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India to buy American military equipment lying in Afghanistan?

Couldn't find anywhere else to post it?

This pic has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

May be he wanted to say that this guy who is advocating for India as an ally was an Afghan and Pak supporter before?
May be he wanted to say that this guy who is advocating for India as an ally was an Afghan and Pak supporter before?

Yeah but what he's trying to prove with that stupid pic?

It's the way international relations work. I'm sure even the tiniest registered member on PDF knows
that, save for a few fanboys.
Yeah but what he's trying to prove with that stupid pic?

It's the way international relations work. I'm sure even the tiniest registered member on PDF knows
that, save for a few fanboys.

Couldn't agree more...
Nothing much of value there,some mortars and mostly MRAP patrol vehicles.If it was field arty we would have been interested.

Instead of scrapping excess American military equipment worth billions of dollars in Afghanistan before its planned troop withdrawal in 2014, the US should sell it to friendly countries like India and Uzbekistan, a top lawmaker has suggested.
Expressing shock over a recent article in ‘The Washington Post’ reporting that US has hired contract labourers to scrap precious military equipment in Afghanistan worth billions of dollars, New York Congressman Dana Rohrabacher has written in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry that the United States should not waste perfectly good military equipment.

“We have allies and friends in Uzbekistan and India who have very real security concerns and could put this equipment to good use. They should buy the equipment and the training that goes along with it which should be profitable to us both.

It makes more sense for the American tax payer and serves our country’s interests by supporting nations who will come under increased threat from radical Islam after 2014,” Rohrabacher wrote in the letter yesterday.

“We must listen to our allies in the region. They have supported us for years in our fight against terrorism. It is insulting that we are now ignoring them in this way,” said Rohrabacher, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats.

“Such a spectacle only gives the public the impression that our withdrawal is being conducted in an irresponsible manner,” said Rohrabacher.

As the US military prepares to withdraw from Afghanistan,equipment deemed to be too costly to transport out of the country is being destroyed, according to media reports.It is reported that the Defence Department has “destroyed more than 170 million pounds worth of vehicles and other military equipment” so far, including mine-resistant armoured trucks.

The excess equipment being scrapped is so valuable, it was referred to as “gold dust” in a June 19, Washington Post article with some estimating its worth to be as high as USD 7 billion.

India to buy American military equipment lying in Afghanistan? | idrw.org

he can suggest it all he wants but the reality is all that equipment is going to pakistan and afghanistan
Nothing much of value there,some mortars and mostly MRAP patrol vehicles.If it was field arty we would have been interested.

Yest Lots more than you thinks more than 7 billion dollars of weapons are there ..M2 , MRAP ,STRYKER , MK9 .M134 Javellin ,Field Artillery , And lots of Infantry supprting Hardwares ..Infantry arms Heavy weapons include Mounted Guns

Our politicians Should Impress the US gov and Buy the total Arms left in the AFGHAN
A Washington Post article estimates its worth to be as high as USD 7 billion which includes mine-resistant armoured trucks, aircrafts, heavy weapons, ground surveillance systems etc.
he can suggest it all he wants but the reality is all that equipment is going to pakistan and afghanistan
no we will not get anything
there were a few things pakistan wanted but they will never give them to us

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