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India to Launch Shipments to Russia Via North-South

LOL...Pakistani i.e wannabe Turk, Afghan, Persian or Arab. You guys have nothing original. Your missiles are named after foreign invaders. Your mosque, your stadium are named after foreign rulers who gave you money. You are a dalkhor whose ancestors were cowards to be converted. Thank your allah that it is 21st century else Afghans whom you trying to kick out would have kicked your ***. That is why 98000 surrender. Height of cowardice 1 lakh being captured.
Indians are wannabe Europeans you could say.

India and Russia are going to use the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) for combined shipments from December this year, Vice President of Iranian Railways Company Hossein Ashuri said.

© SPUTNIK/ SERGEY SUBBOTIN North-South Transport Corridor to Benefit Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran BAKU (Sputnik) — India, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan agreed to use the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) for combined shipments from India to Russia starting from December this year, Vice President of Iranian Railways Company Hossein Ashuri said. "Shipments from India will be delivered to a southern Iranian port, where it will be further delivered via Azerbaijan to Russia by means of trains and trucks," Ashuri said, as quoted by the Trend news agency. He added that a test container train was shipped via the route two months ago. It took the train 22 days to reach its destination, however, the time of delivery is set to be later reduced to 19 days, Ashuri stressed. The deliveries on the INSTC route will be carried out via the territories of India, the Persian Gulf, Iran Azerbaijan and Russia toward the Nordic countries and the Northern Europe in 14 days. Nowadays, the containers are shipped from Iran to Azerbaijan by trucks and then loaded onto trains heading to Russia. The North-South Transport Corridor project aims to reduce the costs and the time of ship, rail and road deliveries to and from Russia, India, Iran, Azerbaijan and other countries located along the route.

Read more: https://sputniknews.com/world/201611291047952232-india-iran-azerbaijan-railway/



900 KM of railway track and of-course roads as well. Why should consider this project where CPEC is already active?
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The murders of women in Turkey increased from 66 in 2002 to 953 in the first seven months of 2009.[16] In the Eastern and Southeastern Anatoliaregions in particular, women face domestic violence, forced marriages, and honor killings.[17] Şefkat-Der, a Turkish non-governmental organization, has suggested granting licensed, tax-free guns to women as a way to combat domestic violence.[18]

Domestic violence[edit]
According to report by the Turkish government dating from 2009, 42% of the surveyed women said they had been physically or sexually abused by their husband or partner.[19] Almost half of them never speaking to anyone about this, and only 8% approach government institutions for support.[20]When they do approach them, police and gendarmerie sometimes prefer to attempt to “reconcile” the families rather than protecting them.[20] While the rates of violence are particularly high among poor, rural women, one third of the women in the highest economic brackets have also been subject to domestic violence.[20]

According to a United Nations report published in July 2011, 39% of women in Turkey had suffered physical violence at some time in their lives, compared with 22% in the United States.[16] Even though every municipality with more than 50,000 inhabitants is required by law to have at least one women’s shelter, there are just 79 in the whole country.[16]
Yes, this is common among our Kurdish "Turks" , very sad, but, they are not so bad as India. This isn't about who is better, just pointing out India has a problem with rapes.
Go back to school and get some more knowledge, 350 nautical miles doesn't mean you are allowed to stop even a small boat, leave alone merchant vessels or navy ships..

Pak is not he only road.... we know how to manage our things... better to wake up and smell the coffee before it's to late....
and during war time... might will be right... so be well prepared ...

m sick of replying to a kid.....
Go back and ask someone who got brain.. if it is in the waters of 5th largest army with nuks and with backup from Vito power holder country with its ships and subs in that waters.. anything can be possible. I think this all is enough for you bring back in reality.. anyway it was good chat with you.. I have business to look after adios
LOL...Pakistani i.e wannabe Turk, Afghan, Persian or Arab. You guys have nothing original. Your missiles are named after foreign invaders. Your mosque, your stadium are named after foreign rulers who gave you money. You are a dalkhor whose ancestors were cowards to be converted. Thank your allah that it is 21st century else Afghans whom you trying to kick out would have kicked your ***. That is why 98000 surrender. Height of cowardice 1 lakh being captured.

I can feel your anger...very good:) Why should I be a wannabe Persian when my ancestors ruled Persia for four centuries. We are proud of those invaders because they were Muslim and it's one of the great reasons why I love the Ottoman Turks:) But let me ask you a question? If you had dignity why don't you leave this forum...its a Pakistan Defence Forum....stay with your own kind. Currently we are teaching the Afghans a lesson....didn't you know the Taliban control 40% of the country and soon the Kabul mayor will collapse.

You are Forgetting we have won 350 nautical mails more recently in UN.... second your every shipment will be under watch.... in war time it can be stoped in any munit as you did with us in 1971 in Bangladesh.. I hope you got my point....:-) pak is only road that can bring you good times.. rather you take it or leave it.. leaving is not a option for you.. we know it well.. sooner you accept it other wise there will be bad pain in 1billion a**... forever...
You cant control or do anything to a ship passing through a country EEZ

"In the exclusive economic zone, all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy, subject to the relevant provisions of this Convention, the freedoms referred to in article 87 of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of this Convention."
Go back and ask someone who got brain.. if it is in the waters of 5th largest army(Against 3rd Largest Army - Not in territorial waters get your facts right again) with nuks (Tell me something your adversary don't have)and with backup from Vito power holder country (Against Backup of rest 4 veto powers)with its ships and subs in that waters (Against a navy with more subs and surface ships also with AC ).. anything can be possible. I think this all is enough for you bring back in reality.. anyway it was good chat with you.. I have business to look after adios
You also manage to run a business ... aahhhha.. cute:D
LOL...Pakistani i.e wannabe Turk, Afghan, Persian or Arab. You guys have nothing original. Your missiles are named after foreign invaders. Your mosque, your stadium are named after foreign rulers who gave you money. You are a dalkhor whose ancestors were cowards to be converted. Thank your allah that it is 21st century else Afghans whom you trying to kick out would have kicked your ***. That is why 98000 surrender. Height of cowardice 1 lakh being captured.




1965 brave Indian Army run away. But I like your comments . LOL
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