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India to tackle China-Pak naval exercises


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
A Pakistani navy proposal to hold joint naval exercises with China, involving the special forces of the two countries, is being closely tracked by the Indian military establishment, a senior government official said.

Pakistan has made a proposal to China to get their marine forces to conduct exercises annually, with the first edition to be conducted next year in the Arabian Sea. The proposal comes at a time when China is expanding its naval powers to waters dominated by the Indian Navy, raising hackles in New Delhi.

A senior navy officer said the development could have “long-term implications” for India and was being monitored. “We are aware of it and working on measures to counter it,” he said.

The Pakistani and Chinese navies have conducted joint exercises in the past, but this is the first time they are looking at creating an institutionalised mechanism for deepening the engagement between their special forces.

The proposed exercises will coincide with China kicking off the first sea patrols of its new strategic missile submarines equipped with JL-2 missiles next year, a symbol of Beijing’s growing craving for naval supremacy.

India’s first nuclear-powered submarine, Arihant,will also kick off deterrent patrols, armed with nuclear warheads, in 2014. It will complete the sea-leg of India’s nuclear triad --- ability to launch strategic weapons from land, air and sea, giving it enduring nuclear strike and counter-strike capabilities.

New Delhi is wary of the Chinese navy building up “expeditionary maritime capabilities” in the form of nuclear-powered submarines and area denial weapons (anti-ship ballistic missiles) with deployment focus in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

An increasing number of Chinese submarines venturing into the IOR --- at least 22 contacts were recorded with vessels suspected to be Chinese attack submarines last year--- pose a grave danger to India's security interests, a classified defence ministry document had revealed in April, as reported by HT.

The proposed joint exercises between Pakistan and China will come on the heels of China’s first aircraft carrier Liaoning, which was bought as scrap from Ukraine, completing critical sea trials last month.

“The Chinese navy is on the cusp of an important transformation, and Pakistan wants to benefit from it,” said another navy officer.

India to tackle China-Pak naval exercises - Hindustan Times
Aren't your submarines blowing themselves up?

Well, at least Indian navy has no Mig 21.

Good for pakistan ! Hope China won't dump Pakistan like US after having been used towards its own vested interest !!!

Maybe US should have more training with India at Arabian sea as well.
We must build military bases in countries we have good relations in South Asia like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives. Really need to keep the pressure on the Indian bully and protect our friends and allies in the region. We have established the economic, financial, political and diplomatic components of our South Asian strategy but now we must establish the military component of our South Asian strategy. This must include building military bases, military exercises, selling weapons and transfer of technology. We need to help our friends and allies in the region and keep them safe from Indian thuggery and warmongering.
This Mig 21 is more mission capable than Chinese J15 (Twine engine) which can not carry a load more than 2 tons and are to be operated from rusted Aircraft career. A single Brahmos fired from Su 30 will do the Job.

So it would take one Brahmos would it take down a J15? Brahmos is indeed a powerful weapon.

We must build military bases in countries we have good relations in South Asia like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives. Really need to keep the pressure on the Indian bully and protect our friends and allies in the region. We have established the economic, financial, political and diplomatic components of our South Asian strategy but now we must establish the military component of our South Asian strategy. This must include building military bases, military exercises, selling weapons and transfer of technology. We need to help our friends and allies in the region and keep them safe from Indian thuggery and warmongering.

Any Indian aggression is the legacy of continuous control from their British master. So please forgive them.
So it would take one Brahmos would it take down a J15? Brahmos is indeed a powerful weapon.

Any Indian aggression is the legacy of continuous control from their British master. So please forgive them.

Your comprehension is as poor as it is ever. I commented about the rusted career which was bought from Ukraine from which J 15 are planned to be operated.
lolz., chinese dominating IOR??., with what? The PLA navy knows they cant do anything in IOR,, any base in pakistan sri lanka or even bangladesh will be rendered useless ,, and that wont even require indian navy., lolz it can be taken care by indian army alone ,, indian ocean is dominated by the US navy and indian navy with india having assets all across the west and eastern parts ,, china can always do touch and go but nothing more,, they can provide all the weapons and training to pakistan but they cant change the parity now,, this article says India is monitoring the situation,, so we are just watching but it doesnt require any actions from us,, we may need to act if the chinese deploy anything worth., hell they didnt even provide the subs that pakistanis been asking ,, so much for higher than mountain and deeper than ocean friends
Post reported for being abusive @Oscar areonaut Learn how to talk in public dude.

Listen Veeky, we are not here to make enemies with Indians. We understand India has the same dreams for your country as we do for our country, so lets not get carried away here.
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