a spokesman, Ravi Gupta, said.

''Agni V is a 5000-plus kilometre range missile and it is to meet our present-day threat perceptions, which are determined by our defence forces and other agencies,'' Mr Gupta said.

A successful test would make India just the sixth country known to deploy intercontinental ballistic missiles. Only the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - the US, China, Russia, the UK and France - have that capability.

While Indian officials are at pains to reiterate the country's ''no first strike policy'', India's newly muscular armoury, and the hastening pace of its development, is feeding anxieties about a regional arms race.

India was declared by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute as the biggest arms importer in the world, spending $US12.7 billion ($12.3 billion) on hardware and weapons over the past five years.

India will increase its total defence spending by 17 per cent this year to $38.6 billion, more than four times the government's spending on health care for 1.2 billion citizens.

India sees neighbours Pakistan and China, with both of whom it has border disputes, as its greatest existential threats.

The earlier, shorter-range Agni series missiles were designed to fortify the country's border and to reach every corner of western neighbour Pakistan. But the series IV and V have been built entirely in India, with China in mind.

''This missile is about neutralising the threat coming from China,'' said Uday Bhaskar, a former commodore in the Indian navy and now an analyst at the New Delhi-based National Maritime Foundation. ''The tests are about trying to create equality with China rather than trying to outdo it.''

China and India fought a war in 1962 and still dispute massive swathes of the 3500-kilometre border they share along the Himalayan mountain range.

But China's nuclear arsenal still dwarfs India's. The Communist state is believed to have about 410 nuclear warheads to India's 70.

Read more: India to test 'China Killer' missile
@Treadstarter, I see your only intention to start a troll thread between IN and CH. Please dont stoop to such low.

The missile can also reach Australia (if launched from Nicobar islands), many countries of Europe. May be your thread should have all dese covered.

I would have appreciated if there was the same level of crying, when countries like the US, UK, Russia, China have ICBMs of more than 11K kms, what the heck if we have just 5K missile?

One thing that I would like to make clear is, we will continue to grow. Even if our neighbors to bleed us, back-stab us, our politicians letting us down, corruption, etc :tup:

Grow up buddy :coffee:
@Treadstarter, I see your only intention to start a troll thread between IN and CH. Please dont stoop to such low.

The missile can also reach Australia (if launched from Nicobar islands), many countries of Europe. May be your thread should have all dese covered.

I would have appreciated if there was the same level of crying, when countries like the US, UK, Russia, China have ICBMs of more than 11K kms, what the heck if we have just 5K missile?

One thing that I would like to make clear is, we will continue to grow. Even if our neighbors to bleed us, back-stab us, our politicians letting us down, corruption, etc :tup:

Grow up buddy :coffee:

mean while, a INSAS rifle is enough to target Bangladesh. lol joke :P
It's just India flexing it new found muscle. Nothing wrong with that.

Lol at the Indian media "China Killer". :partay: Hope these are the tabloid media not the respected ones.

One thing that I would like to make clear is, we will continue to grow. Even if our neighbors to bleed us, back-stab us, our politicians letting us down, corruption, etc :tup:Grow up buddy :coffee:

One great thing about people, corrupted bastards can never take away the spirit of a nation.
Thəorətic Muslim;2834343 said:
It's just India flexing it new found muscle. Nothing wrong with that.

Lol at the Indian media "China Killer". :partay: Hope these are the tabloid media not the respected ones.

One great thing about people, corrupted bastards can never take away the spirit of a nation.

That crap came out of the Australian media.
India Fear no one and if it decide something no can stop it from doing..... AGNI 1, 2, 3, 4 and now 5, Pokhran 1 and 2 , Aircraft carrier, Nuclear Submarine (ATV and Chakra).... This Missile is not targeted to any specific country... its the media that is saying its China Specific.

Few facts about Agni V

1). India will break into the exclusive ICBM club of six countries including the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, China and France once the 50-tonne Agni-V is ready for induction by 2014-2015, although some others say unless India acquires an 8,000 km range missile, it cannot be said to be in this club. But DRDO scientists are sticking to their claim.

2). The Agni series of missiles, including Agni-V, is crucial for India's defence vis-a-vis China since Beijing has upped the ante in recent times by deploying missiles in Tibet Autonomous Region bordering India

3)Tipped to be a game changer by DRDO Chief Dr VK Saraswat, Agni-V will extend India's reach all over Asia, parts of Africa and parts of Europe.

4). Once fired, it cannot be stopped. It travels faster than a bullet and can carry 1,000 kilograms of nuclear weapons. It can be launched using a special canister. Why, it can even be launched from a roadside!

5). With a range of 5,000 km, Agni-V, once validated and inducted into the armed forces after several more tests, will be India's longest-range missile to carry a nuclear warhead. It will have the capacity to carry a nuclear warhead weighing over a tonne.

6). Agni-V will give India the technological know-how to launch many nuclear warheads using the same missile.

7). Agni-V can be configured to launch small satellites and can be used later even to shoot down enemy satellites in orbits.

8). The missile can be launched only after a decision by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS).

9). Seventeen metres tall, Agni-V's three-stages are powered by solid propellants. The first rocket engine takes it to a height of about 40 kilometres. The second stage pushes it to about 150 kilometres. The third stage takes it to about 300 kilometres above the Earth. The missile finally reaches a height of about 800 kilometers.
Balasore: India will on Wednesday test-fire the 5000-km range surface-to-surface Agni-V Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capable of covering entire China and reaching deep into Europe. Agni-V will help India gatecrash into a small and exclusive club of nations with intercontinental ballistic missile capability.

Agni-V is capable of carrying nuclear warheads and will be crucial for India's defence against China. The missile can carry a pay-load of 1 tonne, is 17 m long, 2 m wide and weighs 50 tonnes. After the missile is inducted into India's strategic forces by 2014-2015, India will acquire a strong deterrent capacity against China.

Agni-V can cover entire China, Eastern Europe, North Eastern and Eastern Africa and even Australia if fired from the Nicobar Islands.

The launch is expected to be closely monitored by India's nuclear-armed rivals China and Pakistan and by western countries, but is unlikely to draw the kind of criticism aimed at North Korea after its own failed long-range rocket launch last week.

Only the permanent members of the UN Security Council - China, Russia, France, the United States and the United Kingdom - have such long distance missiles. Israel, too, is believed to posses ICBMs although there is no official confirmation of the same.

The DRDO will test fire the Agni-V missile from Wheeler Island in Odisha on Wednesday. The missile has a range of 5,000 kilometres, a marked improvement over India's current missiles which can hit potential enemy targets over a distance of just 3,500 kilometres.

According to Defence Research and Development Organiation chief Dr VK Saraswat the Agni-V missile is among the best in its class in the world with its advanced ring-laser gyros, composite rocket motors and highly accurate micro-navigation systems.

The three-stage solid fuelled missile will be put into test for the first time with some advance and indigenous technology with the support of a canisterised mobile launcher. It can withstand the 5000 degree centigrade temperatures when re-entering the earth's atmosphere.

Scientists associated with Agni-V project are quite optimistic about its performances, as the trial of Agni-IV, which has a range of 3,500 km, on November 15, 2011 was highly satisfactory in terms of its 'control and guidance' system.

Agni-V will add another feather to such class of missiles that India possesses at present. The Agni-I has 700 km, Agni-II (2,000 km), Agni-III and IV (3,000 plus km) range.

However, China with its huge nuclear and missile arsenal which includes the 11,200-km Dong Feng-31A ICBM capable of hitting any Indian city is far ahead in the missile race.

Source: India set to join Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile club with Agni-V missile - India News - IBNLive
There were news like Russia would help us developing missile advance seeker. Any news on that? Are we using the same in A-5 or it has to be developed for dedicated ICBMs?

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