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India to buy American military equipment lying in Afghanistan?

Actually it would not help much in the end. There are other issues than money. And besides, defence spending is less than 2 % of our GDP while infrastructure spending alone surpasses all other spendings together. It will be + one trillion USD in the next 5 years alone (of course most of it comes from investments.).

Now stop crying with your F- words. Does not make you sound more clever. Besides, I guess you got no clue about the importance of military strength in the most dangerous region in the world, eh ?

No clue about military strength? When I read posts from ppl like you I laugh. What was India doing for the past 30 yrs before this decade regarding defence? Do you really know the inside scoop as to how our defence just picked up all of sudden this decade and why we have pushed for stronger ties with the US?

The points I mentioned help to increase our attractiveness to foreign investment. Tourists who visit annually have a certain perception of India and its not favorable. In order to foster more growth from foreign and domestic sources, we need to help promote a viable climate thru various ways.

So, if we can save a few billion by buying certain American equipment then why not? At least that money saved could be used to push for free access to libraries, free wifi, increased orders for Akash, develop an educational software industry, develop better media resources that enlighten and educate citizens, etc.

Think about it
Well the strykers and MRAP will be a good stop gap addition to the anti-maoist forces in the jungle.
yyyyyy? not just leave it with Afghan National Army ? :what: India shud buy it at the same scrap metal's price n gift it to the needy Afghans.
What kind of equipment?

If it is logistical defense goods then it is a problem because we cannot integrate them with our Russian and indigenous made logistical equipment.

Apaches would be fine because we're already creating infrastructure for those.

But other things would serve no purpose.
No clue about military strength? When I read posts from ppl like you I laugh. What was India doing for the past 30 yrs before this decade regarding defence? Do you really know the inside scoop as to how our defence just picked up all of sudden this decade and why we have pushed for stronger ties with the US?

Major defence acquisitions in the last 30 years, before this decade:

Mig 29, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, Mig 27, hundreds of Mig 21, T 72, Rajput class destroyers, INS Viraat ... etc etc etc and all these major deals happened BEFORE the 2000s where defence acquisition experienced a growth again due to economic reason.

Inform yourself before making such stupid claims.
What kind of equipment?

If it is logistical defense goods then it is a problem because we cannot integrate them with our Russian and indigenous made logistical equipment.

Apaches would be fine because we're already creating infrastructure for those.

But other things would serve no purpose.

Apache is an extremely high-value asset. Under all circumstances, they will be among the first
pieces of military equipment to be transported back to US for deployments elsewhere.
The points I mentioned help to increase our attractiveness to foreign investment. Tourists who visit annually have a certain perception of India and its not favorable. In order to foster more growth from foreign and domestic sources, we need to help promote a viable climate thru various ways.

So, if we can save a few billion by buying certain American equipment then why not? At least that money saved could be used to push for free access to libraries, free wifi, increased orders for Akash, develop an educational software industry, develop better media resources that enlighten and educate citizens, etc.

Think about it

Attractiveness to FDI is mainly influenced by the labour costs, the market size, infrastructure and business climate.
And we got the first two of them already and are making giant leaps forward in infrastructure. In fact India has one of the largest infrastructure programs in the world with one trillion USD of investments planned for the next 5 years.
Business climate is still a problem though, but has nothing to do with money alone.

And tourism has always played a minor role and is always a bad pillar to build an economy upon! And compromising national security for for the opinion of tourists? Are you simply pissed off by americans mocking India and you origin?

Each ministry has its own budget, and the MoD got less than 2 % of out GDP, so whats your problem?
We have to protect us from external threats and the efforts and contributions made by our military in national catastrophes like the current floods speak for themselves.

Everything has its own priority. But yeah. go on crying and bitching around, no one cares. lol
+ @SpArK did you know that India is actually a partner in the project to replace the Humvees? Look up the JLTV program.

Didn't knew it ?? Thanks for sharing bhai .


What kind of equipment?

used underwear, belts, t shirts, boots, shades.

he can suggest it all he wants but the reality is all that equipment is going to pakistan and afghanistan

It makes sense now ....... :omghaha:
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Attractiveness to FDI is mainly influenced by the labour costs, the market size, infrastructure and business climate.
And we got the first two of them already and are making giant leaps forward in infrastructure. In fact India has one of the largest infrastructure programs in the world with one trillion USD of investments planned for the next 5 years.
Business climate is still a problem though, but has nothing to do with money alone.

And tourism has always played a minor role and is always a bad pillar to build an economy upon! And compromising national security for for the opinion of tourists? Are you simply pissed off by americans mocking India and you origin?

Each ministry has its own budget, and the MoD got less than 2 % of out GDP, so whats your problem?
We have to protect us from external threats and the efforts and contributions made by our military in national catastrophes like the current floods speak for themselves.

Everything has its own priority. But yeah. go on crying and bitching around, no one cares. lol

Again, typical desi attitude completely ignoring the power of media and perception. I guess you failed that class huh? Until you realize the importance of ppl to ppl contact and their silent role in economics, then India will always be a player that get very little good recognition and lots of bad recongition. Labor costs are already going up in India, and has made companies look elsewhere. I don;t have a problem, it seems you have the problem. You are the only person who respond to my posts negatively. You want to talk about priorities as if it started yesterday. It started decades ago.

Contributions made our military in disasters speaks of lack of planning and preparedness. It also speaks of lack of disaster planning and the creation of units to solely deal with it. Is it feasible? Maybe , maybe not but in order to respond effectively we need to practice drills and install laws that require all major personnel and medical support to respond quicky and immediately. Sadly, India only reacts and never ever takes a proactive approach. The use of military is such disaster efforts point to a complete lack emergency planning and it also points to no planning to prevent such natural disasters (Read up on CAG report).

Let's try this again. If the military can save a few $$$ HERE AND THERE. Then why not? The money could be used to reinvest in the military or free up funds for other uses. Everything is priority in India due to the incompetence and corruption of decades. Don;t kid yourself. Why the urgency now? India didn;t do **** even after Kargil? So plz, don;t talk about urgency......our govt is still pathetic to our miliatry and gives them crap guns and supplies.

I think you should learn proper English. I pointed out other issues in my post but you seem to only reflect on whatever you wish. Pay attention and if you don;t care keep it moving and don;t *****.
Again, typical desi attitude completely ignoring the power of media and perception. I guess you failed that class huh? Until you realize the importance of ppl to ppl contact and their silent role in economics, then India will always be a player that get very little good recognition and lots of bad recongition. Labor costs are already going up in India, and has made companies look elsewhere. I don;t have a problem, it seems you have the problem. You are the only person who respond to my posts negatively. You want to talk about priorities as if it started yesterday. It started decades ago.

Contributions made our military in disasters speaks of lack of planning and preparedness. It also speaks of lack of disaster planning and the creation of units to solely deal with it. Is it feasible? Maybe , maybe not but in order to respond effectively we need to practice drills and install laws that require all major personnel and medical support to respond quicky and immediately. Sadly, India only reacts and never ever takes a proactive approach. The use of military is such disaster efforts point to a complete lack emergency planning and it also points to no planning to prevent such natural disasters (Read up on CAG report).

Let's try this again. If the military can save a few $$$ HERE AND THERE. Then why not? The money could be used to reinvest in the military or free up funds for other uses. Everything is priority in India due to the incompetence and corruption of decades. Don;t kid yourself. Why the urgency now? India didn;t do **** even after Kargil? So plz, don;t talk about urgency......our govt is still pathetic to our miliatry and gives them crap guns and supplies.

I think you should learn proper English. I pointed out other issues in my post but you seem to only reflect on whatever you wish. Pay attention and if you don;t care keep it moving and don;t *****.

Yeah just keep talking trash and ignore what I wrote pfffff :blah: :blah: :blah:

Have you been in India?

Everything you write is f*** the government here f*** the government there blah blah blah.... in PDF...

great job
Yeah just keep talking trash and ignore what I wrote pfffff :blah: :blah: :blah:

Have you been in India?

Everything you write is f*** the government here f*** the government there blah blah blah.... in PDF...

great job

Says the guy who has access to a computer from India, as millions lack proper food let alone access to computers.

And yes, I have been to India numerous times. There is this denial on PDF by Indians like yourself that there is nothing wrong with our goverance when there is. I point this out all the time, to get you loosers to think differently, so change can occur. it starts with individuals first. I rather live knowing the truth, than live in denial.
And yes, I have been to India numerous times. There is this denial on PDF by Indians like yourself that there is nothing wrong with our goverance when there is. I point this out all the time, to get you loosers to think differently, so change can occur. it starts with individuals first. I rather live knowing the truth, than live in denial.

When did I say something like that?

I referred to your laughable 24/7 non stop crying for the most ridiculous things like why the military is used in such high level disaster situations.... Tell me one country which can deal with such catastrophes without the help of the military. Even the US cant do it.. and you as an American should know it.
Major defence acquisitions in the last 30 years, before this decade:

Mig 29, Mirage 2000, Jaguar, Mig 27, hundreds of Mig 21, T 72, Rajput class destroyers, INS Viraat ... etc etc etc and all these major deals happened BEFORE the 2000s where defence acquisition experienced a growth again due to economic reason.

Inform yourself before making such stupid claims.

What about access to tech? Big ticket weapons mean very little for the boots on ground. Yeah, inform yourself before you make stupid claims. How talking baout quality weapons.....t-72, mig 21, Mig 27, etc....stupid talking about stupid claims!

When did I say something like that?

I referred to your laughable 24/7 non stop crying for the most ridiculous things like why the military is used in such high level disaster situations.... Tell me one country which can deal with such catastrophes without the help of the military. Even the US cant do it.. and you as an American should know it.

The US cant do it? The US has a lot of success, more than failures. how about focusing on countries that are successfal at it. How about thinking and planning it ourselves, and formualting a plan to resolve this better. Why look at the US only? Look at how Japan responded to the Nuke incident? Think about that?
What about access to tech? Big ticket weapons mean very little for the boots on ground. Yeah, inform yourself before you make stupid claims. How talking baout quality weapons.....t-72, mig 21, Mig 27, etc....stupid talking about stupid claims!

At that time, the Mig 29 was among the very best 4th gen fighters in the world and the Mirage 2000 the best multi role fighter... so no effect for ground troops ?! Seriously :cheesy:

What about the Mig 21s and Mig 27s? They were revolutionary and innovative design concepts at the time when they were inducted.

And the Nato had nothing similar to the T 72 when it first rolled out.

Pathetic attempt to rant and bash .... again.... try harder, or try to prove that I am wrong with these points.
We only had limited access to tech at that time because of our pre 1991 economy and because our own defence industry was in its foot steps due to various failures.

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