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India to acquire ten more U.S. P-8I aircraft for ISR and ASW operations

Pakistanis should stop obsessing over India and start worrying about the fact that they currently only have one operational submarine and not a single nuclear sub.
Trying to placate Trump. Modi will ring him up and highlight the purchase.

No doubt a good aircraft.
And it'll work, salesman Trump winning the big money for American companies.

first this:

then this:

results in:

mashallah, good strategy:
Watch for trump to put scrap of S-400 as a condition to acquire this plane.
These planes are being ordered to act as a leverage against the S-400 order and to keep the Yankees happy & not to rant about the S-400 since we already signed the deal and would be receiving in 2020

Even though US initially offered the Patriot & recently THAAD, India didn't show interest in both of em and still went ahead with the S-400

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