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India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday

Seriously guys, stop replying to any idiot who thinks that satellites are useless ?!
ISRO isnt anti corruption bureau... Its a space agencies

what india should have done in 1947... free medical care, like all socialist societies have.

ISRO isnt police station... Its a space agencies.

isro satellites with israeli technologies help indian government supposedly track naxalites.

ISRO doesnt propose to kill cats and not kill dogs, Its a space agencies.

so, almost-extinction of cats means total lack of ecological awareness... means wrong political arrangement... means just putting up satellites won't help... this is a political problem, not technological.

Keep following the news... someday they are going to...

unnecessary project...it will realize nothing that the japanese program didn't... and why do isro rockets and satellites have sanskrit names despite the enormous contribution of tipu sultan, "islamic golden age" and ancient china?? thankless people...

Internet and emails arent pigeons, they dont fly...

airships are better than satellites.
"super gun" would have been a low-cost method to launch satellites into low-earth-orbit... maybe those satellites could have had engines to push them to geo.

hence, my point proved.

Sorry I have to ignore you.
You are not worth my time.
Its not you.
I am barking on the wrong tree.
what india should have done in 1947... free medical care, like all socialist societies have.

India could have done many things in 1947... still your post doesnt point the disadvantage of satalite and name me a socialist society with free medical care that doesnt use a sat...

isro satellites with israeli technologies help indian government supposedly track naxalites.

Naxalite movement has lost its path years back, by receiving aid from unknown sources, they have signed their death... Gandhi gave us freedom without firing a single bullet

so, almost-extinction of cats means total lack of ecological awareness... means political arrangement... means just putting up satellites won't help... this is a political problem, not technological.

Again, ISRO is a space agencies, so unrelated.

unnecessary project...it will realize nothing that the japanese program didn't... and why do isro rockets and satellites have sanskrit names despite the enormous contribution of tipu sultan, "islamic golden age" and ancient china?? thankless people...

It has INDIAN names, by the way names a satalite has no affect on the job it performs

airships are better than satellites.

Maybe... I am not a science guy
http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~ltasys/WEBPAGES/rc airships_links/demo_rcairship.html
The human will use a telescope to see the weather on the ground and report it back to the ground. He can also work as a telephone operator to help multi national calls. Imagine the 40s for example, only with satellites. Or just imagine the handsome face of Muammar Gaddafi. You won't even need an answer.

What's with the Libiyan a Commie
unnecessary project...it will realize nothing that the japanese program didn't... and why do isro rockets and satellites have sanskrit names despite the enormous contribution of tipu sultan, "islamic golden age" and ancient china?? thankless people...

airships are better than satellites.

Ah so this is why our socialist friend is so upset about isro ;)
Fair enough grudge, if you ask me!
in next 50 years pakistan CAN do the same thing, now , replace india with pakistan and then what will you say?
Height of Jealousy man, atleast stay neutral, if you cant admire it.

Dude...do not compare @jamahir with any other stupid false flagger.....He is a good guy..

post# 13...

when iraq wanted to do that through its "super gun", nato and its puppets killed that program, literally.

private company, spacex, has its human-capable capsule ready... dragon v2... will be human-tested by 2016 end... spacex was started in 2002... isro was started in 1961... will isro ever be able to do what spacex can now??

I feel if you are upset about the progress of ISRO with other leading nations..It makes sense...Sometimes...we start celebrating with very small achievements...but again, we are not technologically advanced nation too...So everything need some time for us...
Dude...do not compare @jamahir with any other stupid false flagger.....He is a good guy..

sincere thanks. :-)

I feel if you are upset about the progress of ISRO with other leading nations..It makes sense...Sometimes...we start celebrating with very small achievements...but again, we are not technologically advanced nation too...So everything need some time for us...

what i really want to see are transnational space programs... why can't all south asian nations ( esp. india, pakistan, iran ) have a common human-space-program?? why can't they invite african, west asian and south american nations to participate in this program??

many people from india and pakistan have registered for the near-future "mars one" program, which is a one-way trip to mars for settlement there... but this program is based out of holland and will use spacex and other western companies to provide the launch/travel/settlement technology... why can't india/pakistan/iran/brazil/venezuela/egypt/algeria/syria/nigeria/south-africa create such a program??

this will really go very far in achieving some world peace.

what do you say?? such a program will stand against three programs... western ( led by spacex ), chinese and russian.

also your opinions @Syrian Lion and @Mahmoud_EGY and @Ceylal
sincere thanks. :-)

what i really want to see are transnational space programs... why can't all south asian nations ( esp. india, pakistan, iran ) have a common human-space-program?? why can't they invite african, west asian and south american nations to participate in this program??

many people from india and pakistan have registered for the near-future "mars one" program, which is a one-way trip to mars for settlement there... but this program is based out of holland and will use spacex and other western companies to provide the launch/travel/settlement technology... why can't india/pakistan/iran/brazil/venezuela/egypt/algeria/syria/nigeria/south-africa create such a program??

this will really go very far in achieving some world peace.

what do you say?? such a program will stand against three programs... western ( led by spacex ), chinese and russian.

also your opinions @Syrian Lion and @Mahmoud_EGY and @Ceylal

I am also in agreement with you...I mean...We have to thik big...At least we can include rest of the developing nation who does not have a strong space capability but they aspire to be in this area....But including Pakistan is a good idea...But again, we need to build up trust with two nations before bringing Pakistan into picture..Otherwise, i am with you and your idea..
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