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India to spend USD 130 billion to modernise forces

These jack *** indians used to say they will drive Pakistan bankrupt by forcing us in to an arms race that we can't afford. seems like the tables have been turned by our "obsolete" technology
I think half of this amount will become victim of corruption in indian armed forces
I dont think corruption is as big of a problem as before, but a lot of these programs get stuck in red tape. Arguable, the Modi government have pushed a lot of deal through it seems.
It would be better if they spend that on indigenization... more Tejas and more Arjun ... on similar timelines as well... 30 odd years...
After humiliation from PAF: India unveils largest ever mega Military upgrade plan of it's history worth $130 billion

NEW DELHI - After facing humiliation from Pakistan Air Force over failed Balakot strikes aftermath, India has unveiled largest ever mega Military upgrade plan of it's history worth $130 billion.

Indian government has firmed up a mega plan to spend $130 billion to bolster combat capability of the armed forces in the next five to seven years, according to an official document.

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Official sources said the government has decided on a broad plan to speed up modernisation of the Army, Navy and the Air Force under which a range of critical weapons, missiles, fighter jets, submarines and warships will be procured in the next few years.

They said the government's immediate priority is to fast-track infantry modernisation, including procuring 2,600 infantry combat vehicles and 1,700 future-ready combat vehicles for the Indian Army.

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Another key priority is to procure 110 multirole fighter aircraft for the IAF.

"The government will spend $130 billion for fleet modernisation in the next 5-7 years across all armed forces," the official document stated.

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The armed forces have been pushing for adequate allocation of funds so that they are well prepared to deal with the possibility of a "two-front" war on both northern and western borders.

Sources said government is aware of China significantly ramping up its air and naval powers, adding the aim is to equip both the the Indian Air Force and the Indian Navy with capabilities at par with its adversaries.

To bolster its operational capability, the Navy has already finalised a plan to have 200 ships, 500 aircraft and 24 attack submarines in the next 3-4 years. At present, the Navy has around 132 ships, 220 aircraft and 15 submarines.

The sources said the government is also determined to significantly enhance IAF's overall combat capabilities and a detailed plan is being finalised.

The government is also working on a mega defence project to make the airspace over almost all its major cities, including Delhi and Mumbai, virtually impregnable, the sources said.

It is also inducting the first batch of its intercontinental ballistic missile system -- Agni V -- which is expected to significantly bolster the country's air defence system.

The missile, with a strike range of 5,000 km, is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Very few countries, including the US, China, Russia, France and North Korea, have intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In its missile armoury, India currently has Agni-1 with a 700 km range, Agni-2 with a 2,000-km range, Agni-3 and Agni-4 with 2,500 km to more than 3,500-km range.

The sources said the government's focus will be to develop the domestic defence industry and key policy initiatives are expected to be rolled out for it in the next couple of months.


This reminds how IAF spent money to buy Mirage-2000's and Mig-29's as a reply to PAF procuring F-16's. In Feb, Mirage-V satisfactorily performed what IAF tried with Mirage-2000 a day earlier.

If PAF has just 13 Billion USD, then F-16 Block 70 (as many as possible) procurement from that would have been sufficient along with JFT B-III in next 5-7 years. 10 times less in cost but effective none the less.
India thinks by throwing money and buying toys it can automatically win wars....its doesnt work like that

india in kahsmir.. Hahaha
Actually, a lot of it is homegrown. If not there are offset, tot clauses involved. It's a much more deeper defence cooperation in several fields compared to Pakistan and China.
Then i guess after 5 to 7 years the wars would result in indian victories unlike the present or past.
This reminds how IAF spent money to buy Mirage-2000's and Mig-29's as a reply to PAF procuring F-16's. In Feb, Mirage-V satisfactorily performed what IAF tried with Mirage-2000 a day earlier.

If PAF has just 13 Billion USD, then F-16 Block 70 (as many as possible) procurement from that would have been sufficient along with JFT B-III in next 5-7 years. 10 times less in cost but effective none the less.
Indians completely lack the intellect for developing a very capable Air Force. Good for us.
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Then i guess after 5 to 7 years the wars would result in indian victories unlike the present or past.

Last time I remembered India held the largest record of POWs before the gulf war, after WWs.

Indians completely lack the intellect for developing a very capable Air Force.

I hope your military planners are just as over confident.
130 Billion Dollars seems to be exaggerated figure .
I hope your military planners are just as over confident.
WE are not overconfident, WE have an eye for capable hardware, a roadmap for the future, and WE have a culture of excellence in Air Force.

WE = Pakistani

Your choices in aircraft, procurement problems, lack of roadmap, and lack of professionalism = disaster

YOU do not spend wisely and do not improve your Air Force in ways you should. Your call.
WE = Pakistani

WE are not overconfident, WE have an eye for capable hardware, a roadmap for the future, and WE have a culture of excellence in Air Force.

Your choices in aircraft, procurement problems, lack of roadmap, and lack of professionalism = disaster

YOU do not spend wisely and do not improve your Air Force in ways you should. Your call.

India Air Force yes only wants imported systems thats a big roadblock to invest in local system like Tejas, but with time once Indian Economy becomes large India will have option to both get latest western fighters and also invest same amount for Tejas... I say India economy needs to be around 10 Trillion dollar to get that kind of money so that time is still far...
If all it takes is one gangu to forget to close the hatch and destroy a multi billion dollar sub. All Pakistan needs to do is buy out a few thousand of these jcos nco or subalterns.

including Delhi and Mumbai, virtually impregnable, the sources said.
Are chandus now planning their own Iron dome??

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