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India to get mine-resistant vehicles

Well they were wrong to assume weren't they? And i wonder if this response from them has more to do with the Af-Pak relations than anything else. I doubt the Afghans will have the same complaints or at least will voice the same complaints about such a sale to India.

So now when it comes to india yr denying yr own words?

Who needs to tell this to them? Who are they to dictate business transactions between 2 other nations? They are foolish at best to have assumed that the US would leave such high-end gear in their hands when their army is barely a decade old and combating illiteracy amongst other serious issues.
The basic argument here was this mentioned above by u.

So basically if they r not to voice their concern for india then they shouldnt have said this earlier.

''Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi says his country will strongly oppose any move to deliver the military hardware to Pakistan.He says Kabul was expecting coalition forces to leave it for the Afghan security forces.''

Here main thing was that these equipment should be given to ANA only. So now it will be interesting to see what they say abt india. Because frankly u cant have a two face foreign policy, by this one loses its credibility in international relations and diplomacy.

No, you are. It's perfectly clear from all articles that Agh is wary about these things going to Pakistan, since Pakistanis sponsor and support the talib terrorists. It is even mentioned in the article you quoted.
:rofl: Its stupid to have an argument with u when i have already refute this.

Go sleep kid. Dont waste my time.
Who needs to tell this to them? Who are they to dictate business transactions between 2 other nations? They are foolish at best to have assumed that the US would leave such high-end gear in their hands when their army is barely a decade old and combating illiteracy amongst other serious issues.

here......and rest is mentioned in post#91.
Looks like a good deal. Probably one of the very very few things St. Anthony has correctly done.
I'm sorry, I'm lost, please explain my apparent contradiction...
yaar u said in post#85 first that

Who needs to tell this to them? Who are they to dictate business transactions between 2 other nations? They are foolish at best to have assumed that the US would leave such high-end gear in their hands when their army is barely a decade old and combating illiteracy amongst other serious issues.

then u said in post#87 mentioned below.

Well they were wrong to assume weren't they? And i wonder if this response from them has more to do with the Af-Pak relations than anything else. I doubt the Afghans will have the same complaints or at least will voice the same complaints about such a sale to India.

The basic argument here was this mentioned above.

now let me repeat my response in post#91...........

So basically if they r not to voice their concern for india then they shouldnt have said this earlier.

Im quoting this from VOA website who first time published their uneasiness.......

''Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi says his country will strongly oppose any move to deliver the military hardware to Pakistan.He says Kabul was expecting coalition forces to leave it for the Afghan security forces.''
US Proposal to transfer MRAPs to Pakistan Exposes Kabul Rift

Here main thing was that these equipment should be given to ANA only. So now it will be interesting to see what they say abt india. Because frankly u cant have a two face foreign policy, by this one loses its credibility in international relations and diplomacy.

Got it now!!
Looks like a good deal. Probably one of the very very few things St. Anthony has correctly done.
Funniest part is that the "Saint" has NOTHING to do with it at all! These vehicles are for the CAPFs and are being bought by the MHA and NOT the MoD! If anything Mr Shinde deserves the credit for this pragmatic decision.
Funniest part is that the "Saint" has NOTHING to do with it at all! These vehicles are for the CAPFs and are being bought by the MHA and NOT the MoD! If anything Mr Shinde deserves the credit for this pragmatic decision.

Well in that case, I hereby take back the title of "St." . And BTW I dont even Shinde has anything to do with this. This deal is being finalized well over his pay grade.
We won't take them. We have indigenous alternatives, or we can buy first-hand with ToT.

Give them to our neighbour, they are in need of donations.

Oh I'm sorry .. Waiting for shiny India to stop accepting donations .. N asking for these MRAPs .. :lol:
Well in that case, I hereby take back the title of "St." . And BTW I dont even Shinde has anything to do with this. This deal is being finalized well over his pay grade.
"Above his pay grade"? He is the Home Minister of India bro. As the MHA is the one procuring these vehicles it is well within his purview.
US Proposal to transfer MRAPs to Pakistan Exposes Kabul Rift

Here main thing was that these equipment should be given to ANA only. So now it will be interesting to see what they say abt india. Because frankly u cant have a two face foreign policy, by this one loses its credibility in international relations and diplomacy.

Got it now!!
I'm still a bit confused to be honest but okay. And I don't see how it is two-faced foreign policy on India's part. India has never stated its position on US military equipment post-2014 and the ANA. India is looking out for her own needs and, as of yet, the Afghans haven't voiced any concerns about this as they had with the potential of such aid to Pakistan.
Funniest part is that the "Saint" has NOTHING to do with it at all! These vehicles are for the CAPFs and are being bought by the MHA and NOT the MoD! If anything Mr Shinde deserves the credit for this pragmatic decision.
Looks like another scam and a bad decision to me!
TATA has some nice PROTOTYPES yes I agree. Their MPV in service with the CRPF offers nowhere near the level of protection a these US MRAPs and the LAMV they have shown that looks great is years away from entering service. The CAPFs need these vehicles yesterday.

Let's not delude ourselves, there are things that Indian companies just aren't producing to date and India MUST look abroad otherwise critical gaps will emerge in the security apparatus.

And I'm sick of people ranting and raving against importing this and that- if an Indian company was producing better it would have been ordered.

These MRAPs offer many times more protection than those sh!tty OFB MPVs. With the introduction of these MRAPs the CRPF will be able to change their tactics and push into enemy/dangerous territory with little fear of being blown to pieces as they would have to be concerned about in the OFB's MPV.

How can you expect doemestic companies to improve when the government does not allow for them to participate in research? If
That slat armour won't be needed, the Naxals have little other than IEDs to fight with- they have barely and RPGs to speak of and I don't think any CAPF vehicle has ever come under RPG fire from the Naxals.

You seem pretty confident of the Naxals? Did you ever read their manual on how to engage the enemy? Have you ever spoken to a Naxalite? They would never show their latest weapons unless it a planned action with appproval. They have discovered two factories making AKs for them. Don't underestimate, because that will be first mistake.
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