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India to buy six more C-17 airlifters from US

C-17's are one of the best aircrafts for the role they play. Very easy to maintain and very reliable they offer a nice boost for India's heavy lift capabilities. Air Forces are not just defined by attack aircrafts but by their ability to project their power over a specific region. Without a adequate and reliable heavy lift aircraft no airforce can assist a ground thrust by the army or even ferry in resources when needed. These are expensive but very badly needed, we need to diversify our procurement, cannot rely on Russia for everything.

I know that they offer some advantages over the Russian counterparts and I wanted some of them besides the older IL 76 for diversification too. But they still must be worth the costs and I don't see that.
It simply would be a very strange decision if we buy them for such high costs, but reject the A330 MRTT, although they offer clearly more advantages over the IL 78, than the C17, over the IL 76/476.
Even if you look at stratigic airlift alone, IAF could easily buy an IL heavy transporter + an A400M and maybe even an AN 124 too. That all for the cost of one C17! Would this combo offer less strategic lift capacity than a C17, doubtful right?
Never, we asked for an RFP but we didn't bought them yet and if it's true that they cost about $550 millions each, we shouldn't go for them anyway!
For each of them, we could also buy a new IL 476 and a A330 MRTT, especially the tankers are more important for the stratigic role than the C17s alone.

and why not an 124 ??

and the production line for C17 will also be stopped, as US itself does not need it anymore of them.not sure though, please correct me if am wrong.
At-least 5 threads are already running on C17 , its difficult to keep track .
And many at times some links+data posted goes missing for reference later

As I said 2 weeks back ,but i am surprised they reduced number to 6 from 10 . Our strategic lift needs better lifters than Il-76 .
C17 are true value for money .

Should have been posted in this thread
At-least 5 threads are already running on C17 , its difficult to keep track .
And many at times some links+data posted goes missing for reference later

As I said 2 weeks back ,but i am surprised they reduced number to 6 from 10 . Our strategic lift needs better lifters than Il-76 .
C17 are true value for money .

Should have been posted in this thread

Its not reduced to 6 ....its 10 + 6 ...so total 16 ?
if one was to go by that thinking then a nation will never progress. Yes we do have poverty but we are working on it. Poverty cannot be removed overnight and there has to be a long term plan in place to reduce the number of underprivileged people in our society. The Indian government alongside many private enterprises are working hard and results are there, we need another 20 years to bring everyone upto a certain level but that does not mean we put aside protecting our nation. India is surrounded by hostile and dangerous nations and needs to put its security as a top priority. Even as per Carl Jung's required basic human rights, safety comes right after food and therefore its crucial that all forces be modernized and be given the best there is. Other issues will be taken care of as time progress, no need to politicize this issue.

Relax desiman....I am not saying that we should not go for the best...if you read my comment again i am saying that we should go for what is best as per our needs....There is no need to buy an elephant if a mule can do the job.....In short we should not be shy of using a mule and go for elephant for status symbol....I hope you get where i am coming from....

The said AirCrafts are best out there however the right question to ask is are these luxury or a necessity for us??? if they are a must need i am all for it....Sometime back i was astute lover of best of best but then taught by some esteem members here about the importance of being economical and going after things as per threat perception....
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I have seen the AC-130 in action and its quite good, is it expensive?

The U.S. does not export the AC-130. Personally though I think that should be changed. With most of the worlds conflicts being unconventional in nature. It is one of the most effective weapons platforms in fighting groups such as the Taliban, Al Qada, ect. It can remain on station for long periods of time. And has a range of weapons that can be fired with pin point accuracy day or night.

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At-least 5 threads are already running on C17 , its difficult to keep track .
And many at times some links+data posted goes missing for reference later

As I said 2 weeks back ,but i am surprised they reduced number to 6 from 10 . Our strategic lift needs better lifters than Il-76 .
C17 are true value for money .

Should have been posted in this thread

Hi Prateek, I agree with you that lifting T90 tanks fast, to any location and even on unpaved airstrips, is an advantage, but does it justify such high costs?
The early estimations were about half the costs for each C17, between $200 - 250 millions, but an IL 76 instead is said to cost $50 - 100 millions only, an new IL 476 possibly a bit more. Howevey, there is no other big advantage for the C17, that would make such a high cost increase worth it.
Also as I said before, the capability of IAF to air refuel our P8Is is as important, but the only tanker in the competition that could do that, was rejected for cost reasons. That's why it is simply not explainable why IAF should get a C17 for $580 millions each, while they could have the IL 476 maybe for $150 millions + an A330 MRTT (AFAIK) proposed for $375 millions each (IL 78 for $175 millions), for even less costs!
IAF would get new aircrafts with a lot of commonality to future MRTA in the strategic air lift role and can get the best tanker for our needs too. Shouldn't that be more important than getting the best aircraft for one role only?
i agree with you guys that c 17 is not a very good decision ....... i'm also a bit annoyed .... but is there any use of this discussion bcoz certainly Mod won't be listening to us for the acquisitions.....

so i think we should leave this now.....before members get more annoyed with our @#$@#^@%^ babus.....
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Well IAF currently operate 17 IL76 Heavy lifters , now these aircrafts are currentlly undergoing upgrades so as to enable them to operate till 2025
Now the 10 C17 that we are buying are meant to augment them , not replace them
And frankly 10+6 C17 that the airforce chief wants will simply increase our heavy lifting capability , coz of there ability to take off and land on short un prepared airstrips , they also carry 66.66% more payload than IL76
If u ask me then , India will buy another 14-15 Heavy lifters when they are about to retire IL76 in 2025
The U.S. does not export the AC-130. Personally though I think that should be changed. With most of the worlds conflicts being unconventional in nature. It is one of the most effective weapons platforms in fighting groups such as the Taliban, Al Qada, ect. It can remain on station for long periods of time. And has a range of weapons that can be fired with pin point accuracy day or night.

YouTube - Future Weapons: AC-130 Spooky Gun Ship

Sir seems like the AC 130 is suffering heavily from maintainance due to structural disintegrity caused by the firing of the bofors 80mm. Can you please tell me how they are fixing it?
Sir seems like the AC 130 is suffering heavily from maintainance due to structural disintegrity caused by the firing of the bofors 80mm. Can you please tell me how they are fixing it?

The Bofor's is a 40mm not 80mm. And I am unaware of any structural fatigue due to the Bofor's. I am aware of some fatigue problems with the wings due to age. The specters are 20-30 years old with no new ones due to be built. To remedy the problem they are reinforcing the center wing box structure.

Currently they are testing a C-130 H that has been modified with a high energy laser. The idea is to see how effective it would be if added in future AC-130's. The laser would cut down on collateral damage.

The C17 is a great and finally the IAF is thinking bid...176 C-17's will give the IAF tremendous lift capability.
The C17 is a great and finally the IAF is thinking bid...176 C-17's will give the IAF tremendous lift capability.

buddy its only 16 and not 176 !!!!

bachhe ki jaan loge kya .....??!!!
The C17 is a great and finally the IAF is thinking bid...176 C-17's will give the IAF tremendous lift capability.

176 C-17s!!! We dont have Fort Knox here in India, to fund such a project! :usflag:
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