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India to continue support to Afghanistan: Rick Perry


The problem here is that you're unable to understand simple logic. Selling out sovereignty and what not amounts to being a lapdog. So essentially you're calling us their lapdog, since we 'sold ourselves to them'.

Now the question is... why would they pay us aid and money if we on the other hand were supporting Taliban and whatnot? Can you answer that? There has been noise about Pakistan supporting Taliban for several years now, yet they've only, more or less, tripled the aid.

Not really, as I said before ..a dog is loyal animal, it is generally loyal to one master..but since you are loyal to many..dog is not an appropriate word.

On second part ..why are they still giving aid to you ?

To be blunt, they consider you a failed state, standing on a cliff on the brink of collapse..which can tip either way ..you tipping in the wrong direction(into utter Chaos) is not really in their interest at this point of time..hence the have you dangled by the threads such US aid, IMF SBA etc..Now you can either pull yourself up using these thread and dust off your old habits of harboring terror groups as strategic assets and start over!! ..or you can use this precious little money you have to further raise such strategic assets and can descend into absolute Chaos..and turn your country into second Afghanistan. It is all upto you.
Nobody in their right mind gives a damn what Rick Perry says. He's one of those right wing nutcase politicians that provides comedy for the presidential elections.
What exactly are we doing by supporting Taliban, Haqqanis, etc? Still treating them as master?

Not that simplistic as you take it to be.Pakistan probably plays both sides for a myriad of reasons;

They thought they would never be found out or called out for it in the first place

They know targeting Taliban/Haqqanis would mean these groups will run riot in Pakistan

They are counting on the Yanks to leave on their own and soon so they think they are betting on winning horse

Arrey,yeh sab toh humare hi baache hain etc.

Pakistan supports the United States for the obvious monetary and military reasons and hence the term running with the hares and hunting with the hounds.You can squabble over the semantics of the term "master" all you want but the fact remains that you cheated your first and longest "paymaster" so asking for lenience is a bit much.
Not really, as I said before ..a dog is loyal animal, it is generally loyal to one master..but since you are loyal to many..dog is not an appropriate word.

So we're loyal to the US by supporting the said groups? :lol:

On second part ..why are they still giving aid to you ?

To be blunt, they consider you a failed state, standing on a cliff on the brink of collapse..which can tip either way ..you tipping in the wrong direction(into utter Chaos) is not really in their interest at this point of time..hence the have you dangled by the threads such US aid, IMF SBA etc..Now you can either pull yourself up using these thread and dust off your old habits of harboring terror groups as strategic assets and start over!! ..or you can use this precious little money you have to further raise such strategic assets and can descend into absolute Chaos..and turn your country into second Afghanistan. It is all upto you.


ares, you're about as clueless a bharati can get when it comes to aid by US. If US was concerned about Pakistan being a "failed state", they would have withdrawn from Afghanistan, as the war in Afghanistan is the source of top problems Pakistan faces. OTOH, how $1 billion a year help us not fall into chaos? That's more or less a paltry amount.

You're just coming up with excuses ares.

You know deep down that you're making a completely illogical and irrational argument, yet try to make yourself believe the opposite.

Pakistan being loyal to US and supporting Taliban... :lol:

Where does such buffoonery originate from? Only a bharati can believe in such obvious BS.
Not that simplistic as you take it to be.Pakistan probably plays both sides for a myriad of reasons;

They thought they would never be found out or called out for it in the first place

They know targeting Taliban/Haqqanis would mean these groups will run riot in Pakistan

They are counting on the Yanks to leave on their own and soon so they think they are betting on winning horse

Arrey,yeh sab toh humare hi baache hain etc.

Pakistan supports the United States for the obvious monetary and military reasons and hence the term running with the hares and hunting with the hounds.You can squabble over the semantics of the term "master" all you want but the fact remains that you cheated your first and longest "paymaster" so asking for lenience is a bit much.

cyphercide, let me make it clear that YOU are playing squabble over the semantics of the term 'master'.

I am just saying how it is.

It's straightforward. US cannot be our master, yet we work against them in a big big way.

IF we're playing both sides, then they're not our master. If one is playing both sides, either of the sides can't be the masters of one.

I hope that make sense to you and clears this up. One can't play both sides (i.e. against and for) yet be with their master.
So we're loyal to the US by supporting the said groups? :lol:


ares, you're about as clueless a bharati can get when it comes to aid by US. If US was concerned about Pakistan being a "failed state", they would have withdrawn from Afghanistan, as the war in Afghanistan is the source of top problems Pakistan faces. OTOH, how $1 billion a year help us not fall into chaos? That's more or less a paltry amount.

You're just coming up with excuses ares.

You know deep down that you're making a completely illogical and irrational argument, yet try to make yourself believe the opposite.

Pakistan being loyal to US and supporting Taliban... :lol:

Where does such buffoonery originate from? Only a bharati can believe in such obvious BS.

Well your problem is that you think you are a smart arse and believe that world revolves around Pakistan and its problems..Keeping Pakistan from descending into chaos is one of their problems ..but not the foremost of them.

Their root problem is to eliminate terror which emanates from Af-P.ak region...and they can't do it without their Carrot and Stick policy towards Pakistan.

It is not only 1 Billion a yr but much more in US aid itself ..you think you got IMF, ADB, WB money without US support?

Besides if you want proof(right from horses mouth)..why US is still continuing aid despite you support terror groups against them...I can give you links!!..do you want it??

The contradiction from bharatis is just hilarious.

Pakistan is a lapdog of the west, but Pakistan also supports Taliban, Al Qaeda, Haqqanis and what have you.

The funny thing is that these idiots don't even see the obvious contradiction until someone points it out to them.

There is no contradiction.. Just that there are too many diverse power centers in Pakistan which are currently working against each other.. No wonder the situation in Pakistan is what it is..
Well your problem is that you think you are a smart arse and believe that world revolves around Pakistan and its problems..

Putting words into one's mouth, are we not?

Keeping Pakistan from descending into chaos is one of their problems ..but not the foremost of them.

Stop kidding yourself. They're not helping us stop descending into chaos. They're the ones who are in fact causing all the chaos.

Their root problem is to eliminate terror which emanates from Af-P.ak region...and they can do it without their Carrot and Stick policy towards Pakistan.

And who exactly do the groups that US is fighting (Taliban, Haqqanis) have attacked outside their countries?

It is not only 1 Billion a yr but much more in US aid itself ..you think you got IMF, ADB, WB money without US support?

We'd have got it without their support as well.

Besides if you want proof(right from horses mouth)..why US is still continuing aid despite you support terror groups against them...I can give you links!!..do you want it??

Because we're NOT supporting these groups? Ever think of that possibility?
Putting words into one's mouth, are we not?

Stop kidding yourself. They're not helping us stop descending into chaos. They're the ones who are in fact causing all the chaos.

And who exactly do the groups that US is fighting (Taliban, Haqqanis) have attacked outside their countries?

We'd have got it without their support as well.

Because we're NOT supporting these groups? Ever think of that possibility?

1)Well fact is only you can stop yourself from descending into chaos..not US ..not China..people can just show you way..not being the "terror central" of the world would be a good start!!

2) Taliban and Haqani groups residing in Pakistani territory..hence carrot and stick is a necessity.

3) How exactly would you have got these funds without US approval..as US holds majority votes in these institutions? Is it another one your head strong claims ..which you can not prove!!

4) Then It is too bad..majority of countries involved in this WOT, do not believe you!!
There is no contradiction.. Just that there are too many diverse power centers in Pakistan which are currently working against each other.. No wonder the situation in Pakistan is what it is..

You didn't show why there's no contradiction and made a diversion.
1)Well fact is only you can stop yourself from descending into chaos..not US ..not China..people can just show you way..not being the "terror central" of the world would be a good start!!

Ok....well.... all of that was off topic. So I will not bother replying.

2) Taliban and Haqani groups residing in Pakistani territory..hence carrot and stick is a necessity.

Ok, off-topic again. Btw, how do Taliban control 70% of Afghanistan by residing in Pakistan? I'd love to know.

3) How exactly would you have got these funds without US approval..as US holds majority votes in these institutions? Is it another one your head strong claims ..which you can not prove!!

US holds majority votes? i.e there are no other voters? .. You do realize that these groups are independent and not in US control?

Yet the funny thing is you're making claims without proof, but making statements the above.

4) Then It is too bad..majority of countries involved in this WOT, do not believe you!!

Trying to use argumentum ad populum, ares? :lol: How many countries believe Pakistan supports Taliban is not proof.

Also, do the math and get back to me. Majority means over 50%. There's well over a dozen countries involved in WoT.
Ok....well.... all of that was off topic. So I will not bother replying.

Ok, off-topic again. Btw, how do Taliban control 70% of Afghanistan by residing in Pakistan? I'd love to know.

US holds majority votes? i.e there are no other voters? .. You do realize that these groups are independent and not in US control?

Yet the funny thing is you're making claims without proof, but making statements the above.

Trying to use argumentum ad populum, ares? :lol: How many countries believe Pakistan supports Taliban is not proof.

Also, do the math and get back to me. Majority means over 50%. There's well over a dozen countries involved in WoT.

Story is simple after 9/11 Bush said,"You are either with us or against." Otherwise how come a country supporting Taliban collaborated against it in single day. Also you got Billions of dollars to serve America. But Pakistan don't want even a small Indian influence in Afghanistan and Taliban is their asset.

Americans can't understand Urdu but we do. Your media and leaders fully support Taliban openly on TV and bash America.
Ok....well.... all of that was off topic. So I will not bother replying.

Ok, off-topic again. Btw, how do Taliban control 70% of Afghanistan by residing in Pakistan? I'd love to know.

US holds majority votes? i.e there are no other voters? .. You do realize that these groups are independent and not in US control?

Yet the funny thing is you're making claims without proof, but making statements the above.

Trying to use argumentum ad populum, ares? :lol: How many countries believe Pakistan supports Taliban is not proof.

Also, do the math and get back to me. Majority means over 50%. There's well over a dozen countries involved in WoT.

You yourself go offtopic in first place but when are unable to come with reasonable retort come up with excuses ..but never mind I will answer on the topic..you are able to reply.

1) That is what I am trying to explain to you .. because majority funding to these institution comes from US..hence they own majority votes or a virtual veto power in these institutions..you can not get IMF funding with US opposing you..or atleast in your case(with your track record) US treasury dept has to pull special strings just to get you these fund.

2) It does not matter what they can prove ..but what they believe is happening ..because they are shaping policy according to that..so you can sit in your cocoon thinking they can not prove you guilty in court of law..but who is going to court here??

Yes and most of those dozen countries belong to group called NATO and acting under a single policy..would like a comment from NATO official??

Man this is just comical. You know what this is a waste of time. You guys keep on going, I rather spend my time doing more important things.
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