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India to sign draft pact to develop Iran’s Chabahar port: Afghan envoy

Delhi’s involvement in Chabahar is not without risk, not only because it may be unwittingly jeopardising its still precarious relationship with the US by warming relations with Tehran. It is also sinking $100m into improving the port’s berthing facility and expanding its container terminal.

However, China recently began operating the Gwadar Port in Pakistan, a mere 75km east of Chabahar, which will undoubtedly provide a rival. Given that India helped to build Chabahar more a decade ago, China’s takeover of Gwadar may have influenced Delhi’s decision to start testing Chabahar as a trade route. Although Beijing is not central to Delhi’s post-2014 Afghan strategy, neither is it entirely incidental, as India seeks to limit Chinese influence in its neighbourhood.


HeHeHeh; like the Medieval Minded Mullahs, you also seem to be stuck in a "Time-Warp"!!!
So you came up with that.

India's involvement and investment now has the tacit approval of the USA. In fact, India will be the front for the West to able to use ChahBahar. The recent events that have transpired between USA and Iran are indications of that. As well as the fresh moves between Iran, Afghanistan and India to fast-track ChahBahar into full capacity.
About India wishing to limit China's influence in the region; that may be incidental. But the growing congruence between India and USA in this regard is not.
If you think hard; you will understand why USA has many reasons to benignly allow ChahBahar to grow in scope and capacity. Through the via-media of India.
your post really projects India way beyond its capabilities.

This is the Indian quality I greatly admire.

I wish Pakistanis too could learn a few things from the "cousins" across the border :)


The "random dude" is well respected international journalist and author Tom Friedman.

Sadly your are too stuck and too illiterate to realize that.

I am sure there are sane indian posters who will come show you the light.

Thank you

come up with facts old man not rhetoric, list down the factors that you mentioned and what I have been asking you for and dont reply with useless rhetoric.

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