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India third most powerful nation: US

I am of the opinion by 2025 Indian will be the number 2 economy.

"The truth is that China is not the socialist market economy the party describes, nor moving towards capitalism as the western consensus believes. Rather it is frozen in a structure that I describe as Leninist corporatism - and which is unstable, monumentally inefficient, dependent upon the expropriation of peasant savings on a grand scale, colossally unequal and ultimately unsustainable. It is Leninist in that the party still follows Lenin's dictum of being the vanguard, monopoly political driver and controller of the economy and society. And it is corporatist because the framework for all economic activity in China is one of central management and coordination from which no economic actor, however humble, can opt out."

Power, corruption and lies | World news | The Guardian

China's present authoritarian goverment stays in power, mainly two ways, force, and corruption. In a more democratic system like India differant market and poltical difficulties will be delt with in a way that allows the pressures to be dispated, in China soon or later they will cause an implosion.
I am of the opinion by 2025 Indian will be the number 2 economy.

"The truth is that China is not the socialist market economy the party describes, nor moving towards capitalism as the western consensus believes. Rather it is frozen in a structure that I describe as Leninist corporatism - and which is unstable, monumentally inefficient, dependent upon the expropriation of peasant savings on a grand scale, colossally unequal and ultimately unsustainable. It is Leninist in that the party still follows Lenin's dictum of being the vanguard, monopoly political driver and controller of the economy and society. And it is corporatist because the framework for all economic activity in China is one of central management and coordination from which no economic actor, however humble, can opt out."

Power, corruption and lies | World news | The Guardian

China's present authoritarian goverment stays in power, mainly two ways, force, and corruption. In a more democratic system like India differant market and poltical difficulties will be delt with in a way that allows the pressures to be dispated, in China soon or later they will cause an implosion.

Captain Ameri-troll citing news from 2007 written by a Journalist who couldn't tell the difference between Marxism, Lenism, Stalinism, and Maoism.
I am of the opinion by 2025 Indian will be the number 2 economy.

"The truth is that China is not the socialist market economy the party describes, nor moving towards capitalism as the western consensus believes. Rather it is frozen in a structure that I describe as Leninist corporatism - and which is unstable, monumentally inefficient, dependent upon the expropriation of peasant savings on a grand scale, colossally unequal and ultimately unsustainable. It is Leninist in that the party still follows Lenin's dictum of being the vanguard, monopoly political driver and controller of the economy and society. And it is corporatist because the framework for all economic activity in China is one of central management and coordination from which no economic actor, however humble, can opt out."

Power, corruption and lies | World news | The Guardian

China's present authoritarian goverment stays in power, mainly two ways, force, and corruption. In a more democratic system like India differant market and poltical difficulties will be delt with in a way that allows the pressures to be dispated, in China soon or later they will cause an implosion.

Are you from America? Write proper English please!
I am of the opinion by 2025 Indian will be the number 2 economy.

"The truth is that China is not the socialist market economy the party describes, nor moving towards capitalism as the western consensus believes. Rather it is frozen in a structure that I describe as Leninist corporatism - and which is unstable, monumentally inefficient, dependent upon the expropriation of peasant savings on a grand scale, colossally unequal and ultimately unsustainable. It is Leninist in that the party still follows Lenin's dictum of being the vanguard, monopoly political driver and controller of the economy and society. And it is corporatist because the framework for all economic activity in China is one of central management and coordination from which no economic actor, however humble, can opt out."

Power, corruption and lies | World news | The Guardian

China's present authoritarian goverment stays in power, mainly two ways, force, and corruption. In a more democratic system like India differant market and poltical difficulties will be delt with in a way that allows the pressures to be dispated, in China soon or later they will cause an implosion.

its not very likely given their track record .....as they've shown over the years they are able to successfully adapt to changes in the world....from the old socialist mao model to deng Xiaoping 's model.....going by trends democratic reforms ( even if limited) might
be ushered in to deal with political discontent....also with a growing economy and rising living standards many chinese seem to have set it in their minds that the price of wealth is "lack of freedom of expression".....they seem to be quite to let the CCP rule every facet of their lives from birth ....in exchange for a lavish lifestyle.....
its not very likely given their track record .....as they've shown over the years they are able to successfully adapt to changes in the world....from the old socialist mao model to deng Xiaoping 's model.....going by trends democratic reforms ( even if limited) might
be ushered in to deal with political discontent....also with a growing economy and rising living standards many chinese seem to have set it in their minds that the price of wealth is "lack of freedom of expression".....they seem to be quite to let the CCP rule every facet of their lives from birth ....in exchange for a lavish lifestyle.....

I like your comments. However we do have lot challenges, corruption is the biggest problem, it seems the ccp is trying to handle it, even after so many years of setbacks, let's see the outcomes.
its not very likely given their track record .....as they've shown over the years they are able to successfully adapt to changes in the world....from the old socialist mao model to deng Xiaoping 's model.....going by trends democratic reforms ( even if limited) might
be ushered in to deal with political discontent....also with a growing economy and rising living standards many chinese seem to have set it in their minds that the price of wealth is "lack of freedom of expression".....they seem to be quite to let the CCP rule every facet of their lives from birth ....in exchange for a lavish lifestyle.....

a lavish life style for some, but a billion and more Chinese that are getting tired of waiting for that life style.
' Most ' powerful, 'less' powerful are relative.

No one needs certification for this. Each nation prepares itself for the ' worst' as it deems fit .. thats all.
I like your comments. However we do have lot challenges, corruption is the biggest problem, it seems the ccp is trying to handle it, even after so many years of setbacks, let's see the outcomes.

well corruption is a universal problem even in the western world we have a clean man at the top in most govt agencies .....however there are still a few exceptions....



a lavish life style for some, but a billion and more Chinese that are getting tired of waiting for that life style.

they happen to be exercising rigorous population control and at the same time rapidly lifting milllions of their citizens out of poverty ....doesnt matter if there are excesses and denials of certain freedom....at the end of the day if the man on the street gets four square meals a day and a warm place to sleep he may not really care about his "Voting rights"....this is a different culture from us ...we can go without anything but not our freedom of expression ....we treasure it simply too much.....:cheers:
This is stupidity. India cannot be any more powerful than some obscure countries from the erstwhile east block. Being an economic behemoth does not count when one gets easily shoved around.

Power comes from the people. Indians have a lot on their plates at the moment than to think about projecting "power". Frankly dear all, we give a damn - not for the lack of attitude but for the lack of other more pressing necessities.

Another major part also involves a thing called 'Collective National Pride'. How many times do we Indians are proud of ourselves, simply because we are Indians. Our successes are measured relative to those of the western world. The so called 'Collective Pride' awakens only when ST does a spectacular performance on the cricket field, or an NRI wins the Nobel prize or Indian diplomats manage to win a major diplomatic row with - you guessed it right - Pakistan! Is this what "powerful" means?

The day when this "Collective National Pride" transcends all socio-economic barriers, glorification of 'silly achievements', and becomes truly based on our Indian identity - rather than caste, religion or economic identities, then we can set upon a path of becoming leaders, World Leaders.
This is stupidity. India cannot be any more powerful than some obscure countries from the erstwhile east block. Being an economic behemoth does not count when one gets easily shoved around.

Power comes from the people. Indians have a lot on their plates at the moment than to think about projecting "power". Frankly dear all, we give a damn - not for the lack of attitude but for the lack of other more pressing necessities.

Another major part also involves a thing called 'Collective National Pride'. How many times do we Indians are proud of ourselves, simply because we are Indians. Our successes are measured relative to those of the western world. The so called 'Collective Pride' awakens only when ST does a spectacular performance on the cricket field, or an NRI wins the Nobel prize or Indian diplomats manage to win a major diplomatic row with - you guessed it right - Pakistan! Is this what "powerful" means?

The day when this "Collective National Pride" transcends all socio-economic barriers, glorification of 'silly achievements', and becomes truly based on our Indian identity - rather than caste, religion or economic identities, then we can set upon a path of becoming leaders, World Leaders.

fantastic analysis bro !.....we ought to be proud simply to be Indian....there must be a certain distinct characteristic of our own such as culture,hard work or innovativeness...that we should think of as our trademark and be proud of.....:cheers:
For me powerful countries are those which can project power outside its region.Our leaders are so scared of doing anything against China after countinously being provoked forget about doing anything outside the region.

We cant take care of Myanamar forget about influencing world decisions.I would have agreed with this rating if we were bully in our region..which we are not.

For me the most powerful countries are...


and no other country deserves to be in the list.

A country needs to have Great leaders with balls of steel to be powerful...not the second fastest growing economy.
I would be happier to see India in the list of most prosperous/least corrupt/most developed countries rather than in the list of most powerful ones. this report is a complete bs, nothing to feel proud about it. we should corner our nation from this race to power. Its paranoia, we shold rather focus on empowering the poor by uplifting their living standards. "Taakatwar hone ke liye nahi, Gairatmand hone ke liye mehnat karo, taakat jhakk maar ke tumhaare peechhe ayegi"
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