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India to continue support to Afghanistan: Rick Perry

Afghanistan is a pretty tough country its never back down. Its best to fight 2 big super power with lack of weapons. Hail Afghanistan. India will do best to support Afghanistan I hope.
Cmo'n don't get your panties in a bunch..nobody called you a lap dog here..because dog in general is loyal animal.

But you simply have sold your self respect and sovereignty to the highest bidder..may that be to our western nations or the eastern terror groups.

and whats india doing in afghanistan by supporting puppet american regime?
Pakistanis don;t even want to be friends with America.

Remember what Ayub Khan said.

"Being enemies with America is dangerous, but being friends with America is suicidal."

---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------

Look who talking when India is still one of the world's largest aid recipients and begging from UK, America, and Canada..etc.

India has more poor than Sub-Saharan Africa.

Bharti, Pakistan does not need aid from goras. The goras want to shove aid down our throats.

For those members who don't know what "gora" means. It basically means the white people. The white people are americans, canadians, europeans, or westerners.

Tell you what..you find me one incident in last decade where Indian leaders have gone abroad seeking financial aid from the west and have sold out Indian interests in the process.
India to continue support to Afghanistan: Rick Perry

Lauding New Delhi's productive support to Afghanistan, Republican Presidential hopeful and Texas Governor Rick Perry has said he would encourage "friend" India to continue its good work in the war-torn country, if he is elected to the top post.

Perry believes in the clear objective of supporting and developing Afghan National Security Forces to make Afghanistan increasingly stable and able to defend itself, a statement issued by his campaign said.

"As President, Rick Perry will encourage our friends in India to continue their productive support of a free Afghanistan," it said.

The statement said Perry believes that keeping Afghanistan free from a terrorist-supporting regime remains as vital a strategic interest for the US today as it was ten years ago.

If elected President, Perry will make strategic decisions based upon consultations with military leaders on the ground, rather than arbitrary timetables dictated by politics, "as has been the policy" of the Obama administration, it said.

"Perry wants to bring our brave men and women home as soon as we safely can, based on the advice of military commanders on the ground and after consulting with our allies, including the Afghan leadership," it said.

"Rick Perry believes we must get our work in Afghanistan done and done right, because we never want to have to send our sons and daughters back there again," the campaign statement said.

India to continue support to Afghanistan: Rick Perry - India - DNA

Here is what Rick Perry the Moron said:

I want india to do three things:

1. Continue to support Afghanistan.
2. Act against china and Pakistan.

3. ahhh, support Pakistan -- no no I mean support Afghanistan, act against China support Pakistan and third thing ... Oops, I cannot remember the third thing, Oops.

Note: If Poor Indians are counting on this pathetic fellow to be the next President of the US, my advice to them would be:

Don't hold your Breath, Guys. Good Luck.
Mr.Putin has hinted to build SCO into an Eastern Nato and China should take the full leadership during his China visit in last month.

But China suggests the co-leadership with Russia.

Yeah, Russia is acting like a responsible co-leader of SCO right now by rejecting India's membership for SCO.

You are in a fake illusion that Russia will ditch India. Anyway like India no one want Taliban in Afghanistan. Ask Iranians, Russians and Chinese, are they comfortable with Taliban in Afghanistan.
Cmo'n don't get your panties in a bunch..nobody called you a lap dog here..because dog in general is loyal animal.

But you simply have sold your self respect and sovereignty to the highest bidder..may that be to our western nations or the eastern terror groups.

But selling self respect and sovereignty is more or less equivalent to taking orders from others. How can we be taking orders from the west AND supporting these groups you claim we're supporting?
But selling self respect and sovereignty is more or less equivalent to taking orders from others. How can we be taking orders from the west AND supporting these groups you claim we're supporting?

Wasn't it Vajpayee willing to give bases to America after 9/11.
But selling self respect and sovereignty is more or less equivalent to taking orders from others. How can we be taking orders from the west AND supporting these groups you claim we're supporting?

Ever heard of the phrase "runs with the hare and hunt with the hounds"....there are countless articles and reports for your better clarity on the subject.
But selling self respect and sovereignty is more or less equivalent to taking orders from others. How can we be taking orders from the west AND supporting these groups you claim we're supporting?

No, it is metaphorically equivalent of being a "streetwalker" ..One who has many masters depending on who can shell out how much.
Mr.Putin has hinted to build SCO into an Eastern Nato and China should take the full leadership during his China visit in last month.

But China suggests the co-leadership with Russia.

Yeah, Russia is acting like a responsible co-leader of SCO right now by rejecting India's membership for SCO.

wow..nice conversation between Mr Putin & China..:lol:

Chinese and Russian leaders have used the latest St. Petersburg meeting of prime ministers from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as another chance to talk past each other. The topics raised at the meeting show that North Asia’s two super states have increasingly little in common over relations with their Central Asian neighbors and the United States. Russia used the meeting to push for the accession of India and Iran to the regional organization, while China talked economic integration and free trade with Central Asia – both pet initiatives that would dilute the other party’s power in the group and which have been stalled for years.

In a telling illustration, the two sides didn’t even manage to get their stories straight – the Russian foreign ministry told journalists that there would be talks about expanding the group, while China's official Xinhua news agency covered the meeting extensively without even a passing mention of India or Iran. While both sides talked up their relationship, the rival accounts of the meeting represent diverging visions of the organization and the future of North Asia.

The SCO began life as a Chinese initiative to counterbalance APEC, a group of Pacific Rim countries in which the United States has a major role. During the last decade, it focused on “separatism, extremism, and terrorism” – issues on which China and Russia can agree, both being concerned about breakaway Muslim provinces facing toward Central Asia. But as China has grown more confident – and more interested in the natural, and especially energy, resources of the continent's interior – it has sought to push the group toward a focus on economic cooperation. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao used his speech to call for cooperation in trade, agriculture, and energy – areas important to China, which is a major importer of food and energy.

Russia, meanwhile, has nothing to gain from free trade between China and Central Asia. It has announced ambitions to envelop the region’s countries’ in a “Eurasian Union,” which would force China into the backseat in the region’s markets. Many see its push for Indian membership as a ploy to sabotage SCO integration, reckoning that with a 1.1 billion-person democracy added to the mix, the group is unlikely ever to be able to agree on anything. Instead, it hopes with the inclusion of Iran to make the group a gigantic rival to NATO.

China, in turn, is even more unlikely to accept Iran than India. While generally sympathetic to the West’s least favorite states, China has already got an irresponsible nuclear client state, and has no reason to adopt another. And with European leaders already traveling to Beijing to grovel before them, Chinese leaders have less reason than ever to sympathize with Putin’s quixotic quest to humble NATO.
Ever heard of the phrase "runs with the hare and hunt with the hounds"....there are countless articles and reports for your better clarity on the subject.

I am not interested in rhetoric but rather facts.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------

No, it is metaphorically equivalent of being a "streetwalker" ..One who has many masters depending on who can shell out how much.

Ok, so US is Pakistan's master, yet we also supporting Taliban, Al Qaeda, Haqqanis. :lol:

You're still unable to see the obvious contradiction here? Why would US support us if we're supporting Taliban, Al Qaeda, Haqqanis? And why would those groups work with Pakistan if Pakistan was working with US?

Most importantly, US is not really our master if we're supporting Taliban, Haqqani, Al Qaeda, are they? By you're metaphor, we can only have 1 master, but here we have 2. :lol: And we're not taking orders from one of the masters but rather working against them. :lol: Not much of a master they are.

You know it's really simple yet you have to make it so hard.
India is going to make the same mistake which Pakistan did by joining American camp or playing in the hands of Goras. Good thing for Pakistan is Pakistan is slowly and steadily getting out of the fangs of America and India is getting in, just to get hurt.

So India learn from Pakistan's mistake. No matter how much u think they are ur friends or ur partners at the end of the day its u who will get azz kicked
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