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India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday


Jan 5, 2014
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India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday
Vanita Srivastava, Hindustan Times New Delhi, December 01, 2014

First Published: 22:06 IST(1/12/2014)

In what will help in boosting the satellite capacity of India and improve broadcast services, the Indian Space Research Organistaion (Isro) will put 48 transponders in space, the largest ever so far, through the launch of GSAT-16 from French Guiana on December 5.

The GSAT-16 will be launched aboard the French Ariane-5 rocket from French Guiana at about 2:08am IST.

GSAT-16 is an advanced communication satellite weighing 3181.6 kg at lift off is being inducted into the INSAT/GSAT system. GSAT-16 is configured to carry a total of 48 communication transponders, the largest number of transponders carried out by a communication satellite developed by Isro so for, in normal C band, upper extended C band, and Ku band.

This will definitely boost satellite capacity as 48 new transponders will be added to the existing 180 transponders,” Isro chairman Dr K Radhakrishnan told HT.

Recently one of the satellite that was providing services was shut down and the GSAT -16 will provide the requisite services. The Isro is working on a set of missions that will enable India to have 400 transponders in next few years.

The designed on-orbit operational life of GSAT 16 is 12 years.The communication transponders on board GSAT 16 will ensure continuity of various services provided by INSAT/GSAT system and serve as on-orbit spares to meet the contingency requirements or for the augmentation of such services.

India to put 48 transponders in space on Friday - Hindustan Times
Nice, we are doing good in every area.
Too much going on every day that it is getting near to impossible to get hold of all good news.
Thanks for sharing.

And i am waiting for some sanitation or rape related comment from jealous neighbors.
india has become a prime polluter of space ( low-earth orbit )... when will isro send humans to space instead of sending two-bit satellites??

what are these "transponders" for, anyway?? more relays for more stupid cell phones?? more idiotic 24-hour news channels??

by the way, this is a single satellite... and isro is incapable of launching this 3+ ton satellite by itself... hence the launch service by the french company, arianespace... what india has become is a satellite maker... something that private companies in western nations do... with lot less funding than the government-funded isro of india.

now, you may all become lost in obscene patriotism.
in next 50 years pakistan CAN do the same thing, now , replace india with pakistan and then what will you say?
Height of Jealousy man, atleast stay neutral, if you cant admire it.

huzoor, where did pakistan come from?? i am very much in india... the tiny detail is that i am socialist, so i do not accept the legitimacy of the capitalist/hinduvaadi bent of present india.

I unignored the above post and LOLed so hard that I had to refresh the page. :D

right... keep refreshing but reality won't get deleted.
india has become a prime polluter of space ( low-earth orbit )... when will isro send humans to space instead of sending two-bit satellites??

what are these "transponders" for, anyway?? more relays for more stupid cell phones?? more idiotic 24-hour news channels??

by the way, this is a single satellite... and isro is incapable of launching this 3+ ton satellite by itself... hence the launch service by the french company, arianespace... what india has become is a satellite maker... something that private companies in western nations do... with lot less funding than the government-funded isro of india.

now, you may all become lost in obscene patriotism.


How will sending humans help in replicating what a satellite does ?

How will sending humans help in replicating what a satellite does ?
The human will use a telescope to see the weather on the ground and report it back to the ground. He can also work as a telephone operator to help multi national calls. Imagine the 40s for example, only with satellites. Or just imagine the handsome face of Muammar Gaddafi. You won't even need an answer.

How will sending humans help in replicating what a satellite does ?

satellites are unnecessary... other than hubble, what real benefit has a low-earth orbit automatic machine had in progress... even hubble can be replaced with a telescope on the international space station.

what are the remaining machines?? navigation satellites for rockets, bombers, submarines etc... relay satellites for idiotic tv channels and silly cell phones... so-called "scientific" or "remote sensing" satellites which are basically spy devices... what else??
... and isro is incapable of launching this 3+ ton satellite by itself... hence the launch service by the french company, arianespace... what india has become is a satellite maker....

India will surmount this kind of a weigh penalty when they have their next work horse ready next time shortly.

BTW, which Muslim nation is doing any of such thing, sil vous plait ?
The human will use a telescope to see the weather on the ground and report it back to the ground. He can also work as a telephone operator to help multi national calls. Imagine the 40s for example, only with satellites. Or just imagine the handsome face of Muammar Gaddafi. You won't even need an answer.

post# 13...

BTW, which Muslim nation is doing any of such thing, sil vous plait ?

when iraq wanted to do that through its "super gun", nato and its puppets killed that program, literally.

India will surmount this kind of a weigh penalty when they have their next work horse ready next time shortly.

private company, spacex, has its human-capable capsule ready... dragon v2... will be human-tested by 2016 end... spacex was started in 2002... isro was started in 1961... will isro ever be able to do what spacex can now??
satellites are unnecessary... other than hubble, what real benefit has a low-earth orbit automatic machine had in progress... even hubble can be replaced with a telescope on the international space station.

what are the remaining machines?? navigation satellites for rockets, bombers, submarines etc... relay satellites for idiotic tv channels and silly cell phones... so-called "scientific" or "remote sensing" satellites which are basically spy devices... what else??

If you feel satellites are unnecessary the sooner you crawl back into your cave the safer & warmer you will be.

For the record ,Even this exchange we are having is possibly through a satellite.

Dont like being spied upon in Pakistan ?
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