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India to Gear up for 'Star Wars' with Countries like China

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Some additional facts about India are the following:

1. The number of companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, at more than 6,000, is second only to NYSE.
2. Four out of 10 Silicon Valley startups are run by Indians.
3. With 800 movies per year, India's film industry overshadows Hollywood.
4. The organized lottery market in India is US$7bn (2% of GDP).
5. India consumes a fifth of the world's gold output.
6. Indians account for 45% of H1-B visas issued by the US every year.
7. Growing at 6%, in 25 years Indian GDP on a PPP basis will be at the same level the US is at today.
8. Six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years. No other country has won more than twice.
11. Bank deposits in India roughly equal 50% of its GDP OE again, among the highest in the world.
12. Indian Railways is the largest railway network in the world under single management.
13. India has the third-largest army in the world, nearly 1.5 million strong.
14. India is the largest producer and consumer of tea in the world, accounting for more than 30% of global production and 25% of consumption.
15. India is the world's premier centre for diamond cutting and polishing. Nine out of every 10 stones sold in the world pass through India.
16. India has the highest number of annual bulk drugs filings (77) with USFDA.
17. India is home to the largest number of pharmaceutical plants (61) approved by USFDA outside the US.
18. India's Hero Honda is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer, with 2002 production of 1.7m units.
19. Other than US and Japan, India is the only country to have built a super computer indigenously.
20. Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world, with a staff of 1.6 million people.
21. It is the second-largest cement-producing country in the world, producing more than 110m tonnes.
22. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 220 outsource their software-related work to India.
23. There are 8,500 Indian restaurants in the UK, 15% of the country's total dining-out establishments.
24. India is the largest democracy in the world, with nearly 400m voting in the last national elections.
25. India has the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world.
26. India has the third-largest investor base in the world.
27. According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds.
28. The Kumbh Mela festival, held every 12 years in the city of Allahabad, attracts 25 million people OE more than the population of 185 of the 227 countries in the world. In fact, in 2001, it attracted 27 million people on the main holy days in January, and 71 million over the course of the 6 weeks of the whole festival.
29. The Indian city of Varanasi, also known as Benares, is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.
30. There are 3.22 million Indians in the US.
31. Indians are the richest immigrant class in the US, with nearly 200,000 millionaires. From a sample of 2004 US Census based surveys, Asians are the highest earning subgroup with a median income of $57,518 compared to the national average of $44,389.
32. India is ranked the sixth country in the world in terms of satellite launches.
33. There are over 70,000 bank branches in India - among the highest in the world.
34. The State bank of India is the world’s largest Bank in terms of branches.
Additional and Interesting Quotes About India.

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. Albert Einstein.

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition. Mark Twain.

If there is one place on the face of the earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. French scholar Romain Rolland.

India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. Hu Shih. (Former Chinese ambassador to USA)
Boy, are you from mars? do you know illegal Indian immigrants are flooding my country? they even took away the monopoly job from the Mexicans which is "Lawn care services", people are sending Indians to do my lawn instead of Mexicans nowadays. No wonder Mexicans hate Indians. :lol::usflag::usflag:
Indian illegal immigrants in US up 64 per cent last decade

ok point taken but you are forgeting that indians are also stealing your jobs in medical profession,IT,research ,engiennring etc there is no stopping to this list and let me guess some indian guy or girl took your job thats why you recently joined this forum to take out some heat on indians by playing the great US card.haha thats sad....
Sorry, this is the image of India to common Americans.:argh::usflag::usflag:
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Poverty still grips millions in India
The most recent government figure is that about 26% of India's population are officially classed as poor - that is people getting less than the minimum number of calories regarded as necessary for survival .

But some experts like Jayati Ghosh, an economics professor at Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi, believe that the poor in India are far more numerous that these figures suggest.

"We are not including people who do not have access to running water, sanitation, schooling, health and education. They may well not have any of these things, yet still not be considered poor because they earn enough to have the minimum calorie requirement."

India News - Breaking World India News - The New York Times
Of all the country needs to address its abiding poverty. Despite over a decade of high economic growth in India, more than 40 percent of Indians live below the World Bank poverty line of $1.25 a day. Close to half of all children under the age of 3 are malnourished. Large tracts of the country are racked by a Maoist insurgency. And for the first time in years, growth rates have dipped sharply and the deficit has ballooned.
IndianArmy junior...
why would i burn inside its you who should burn inside out while the poverty line is increasing day by day there is shortage of food, medicine, shelters. how many more poor people would be sacrificed.

Who will feed these poor.

The whole world know that india has lot of poor people .But before talking about the poor people analyze some facts When china opened the Market in 1979 there are some 300+ million poor people
and 30 years down the line in 2010 it has around 100 million left so It's natural for every country to take some time to reduce the poor as it cant happen overnight
This millions of poor people have not restricted china investing in
R&D as a result now china has ASAT & Cyber-warfare capabilities
So this time frame applies to india also As india opened the market in 1990 It will take some decades to lift the poor .For example as per the McKinsey report there are 50 million middle class people in india in 2005 this will jump by 11.6 times or about 583 million by the end of 2025. And also around 291 million people will move out of poverty and climb to higher income groups. And india's per capita income will increase three times to $3,231 in 2020
The reason i have posted this fact is bcoz to make u understand what we are doing to lift the poor .So with the above all facts i dont find any mistake my country is doing by investing in R&D
nice SuperManKa, but still there is no need of that so called star wars.. lol
why destroying innocent stars, attack china today and wipe it out from face of earth lol.
9. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053.


I didnt go through all of the facts that you have posted, but I would like to make some correction regarding Algebra and the other stuff. The contribution of India to the Mathametical world is great because when the arabs concured Sindh they got aquainted to the digit zero. But crediting it all to India is a bit too much dont you think. for example Algebra is by its self an arabic word.
According to http://www.museums.reading.ac.uk: The first treatise on algebra was written by Diophantus of Alexandria in the 3rd century AD. Algebra comes from the Arabic word al-jabr an ancient medical term meaning "the reunion of broken parts.''

Who is the inventor of algebra?
Algebra was invented by Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi (Popularly known as Muhammad bin) and it is been said that even Diophantus shares the credit in introducing it. Algebra is a study of rules of relations and operations and it is considered to be a branch of pure mathematics.

Who is the inventor of calculus?
Calculus, a branch of mathematics mainly focuses on limits, functions, derivatives, and infinite series. Sir Isaac Newton is considered to be one of the most contributed people in the development of calculus

Who is the inventor of geometry?
Pythagoras, Euclid and Thales are the inventors as well as father of geometry. Euclid invented geometer before Pythagoras geometry. Thales and Pythagoras invented the geometry for earliest schools.
nice SuperManKa, but still there is no need of that so called star wars.. lol
why destroying innocent stars, attack china today and wipe it out from face of earth lol.

I think you totally misunderstood the concept of starwars :disagree:
Guys do you have only 2 answers for every Indian related discussion ??poverty and toilets..why cant you guys have some good discussion??I am sure most of them just read the title and doesnt bother to read the article just came here to bash India..Where India is saying we are going to use space aircrafts and destroy all the stars??Its just a roadmap of DRDO to counter ASAT missile produced by China??is this the same thing every country do??taking steps to preventive measure ?whats wrong with it?
@ Khalidali , Sanskrit is the oldest known language Giamiti means Geometry,Trigonometry frm word Trikonomati In sanskrit....

And Its all a part of vedic mathematics.... I do not know which is true... Iam not good at this subject
Some additional facts about India are the following:

1. The number of companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, at more than 6,000, is second only to NYSE.

you can have 600,000, so what if they are all tiny and insignificant. lol

2. Four out of 10 Silicon Valley startups are run by Indians.

So that's where 65% increase of illegal indians in the US comes from, if the figure was right?

Slilicon Valley (SV) is corrupted by Indians via illegal hiring and cozy 'family member" relation to squeeze out indigenious ppl. Google it out, there are many allegations agiainst infested Indians from US citizen and IT workers in SV !

The way as it goes, SV will go down to toilet within a decade!

3. With 800 movies per year, India's film industry overshadows Hollywood.

you can have 600,000 movies per year, so what if they are all insignificant Hula dancing slumdog millionaire versions. LMAO.

4. The organized lottery market in India is US$7bn (2% of GDP).

So you has a Lottory market...and?

5. India consumes a fifth of the world's gold output.

and? do you people use gold toilets then ? lol

6. Indians account for 45% of H1-B visas issued by the US every year.

in combination with faking ones?

Google it up, there are many recent allegations from US Immigrations against Indians' H1-B visa faking scandals.

7. Growing at 6%, in 25 years Indian GDP on a PPP basis will be at the same level the US is at today.

and IF growing at 6%, in 500 years, Indian GDP wil be the same level as Solar System's . So it's the OLS story about IF again... ROFL!

8. Six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years. No other country has won more than twice.

You forgot Miss Solar System? LOL

Combined black ladies of Africa origin won more! and?

11. Bank deposits in India roughly equal 50% of its GDP OE again, among the highest in the world.

what the higest in the world? or just another hoax!

No indian banks ranks within World Top10 or probably top 20, in size. What are you talking about? Isn't that wierd?

12. Indian Railways is the largest railway network in the world under single management.

And it's moving at 50 miles per hour or less... and conductors have to constantly watch out for endless people "answering nature's calls" along the rail tracks ? LMAO

13. India has the third-largest army in the world, nearly 1.5 million strong.

so India has many hungry people to feed? Is that what you're saying? LOL

14. India is the largest producer and consumer of tea in the world, accounting for more than 30% of global production and 25% of consumption.

tea??? and?

15. India is the world's premier centre for diamond cutting and polishing. Nine out of every 10 stones sold in the world pass through India.

so it must be the largest diamond polishing labour camp? :lol:

16. India has the highest number of annual bulk drugs filings (77) with USFDA.

and THE largest HIV positive population too! : tup:

17. India is home to the largest number of pharmaceutical plants (61) approved by USFDA outside the US.

agains and again, numbers don't count, sizes do! you can have 61,000 pharmaceutical plants with peanut output, and?

18. India's Hero Honda is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer, with 2002 production of 1.7m units.

NOTE it is Honda ! LOL

19. Other than US and Japan, India is the only country to have built a super computer indigenously.

another hoax!

source, plz?

20. Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world, with a staff of 1.6 million people.

should be many more!

about 60-70& India's population poo in the open, mostly at rail tracks. So Indian Railways indrectly enploy about 600 million Indians in fact at "rail works". :rofl:

21. It is the second-largest cement-producing country in the world, producing more than 110m tonnes.

Second? who is the first, huh?

22. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 220 outsource their software-related work to India.

outsourcing to india due to the cheap labours there.

" hello Sir, very good morning, Sir. This is your Indian back office speaking. What can I do for you today, Sir? if you are tired of my voice, just hang up the line , Sir.... " -- is it this version of "software-related"? :rofl:

23. There are 8,500 Indian restaurants in the UK, 15% of the country's total dining-out establishments.

so Indians eat too. and?

24. India is the largest democracy in the world, with nearly 400m voting in the last national elections.

come on, it's not funny anymore, :rofl:

25. India has the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world.

waht? another hoax!

source, plz!

26. India has the third-largest investor base in the world.

base, and a potential base, got it? IF india continue to grow.... a very big IF. :lol:

27. According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds.

So the largest diamond polishing labour camp has a long history. ROFL

28. The Kumbh Mela festival, held every 12 years in the city of Allahabad, attracts 25 million people OE more than the population of 185 of the 227 countries in the world. In fact, in 2001, it attracted 27 million people on the main holy days in January, and 71 million over the course of the 6 weeks of the whole festival.


29. The Indian city of Varanasi, also known as Benares, is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.


source, plz!

30. There are 3.22 million Indians in the US.

> 60% of them without papers, or with fake papers?

31. Indians are the richest immigrant class in the US, with nearly 200,000 millionaires. From a sample of 2004 US Census based surveys, Asians are the highest earning subgroup with a median income of $57,518 compared to the national average of $44,389.

"Asians" in the US means exclusively Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.

32. India is ranked the sixth country in the world in terms of satellite launches.

the sixth , huh?

33. There are over 70,000 bank branches in India - among the highest in the world.

again....number don't count, sizes do!

34. The State bank of India is the world’s largest Bank in terms of branches.

and bank of India is also the world’s largest Bank in terms of bullshit?:yahoo:
Multi quoting is a hard work and reading that is even harder. How do you guys do that?!
@ Khalidali , Sanskrit is the oldest known language Giamiti means Geometry,Trigonometry frm word Trikonomati In sanskrit....

And Its all a part of vedic mathematics.... I do not know which is true... Iam not good at this subject

Well sir in history we have many facts and many fictions. And many of them we cant prove or dispute. I was pointing out the fact about Algebra. Thats all. Even if we take the contribution of 0 to the Mathematical community that is more then any thing else that came from the subcontinent.
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