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India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday

india has become a prime polluter of space ( low-earth orbit )... when will isro send humans to space instead of sending two-bit satellites??

what are these "transponders" for, anyway?? more relays for more stupid cell phones?? more idiotic 24-hour news channels??

On the contrary, one could argue that human space flights have comparatively have less utility and are more polluting (crew recovery and additional redundancy systems cost a BANK) because satellites/remotely controlled spacecraft could do almost everything that humans in space can.

In fact, satellites can do a lot more for much longer and for much cheaper than the humans can do. Only on special occasions (read fixing "hubble"), do you need human intervention in space! All the other human flights can pretty much be ascribed as a matter of prestige for space powers!

So much for a socialist thinking!!
On the contrary, one could argue that human space flights have comparatively have less utility


and are more polluting (crew recovery and additional redundancy systems cost a BANK)

but spacex dragon v2 which will be tested more soon can land on land ( :D ) anywhere in the world, and on its own descent engines like any proper spaceship should.

what you point out is the american government style landing in the sea, because the soviet and chinese landing happens on land.

and what is this about "bank"?? why should anyone care about money??

because satellites/remotely controlled spacecraft could do almost everything that humans in space can.

as you correctly highlighted, the detail is in the "almost"... automatic spacecraft cannot experience space for us... so, your "almost" is as big as the universe.

Only on special occasions (read fixing "hubble"), do you need human intervention in space!

why should humans even send automatic craft if we are never going into space ourselves??

All the other human flights can pretty much be ascribed as a matter of prestige for space powers!

So much for a socialist thinking!!

at least the soviet space program was about exploration... as is the spacex program... and please do read my this post... ( India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday | Page 3 )... where i propose a transnational space program.

very socialistic thinking, i will say.
ISRO's multi-band communication satellite GSAT-16 is now ready for launch on-board Arianespace's Ariane 5 VA221. Launch is scheduled on early hours of Dec 05, 2014 at 02:08 hrs (IST) from Kourou, French Guiana.

oh, not via the undersea cable i imagined... :D

satellites are as sophisticated as data cd's... that means, obsolete... satellites are ugly... which are the nations obsessed with satellites now?? iran, india and uae...

after 1800+ posts, i still have to answer that... :hitwall:
so what to use for global communication gps .. mapping . if not satellite
india has become a prime polluter of space ( low-earth orbit )... when will isro send humans to space instead of sending two-bit satellites??

what are these "transponders" for, anyway?? more relays for more stupid cell phones?? more idiotic 24-hour news channels??

by the way, this is a single satellite... and isro is incapable of launching this 3+ ton satellite by itself... hence the launch service by the french company, arianespace... what india has become is a satellite maker... something that private companies in western nations do... with lot less funding than the government-funded isro of india.

now, you may all become lost in obscene patriotism.

Really you are a 10 yr old kid. Leave other thing aside, give me one Indian sat which launched in LEO other than SRE-1.

When you dont know about a thing, you should try to restrain.

BTW, did you know for communication, India just fulfilling half its needs. And other half come from foreign sats by leasing the transponders.
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For Global Communism BS perhaps. :sick:
The entire premise is so flawed. Discussions loose meaning. Grey cells die. When you speak to jamahirs.
hee.. may be he have better system than costly satellite in GEO or LEO
disrutive innovation.. a new newton

but spacex dragon v2 which will be tested more soon can land on land ( :D ) anywhere in the world, and on its own descent engines like any proper spaceship should.

what you point out is the american government style landing in the sea, because the soviet and chinese landing happens on land.

and what is this about "bank"?? why should anyone care about money??

as you correctly highlighted, the detail is in the "almost"... automatic spacecraft cannot experience space for us... so, your "almost" is as big as the universe.

why should humans even send automatic craft if we are never going into space ourselves??

at least the soviet space program was about exploration... as is the spacex program... and please do read my this post... ( India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday | Page 3 )... where i propose a transnational space program.
very socialistic thinking, i will say.

You ARE USING satellite technology as you read this, to communicate via the internet. You USE satellites when you talk to people over the cell phones. You USE satellites when you watch TV, whether Dish or Cable. People USE Satellite when they are given Cyclone/Hurricane alerts. People during the Arab Spring USED Satellite technology to oust all the dic-tators like Gaddafi........oops:p:

On the one hand, you keep bitching and moaning Satellite this/Satellite that and on the other enjoy the benefits they bring. Why don't you instead abandon all forms of technology that use satellites and set an example to the world. Yeah! start your socialist revolution, eh.
Dei SpaceX did it na what should we do with it....we are not copy cats like Pak and China..... we are trying it on our now
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Dei stupid first goto school...learn A B C D first...then speak about human capsule when you are grown up....OOPS when your brain is grown....

"goto"?? were you in the middle of reading a c-language program?? you must have some job-interview tomorrow.

and "dei"?? not everyone in the world speaks gangster tamil... :lol:

your age range must be in 17 to 25.

even in SpaceX you will find more Indians only.

of course... like those 35 percent "indian scientists" in nasa... :lol:


your post has been reported.

so what to use for global communication gps .. mapping . if not satellite

1. for global internet connection, there is of course the undersea internet cables ( backbone )...


source - The Best Visualization of the Internet's Submarine Backbone Yet | Motherboard

many coastal nations has a cable receiving station, from where optic fiber cables or cell phone networks transfer packets to cities within that nation, or to other inland nations... of course, at your personal end, you may use a cell-phone-network-based usb internet modem ( made by huawei, generally ), or cable internet.

i don't see where satellites come into picture here.

2. international phone networks

people in india were long been able to make international telephone calls, yes?? think how.

as for modern cell phone networks, i don't use cell phone, so i don't bother knowing the modern call transmissions.

3. gps

gps and glonass navigation systems were designed to guide military systems... icbm rockets, bombers, submarines, infantry etc... all for military use, during cold war... china and india are developing their navigation satellites just to prove some silly nationalistic point.

actually, in total war, gps or glonass satellites will be primary targets... so such satellite systems are rather immature.

better would been that the "united nations organization" ( uno ) should have been the sole operator of a single navigation system for the whole world... a single navigation system, instead of every country trying to build their own, that too for military reasons.

would not this have allowed world peace??

4. future

in the near-future, global communication will be without using radio-frequency... rather, it will be via laser communication with either satellites or airships.

5. world mapping and early warning for cyclones and typhoons

what is the "international space station" for?? the iss has been used very poorly.

@SarthakGanguly @kaku1

meet your intellectual companion, anniyan... read his inspiring post ( no. 55 )... you three will make great friends.
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