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India to deploy five regiments of Russian-made S-400 air defense missile systems by 2023

Nothing special about it. It is hard to separate Russian propaganda and exaggerations from fact. It has had no success in Syria against Israeli F-35s and contrary to Russian propaganda, it did not succeed in stopping any of the US cruise missiles fired at Syria
S-400 would be mated with our Swordfish AESA radarhttps://www.defenceview.in/s-400-missile-set-a-record-shoot-down-the-ukrainian-su-27-from-150-km-away/

That’s a jet which makes it a little easier.
Pakistani friends jump directly on S400...

They always forget -

1- India will respond with rockets and tactical missiles...... Do they have any defense to protect?
2. India is having other defense systems...... how do they bypass them?
3. How Pakistan will protect its cities from rockets and missiles?

India will have 2nd chance with better missile defense systems and multilayers defense systems, but what about Pakistan?

Do they have decent missile defense systems? Answer is "NO"
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Pakistani friends

We are enemies not friends.

They always forget -

1- India will respond with rockets and tactical missiles...... Do they have any defense to protect?
2. India is having other defense systems...... how do they bypass them?
3. How Pakistan will protect its cities from rockets and missiles?

A couple of Nasrs will be enough to neutralize your forces.
Good system but it’s performance in Ukraine has been subpar. HIMARS has posed massive problems. Guided rockets were said to be a weakness which has proved correct.
HIMARS is an MBRL, S-400 is an air defence system, its not an Iron dome like system that is meant to intercept rocket artillery, else even an ATGM or few RPGs can also destroy an S-400 system but that it will be wring to say that S-400 is unable to save itself from ATGMs.
HIMARS is an MBRL, S-400 is an air defence system, its not an Iron dome like system that is meant to intercept rocket artillery, else even an ATGM or few RPGs can also destroy an S-400 system but that it will be wring to say that S-400 is unable to save itself from ATGMs.

LOL at your excuses.

This is like saying I have sharp knife but it is not meant to stop your bullet.

So finally you agree that your S-400s are useless junk.

Bhai, kuch bada socho

You keep thinking while we keep doing..

That is the difference between you losers and we winners.
LOL at your excuses.

This is like saying I have sharp knife but it is not meant to stop your bullet.

So finally you agree that your S-400s are useless junk.

You keep thinking while we keep doing..

That is the difference between you losers and we winners.
Then by all logics your ADs are junk too as they can also be neutralised by MBRLs.
You MBRLs are no match to Chinese and Pakistani A300/A200/A100.

We outnumber and out range your systems just like we out ranged your BVR missles on 27th Feb, 2019.
You MBRLs are no match to Chinese and Pakistani A300/A200/A100.

We outnumber and out range your systems just like we out ranged your BVR missles on 27th Feb, 2019.

And the Chinese keep developing improved systems like the following

These are the kinds of systems that are so accurate that they could be used to take out a bridge hundreds of miles away; similar to what Himars can do but himars can only go a short distance then the new Chinese rocket system. Now if these long range systems can be coupled with sensor fuzed weapons submunitions, they can also be used to knock out enemy armor movements once the s-400s and other air defenses are taken out. No need to send aircraft to do the job.

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