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India to sign draft pact to develop Iran’s Chabahar port: Afghan envoy


Sep 20, 2009
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India to sign draft pact to develop Iran’s Chabahar port: Afghan envoy

New Delhi: A draft of an agreement between India, Iran and Afghanistan to develop Iran’s Chabahar port—aimed at giving India access to landlocked Afghanistan—is ready and could be signed soon, Afghan ambassadorShaida Abdali said on Monday.
During Hamid Karzai’s visit to India, which starts on Friday, the President of Afghanistan is expected to seek India’s backing for his decision to delay signing a bilateral security agreement clinched with the US last month. The decision to delay signing the accord has caused a spike in tensions between Afghanistan and the US. The security agreement defines the legal conditions under which US troops would remain in the insurgency-wracked country after most international troops exit in 2014.
Abdali was speaking to reporters ahead of Karzai’s visit, his 14th in 12 years. The timing of the trip is crucial—ahead of Afghan national polls scheduled for April and ahead of the withdrawal of US-led international troops from the war torn country after a 13-year stay.
In his remarks, Abdali said the draft of the trilateral pact to develop Chabahar port on the Gulf of Oman, about 75 kms from Pakistan’s Chinese built deep-water Gwadar port, was ready and he was hopeful of the pact being signed soon.
India and Iran had agreed to look at developing the port in southeastern Iran in 2003, during a visit to India by the then Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, but the venture has not made much progress. Chabahar has been designated as a free trade and industrial zone by Tehran. Given India’s often hostile relations with Pakistan, India views the port as an alternative route not only to Afghanistan but also to the resource-rich landlocked countries of Central Asia.
Earlier this year, India committed $100 million to upgrading facilities at the port after spending $100 million on building a 220-km (140-mile) road in a dangerous stretch of western Afghanistan to link up with Chabahar. And with Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany last month clinching an interim agreement on capping Iran’s controversial nuclear programme, India has decided to accelerate the venture.
The Chabahar port has the capacity to handle 2.5 million tonnes a year, which Iran would like to increase to 12.5 million tonnes. The Indian operators plan to set up a special mechanism to finance part of the port’s infrastructure and they want the Iranians to give it long-term rights to operate it. Besides Chabahar, discussions between Karzai and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh are expected to cover the bilateral security agreement clinched last month and approved by a “Loya Jirga” or grand assembly of representatives of various ethnic groups in Afghanistan.
Karzai later refused to sign it before the 5 April Afghan general elections that is expected to see Karzai vacate the presidency. “If there is no peace, then this agreement will bring misfortune to Afghanistan,” Karzai was cited as saying by Reuters news agency. “Peace is our precondition. America should bring us peace and then we will sign it,” he said.
Abdali on Monday said there were two “major” issues holding up the pact - the first was the US should ensure peace in Afghanistan and the second was that US troops should stop house to house searches in Afghanistan that has riled and alienated the local population. An Afghan diplomat later explained that Karzai’s refusal to sign the security agreement should be seen in the context of him wanting the US to bring pressure on Pakistan to bring the insurgent Taliban to the table for talks. The Afghans were also keen that the peace process should be “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned”, the diplomat said—indicating that Afghans would be uneasy with any bilateral pact struck between the US and the Taliban or the Taliban and Pakistan.
Describing India-Afghan relations as exceptional, Abdali said Afghans would welcome Indians as trainers in the military schools. India was also welcome to help Afghanistan repair and upgrade Soviet era military hardware at facilities in Afghanistan.

India to sign draft pact to develop Iran’s Chabahar port: Afghan envoy - Livemint

@haman10 @SOHEIL
well we get our port developed further for free and u get access to afganistan ....

hell of a deal as i said before :cheers:

very good news coming out of iran-india relations recently ! :yay:

next : iran-india establish a JV to send human to mars :partay:

^ i really hope this happens one day :sarcastic:
well we get our port developed further for free and u get access to afganistan ....

hell of a deal as i said before :cheers:

very good news coming out of iran-india relations recently ! :yay:

next : iran-india establish a JV to send human to mars :partay:

^ i really hope this happens one day :sarcastic:

I think India and Iran should co operate in space field too :cheers:
This deal shows the strategic close relations between India and Iran
I thought the agreement was signed years ago

Indians started work on it


stopped when uncle sam put its dirty finger in the dirty place.

India's interest lies beyond afghanistan,means central asia.If we can extend trade route from afghan to tajikstan and then to central asia ,man that is good ,really good,a hell of an opportunity to trade to europe and russia and to untap resources from central asia.But for all this,we need Iran help.I hope Iran will give that opportunity to their friend India.

well we get our port developed further for free and u get access to afganistan ....

hell of a deal as i said before :cheers:

very good news coming out of iran-india relations recently ! :yay:

next : iran-india establish a JV to send human to mars :partay:

^ i really hope this happens one day :sarcastic:

Space co-operation between India and Iran is good .Even the midst of sanctions iran made a significant development in space field.
India's interest lies beyond afghanistan,means central asia.If we can extend trade route from afghan to tajikstan and then to central asia ,man that is good ,really good,a hell of an opportunity to trade to europe and russia and to untap resources from central asia.But for all this,we need Iran help.I hope Iran will give that opportunity to their friend India.

Space co-operation between India and Iran is good .Even the midst of sanctions iran made a significant development in space field.

The moment Indians even touch Iran's space Lingam,
Israel and Uncle Sam will come to India and circumcise Indians.

So please be realistic.
The moment Indians even touch Iran's space Lingam,
Israel and Uncle Sam will come to India and circumcise Indians.

So please be realistic.

True, there will be pressure from Israel, but I don't think we will see much resistance from USA, since the current thawing of tension between the two is a positive step. Plus if you take into account that the relationship between US and Pakistan has gone Sour and they need a new place to use to get their resources in and out Afghanistan, and Iran seems to be a good place they can use. Iran also needs the sanctions being lifted and if they give the corridor then it means Iran will have a hold on US activities in the Afghanistan. So I see a pretty good turn of events if the deal goes through.
What are those factors?


Read Tom Friedman's "How GE stopped India from doing bad stuff in the neighborhood"

We dont ger circumcisions done btw, you people on the other hand....?

I was referring to space rockets aka space lingams.

Don't get sacred about your own self. :lol:

Thank you.

if the deal goes through.

"Deal" was signed years ago. India started working on it. Then backed off under US pressure.

Please learn your history.

Thank you
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India's interest lies beyond afghanistan,means central asia.

BUT india is handicapped as it has no land connection to the region. Export wise its not that much beneficial or gives competitive advantage for shipping goods to EU with shipping channel. Land connected countries like China, Russia and Iran will benefit most.

Indian cooperation is questionable and Iranians suffered from it in immediate past.
Read Tom Friedman's "How GE stopped India from doing bad stuff in the neighborhood"

I was referring to space rockets aka space lingams.

Don't get sacred about your own self. :lol:

Thank you.

Hahaha is that some random book you are asking me to read, never heard of such a book, and how does General Electric get converted into the US/Israel pressure factor? why dont you list down the many factors for our knowledge on the other hand.

The symbol of Shiva is sacred to Hindus,, you did a desperate take by dragging it along with the chopping off of parts of the male gentials done by Muslims into your pathetic trolling attempt.
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