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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:

The pennies I am talking about is not whole cost of Rafael. GoF would never make Dassault sell Rafael for loss. They would not even make them take a steep cut in profit.

Pennies here is the differential between price the India thinks is justified (we do not expect Dassault to make zero profit) and what Dassault is trying to get from India.
Dassault tries to make maximum gain due to ToT clause if it would be off shelf then price drastically came down.
For example, in our Su-30 MKI we import whole raw materials , rivets etc. from Russia thats why HAL built Su-30 MKI cost more than IRKUT built one.
So the number is dropped down to 36 now?

Some interesting comments:

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@nair ,

A negative rating is needed for this post. Scumali73 brought his hatred for Hindus into a technical discussion.

Dassault tries to make maximum gain due to ToT clause if it would be off shelf then price drastically came down.
For example, in our Su-30 MKI we import whole raw materials , rivets etc. from Russia thats why HAL built Su-30 MKI cost more than IRKUT built one.

That is understandable.

But in this case Dassault would only be supplying raw material and technical advice , and they would be paid for that (off course they would be making profit on CKD kits too), but the further price increase would be on HALs part.

It is not something that India could not count properly. India would know when they are being price gouged by Dassault.
How many confirmed India buying?

If 36, please change the thread title.
Which planes Rafales are replacing? Jaguars? MiG-27?
Indirectly Chini guys are very happy with this deal…Now pakistani is going to order some china maal… And they will claim so and so chini jet is super duper advance.
pathetic 36 units only, Modi is really frugal.
@nair ,

A negative rating is needed for this post. Scumali73 brought his Hindu hatred into a technical discussion.

That is understandable.

But in this case Dassault would only be supplying raw material and technical advice , and they would be paid for that (off course they would be making profit on CKD kits too), but the further price increase would be on HALs part.

It is not something that India could not count properly. India would know when they are being price gouged by Dassault.

Thats the problem if we make deal like this then this expensive jet become super expensive & not affordable to India.
it takes 8 years for India to get only 36 units Rafales and it only takes less than one year for China to produce same amount of J10b. you guys shall try harder to catch up. we are waiting for you at the finishing line.
Thats the problem if we make deal like this then this expensive jet become super expensive & not affordable to India.

I don't think that "built in Rafaels" would cost a lot more (they would cost more but increase in cost would not be more than 10%) than "built in France", and most of the premium would stay in our economy only (I mean with HAL).

How many confirmed India buying?

If 36, please change the thread title.


36 in flyaway condition.
I don't think that "built in Rafaels" would cost a lot more (they would cost more but increase in cost would not be more than 10%) than "built in France", and most of the premium would stay in our economy only (I mean with HAL).
Lets see. If this happen then very good
We started with lesser number for our sukhois... and this is flyaway... read the thread clearly if u understand english.... total order is now 144
tell me how long will it takes to get the rest 108 units? I say before year 2025? continue to pay sky high price to update it until you get bled white. sorry, no TOT.
40 years from its first induction and you still can't produce Mig21, just let it crash. well done. don't tell me India stand on the high morale ground and never give shit about reverse it. or you just can't?

the Gap is widening.
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