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India to hike its defence budget further by 10%

$32 billion is stil only 2.5% to 2.75% of india $1.2 billion+ GDP.

its a tint fraction of some countries including pakistan who spend well over 3.5%

yes ,it's not enough for them,they need more,and buy more weapons from the West and Russia.
it is a good thing to make Russia get out of the financial crisis,and good for both sides.
if the want to face :china:and :pakistan:,they need more brave soldiers and weapons,as a peaceful country ,the need more money:agree: why ? they need that action to make them feel strong:sniper:we will see how it work
its a tint fraction of some countries including pakistan who spend well over 3.5%

OMG Maverick - do you not tire of lying despite being corrected time and time again?

I have pointed this out to you at least twice now, and to other Indian members even more, that according to official budget documents, adjusted for an upward revision in the defence budget, Pakistan's defence budget comes out to about 2.75% of GDP for 2008-2009.

Seriously, have some shame to not keep blurting out the same disinformation despite being corrected.
Defence budgets of top 10 countries in 2008 :
10. India - 30BUSD
9. Saudi Arabia - 38.2BUSD
8. Italy - 40.6BUSD
7. Japan - 46.3BUSD
6. Germany - 46.8BUSD
5. Russia - 58.6BUSD
4. UK - 65.3BUSD
3. France - 65.7BUSD
2. China - 84.9BUSD
1. USA - 607BUSD

Compared to what other countries are spending on defense, India's spending is peanuts. But its security needs are genuine and serious considering it is surrounded some hostile and some unfriendly but powerful countries.
I Don't understand what is the justification of some European countries, Japan & Saudi Arabia to spend such large amounts on defense.
OMG Maverick - do you not tire of lying despite being corrected time and time again?

I have pointed this out to you at least twice now, and to other Indian members even more, that according to official budget documents, adjusted for an upward revision in the defence budget, Pakistan's defence budget comes out to about 2.75% of GDP for 2008-2009.

Seriously, have some shame to not keep blurting out the same disinformation despite being corrected.

You also have to tell that While all other countries calculate Solders pensions in defense budget which consume major chuck also, which PAK don't in order to show def budget low, just white wash.
Defence budgets of top 10 countries in 2008 :
10. India - 30BUSD
9. Saudi Arabia - 38.2BUSD
8. Italy - 40.6BUSD
7. Japan - 46.3BUSD
6. Germany - 46.8BUSD
5. Russia - 58.6BUSD
4. UK - 65.3BUSD
3. France - 65.7BUSD
2. China - 84.9BUSD
1. USA - 607BUSD

Compared to what other countries are spending on defense, India's spending is peanuts. But its security needs are genuine and serious considering it is surrounded some hostile and some unfriendly but powerful countries.
I Don't understand what is the justification of some European countries, Japan & Saudi Arabia to spend such large amounts on defense.
These countries have GDP much bigger then India and don't have poor people, Japan and Saudi Arabia are very rich countries they can spend few Billions in defense.
India ranks 12th position by GDP - nominal , by PPP ranks 4th . Its not a big amount. Japan spends more than India and Saudi's GDP is not as high as India. There is no such thing that if you have poor people should not spend for defense.
I am pretty sure that Russia & China have "poor people"

Poverty in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20 Million Live in Poverty in Russia - Kommersant Moscow

These countries have GDP much bigger then India and don't have poor people, Japan and Saudi Arabia are very rich countries they can spend few Billions in defense.
Just to give you some economic sense.
You also have to tell that While all other countries calculate Solders pensions in defense budget which consume major chuck also, which PAK don't in order to show def budget low, just white wash.

Way to go !!!
Indian Military definitely should celebrate for a good reason the 10%. And congratulations!

Don’t want to spoil the party, but what percent of hike in embezzlement and bribery should you expect given the lousy composition of Indian parliament? And the military actually gets what percent?
You also have to tell that While all other countries calculate Solders pensions in defense budget which consume major chuck also, which PAK don't in order to show def budget low, just white wash.

Bare facts.

#1 - Rs 7,007 crore returned unspent from the capital outlay for defence in 2008-09. Rs 16,285 crore was overspent in the revenue outlay in 2008-09. This revenue expense doesn’t include defence pensions.

#2 - Defence pensions overshot the outlay in 2008-09 by 4,670 crore. And they are not even considered as part of the defence budget.

#3 - Indian army’s revenue budget outlay for 2009-10 is Rs 58,648 crore, which is greater than the proposed capital outlay for all the three services for 2009-10 at Rs 54,824 crore.

#4 - Total proposed outlay for salaries and pensions for defence services in 2009-10 is Rs 65,601 crore. Rs 43,811 crore is slotted for pay and allowances while Rs 21,790 crore is earmarked for defence pensions, again outside of the defence budget.

Pragmatic Euphony Defenestrate the defence budget
In its interim budget for 2009-10 the Union Government has allocated Rs. 1,41,703 crores for the country’ Defence Services that include three Armed Forces (i.e., the Army, the Navy and the Air Force), and other Departments, primarily Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Defence Ordnance Factories. This is apart from Rs. 24,960 crores which have been earmarked to defray civil expenditures of Ministry of Defence (MoD) and its affiliated organisations, including, the Coast Guard, and for defence pension (Rs. 21,790 crores). In other words, the total resource available for the MoD and its various establishments is Rs. 1,66,663 crores. By convention, only budgetary provisions for the Defence Services constitute India’s defence budget.
::IDSA Strategic Comments:: India’s Defence Budget 2009-10: An Assessment by Laxman Kumar Behera ::

Why is it our 'whitewash' alone?
These countries have GDP much bigger then India and don't have poor people, Japan and Saudi Arabia are very rich countries they can spend few Billions in defense.

Nonsense. Just because a nation is rich does it mean that it has to buy weapons even if it does not need them as it does not face any tangible threat? Totally illogical. Some of the reasons I can think of for this abnorma behaviour are as follows:-
1. Surplus funds available, so buy expensive toys, example, Royal family of Saudi Arabia. After all aren't the latest edition of F-16 better than flying hawks/falcons which kill pegions? Or camel races?
2. Yes, US security umbrella exists. It has worked so far but who knows the future? Example Japan.
3. We have no real threat now, now that the Soviet Union is gone. But we were strong and powerful once with colonies all over the world... sob.. sob.... The Yanks are showing off again, after all some one has to stand up and lead Europe. Example Germany, Italy, France.........
4. Russia:- Leningrad has got back its historic name 'St Petersburg', But Peter the Great is long gone and so has the Russian Empire. The Americans continue to encircle and pincer and probe and generally make a nuisance of themselves. The economy isn't that great. People are happy only with Vodka. What to do? Hang on, didn't Orwell have something to say about that? Yes, he said War is Peace. War diverts people's attention, unites them, brings peace at home. And an unipolar world is unthinkable, right? All said and done, look at history. Duke of Wellington just served the coup de grace, it was Russia that defeated Nepolean. It was Russia which defeated Nazi Germany(Stalingrad-1942). She will rise again, have no doubts.
5. USA:- The 'rightful descendants' of the Greek, Roman and British empires. The flag bearers of the European civillisation with pretentions of being the harbinger and facilitator of world peace feels that it is the 'Last man standing' in the chaotic world where European allies have fallen by the side or deserted her and only the Anglo Saxon ties remain. On her way down with more enemies than friends but will remain a power to reckon with in our life times and those of our children.
6. China:- Not a rich country. Sould have been born in South America or Africa where she would have automatically been 'boss'. Asia has too many bosses to start with, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Pakistan and India. Being a regional power here is tough, too much competition. On her way up as she has adopted Human Wave tactics to industry and business. Floods the world with cheap and unreliable goods in huge quantities.
Indian Military definitely should celebrate for a good reason the 10%. And congratulations!

Don’t want to spoil the party, but what percent of hike in embezzlement and bribery should you expect given the lousy composition of Indian parliament? And the military actually gets what percent?

Would have explained to you if you knew what a parliament looked like. But then you are not a Chinese are you? Just an illegal immigrant who thinks he can make the best of both the worlds. Waving American flags and abusing the Americans in the same breath. At the same time abusing India and trying to endear himself with like minded turds who are too ashamed to fly the flag of their country. There is a word that describes guys like you. Cant say it here.
I still think this is less. Indian Armed Forces are among the finest and the largest in the world.

Indian Army: Largest in the world. Reserve+Active troops combined.
Indian Airforce: Fourth Largest in the world with 32 squadrons. Way below its sanctioned strength of 48 Squadrons(Which would make it second largest airforce)

Indian Navy: Fifth Largest, and continuously being expanded.

Given the sheer size of maintainence and upgradation, it in itself gives a justification why India needs such a budget.

However, I feel India should stick with Finance Ministry recommendation of 3-3.5% of GDP or about $42 billion.

As for the faulicious arguments of those skeptical about Indias budget, Poverty is a BIG issue. And GOI takes it up in a BIG way. Perhaps it goes unnoticed for obvious reasons on this forum. If you would care to dig up the ENORMOUS money being put into social welfare, you would know where India's intentions really lie.
Good points from insas.

For those that constantly bleat on about India defense buget at 2.5% of its GDP its very small.

$32 billion only looks large to Pakistanis cause they deal with much smaller sums.

As for looking after the poor erradicating poverty by currently having the second fastetst growing economy in the world of large nations is india not already planning for the poor.

The estimated $500 billion on infrastucture over the next 10 years. Is this not for the benefit of all indians.

In my opinion $32 billion is to mild/small wen we consider wat we have in our neighbourhood..

WOT = Taliban
China to the north with 400 nukes
Pakistan. 50 nukes and Kashmir dispute
Iran =
USA Navy in Degio Garcia

How are we suppose to protect the 6th largest nation on earth of $1.2 billion indians with a economy of $1.2 trillion and annual trade of over a quarter of $$ trillion in imports and exports.

THEY ARE CALLING THE 21st Century " The Asian Century" and india will be a big powerful player. India needs a POWERFUL MILITARY OPTION.
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