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India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday

For the record ,Even this exchange we are having is possibly through a satellite.

oh, not via the undersea cable i imagined... :D

If you feel satellites are unnecessary the sooner you crawl back into your cave the safer & warmer you will be.

satellites are as sophisticated as data cd's... that means, obsolete... satellites are ugly... which are the nations obsessed with satellites now?? iran, india and uae...

Dont like being spied upon in Pakistan ?

after 1800+ posts, i still have to answer that... :hitwall:
If you feel satellites are unnecessary the sooner you crawl back into your cave the safer & warmer you will be.

For the record ,Even this exchange we are having is possibly through a satellite.

Dont like being spied upon in Pakistan ?
You must be quoting jamahir. He is a troll. A bad troll at that. :P
india has become a prime polluter of space ( low-earth orbit )... when will isro send humans to space instead of sending two-bit satellites??

what are these "transponders" for, anyway?? more relays for more stupid cell phones?? more idiotic 24-hour news channels??

by the way, this is a single satellite... and isro is incapable of launching this 3+ ton satellite by itself... hence the launch service by the french company, arianespace... what india has become is a satellite maker... something that private companies in western nations do... with lot less funding than the government-funded isro of india.

now, you may all become lost in obscene patriotism.
15 ko CARE ka test hai ....wanna apply? :p:P
india has become a prime polluter of space ( low-earth orbit )... when will isro send humans to space instead of sending two-bit satellites??

what are these "transponders" for, anyway?? more relays for more stupid cell phones?? more idiotic 24-hour news channels??

by the way, this is a single satellite... and isro is incapable of launching this 3+ ton satellite by itself... hence the launch service by the french company, arianespace... what india has become is a satellite maker... something that private companies in western nations do... with lot less funding than the government-funded isro of india.

now, you may all become lost in obscene patriotism.
this is the best you can do..:laugh:
this is the best you can do..:laugh:

even iran and uae deserve the same condemnation... these three ( india, iran, uae ) are better off using the services of western launchers, rather than having national programs which are more for internal propaganda than for any benefit of humanity.
post# 13...

when iraq wanted to do that through its "super gun", nato and its puppets killed that program, literally.

And the topic here was?
Not a super gun certainly.
Trying to cut your chicken with a bread knife?

private company, spacex, has its human-capable capsule ready... dragon v2... will be human-tested by 2016 end... spacex was started in 2002... isro was started in 1961... will isro ever be able to do what spacex can now??

US is US, why compare India with it?

How gullible are you man..

CARE = Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
internal propaganda than for any benefit of humanity.

ISRO has satalites for Telecommunication, Resource management, Academic, Telemedicine Biodiversity Information System, Cartography, Extraterrestrial exploration, Solar exploration programme etc... If all these are internal propaganda then God help you....
india has become a prime polluter of space ( low-earth orbit )... when will isro send humans to space instead of sending two-bit satellites??

what are these "transponders" for, anyway?? more relays for more stupid cell phones?? more idiotic 24-hour news channels??

by the way, this is a single satellite... and isro is incapable of launching this 3+ ton satellite by itself... hence the launch service by the french company, arianespace... what india has become is a satellite maker... something that private companies in western nations do... with lot less funding than the government-funded isro of india.

now, you may all become lost in obscene patriotism.

sorry for not being able to be of your standard. :(
And the topic here was?
Not a super gun certainly.
Trying to cut your chicken with a bread knife?

your point was which muslim nation was capable of producing satellites for earth orbit, yes?? i answered you precisely... "super gun" would have been a low-cost manner to launch low-earth-orbit satellites.

i didn't include iran and uae because those are nations ruled by mullahs... ayatollahs or wahabis... and they are not real muslim.

US is US, why compare India with it?

spacex is a private organization... without the huge funding that the indian government makes to isro, every year... look at how much the spacex falcon 9 cost... compare what the mediocre isro rockets cost...

it is about brains... spacex has and isro doesn't... simple fact.

How gullible are you man..

CARE = Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere

in that case, you can ask these care-ing people to help syrian government fight qaeda/taliban/ikhwaan/isis/jemah... that would be the real test of these people.

ISRO has satalites for Telecommunication, Resource management, Academic, Telemedicine Biodiversity Information System, Cartography, Extraterrestrial exploration, Solar exploration programme etc... If all these are internal propaganda then God help you....

and yet in 2012, a four-year-old girl with breathing-problems died on the footsteps of a jalandhar hospital because her father couldn't bribe the government hospital with the two thousand rupees they had demanded.

and yet, the naxalites are being murdered by india's "democratic" establishment.

and yet, the smaller cats are almost extinct in india... as are leopards... but dogs have flourished... so, yay... victory for isro satellites.

"extraterrestrial exploration"... has any isro astronaut ( notice the western term ) landed on the moons of mars??

what solar exploration?? something like the japanese craft, hinode??

as for telecommunication... who needs cell phones, anyway?? deliver internet and email... that is what is needed.

sorry for not being able to be of your standard. :(

well, i have become used to that... but we will wait for isro vyomanonauts to launch on glsv mk-31... :partay:
your point was which muslim nation was capable of producing satellites for earth orbit, yes?? i answered you precisely... i didn't include iran and uae because those are nations ruled by mullahs... ayatollahs or wahabis... and they are not real muslim.

The topic was Satellite and not a "gun"

spacex is a private organization... without the huge funding that the indian government makes to isro, every year... look at how much the spacex falcon 9 cost... compare what the mediocre isro rockets cost...

it is about brains... spacex has and isro doesn't... simple fact.

By the same logic, ISRO made it to MARS in her first attempt, whereas all other nations failed.
your point was which muslim nation was capable of producing satellites for earth orbit, yes?? i answered you precisely... "super gun" would have been a low-cost manner to launch low-earth-orbit satellites.

i didn't include iran and uae because those are nations ruled by mullahs... ayatollahs or wahabis... and they are not real muslim.

spacex is a private organization... without the huge funding that the indian government makes to isro, every year... look at how much the spacex falcon 9 cost... compare what the mediocre isro rockets cost...

it is about brains... spacex has and isro doesn't... simple fact.

in that case, you can ask these care-ing people to help syrian government fight qaeda/taliban/ikhwaan/isis/jemah... that would be the real test of these people.

and yet in 2012, a four-year-old girl with breathing-problems died on the footsteps of a jalandhar hospital because her father couldn't bribe the government hospital with the two thousand rupees they had demanded.

and yet, the naxalites are being murdered by india's "democratic" establishment.

and yet, the smaller cats are almost extinct in india... as are leopards... but dogs have flourished... so, yay... victory for isro satellites.

"extraterrestrial exploration"... has any isro astronaut ( notice the western term ) landed on the moons of mars??

what solar exploration?? something like the japanese craft, hinode??

as for telecommunication... who needs cell phones, anyway?? deliver internet and email... that is what is needed.

well, i have become used to that... but we will wait for isro vyomanonauts to launch on glsv mk-31... :partay:

u should better buy a one way ticket to mars !
The topic was Satellite and not a "gun"

like i edited in just now, this "super gun" would have been a low-cost method to launch satellites into low-earth-orbit... maybe those satellites could have had engines to push them to geo.

hence, my point proved.

By the same logic, ISRO made it to MARS in her first attempt, whereas all other nations failed.

wrong analogy, you gave.

this is not 1969, for isro to have achieved something grandly... this is 2014... isro rockets and launch control are originally from various nations... wasn't apj abdul kalam sent to usa to learn from nasa... didn't nasa provide isro with its first rockets... aren't the computers aboard isro rockets european...

spacex dragon was able to connect with the "international space station" successfully on its first such attempt... soviet union was successfully able to launch yuri gagarin into space in 1961... as if no one has done that before... in 2012 ( was it?? ), nasa landed the 900 kilogram rover onto mars surface... all isro has done about mars is send a orbiting cell phone camera... that is shameful... isro is the second laughing stock of space agencies, the first being iran.

i want isro launching humans by end of 2015... possible??
and yet in 2012, a four-year-old girl with breathing-problems died on the footsteps of a jalandhar hospital because her father couldn't bribe the government hospital with the two thousand rupees they had demanded.

ISRO isnt anti corruption bureau... Its a space agencies

and yet, the naxalites are being murdered by india's "democratic" establishment.

ISRO isnt police station... Its a space agencies.

and yet, the smaller cats are almost extinct in india... as are leopards... but dogs have flourished... so, yay... victory for isro satellites.

ISRO doesnt propose to kill cats and not kill dogs, Its a space agencies.

"extraterrestrial exploration"... has any isro astronaut ( notice the western term ) landed on the moons of mars??

Keep following the news... someday they are going to...

]what solar exploration?? something like the japanese craft, hinode??

Aditya (satellite) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

as for telecommunication... who needs cell phones, anyway?? deliver internet and email... that is what is needed.

Internet and emails arent pigeons, they dont fly...
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