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India thinks it can win a war against Pakistan

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Why don't some of you deluded war mongering folks from across the border focus on more pertinent issues like electricity and water?
Sounds like you speak with experience ?
Oye BC -_- Modi ko elect kar phir dekhtay hain.

Close away :)
but all Indians I told you so

Bro these things have been discussed many times. Just do a quick search. Try to contribute to existing threads. Welcome.
Allow me to remind all Indians about the Pakistan they never heard of.

Pakistan army is one of the best in the world, here are 10 reasons why they are the best and why they can beat India in war:
1) The first war between Pakistan and India (1947) Pakistan had no weapons except guns and India had everything and lot of tanks and still Pakistan and India draw ed because both sides killed 1500 troops and Pakistan wounded 115 more than India.
2) The second war was lost by India but they almost won. Pakistan had 260000 number of troops and India had 700000. India also had nuclear power in that war and Pakistan didn't.
3) Pakistan lost the 3rd war in 1971 because it was east Pakistan and India vs west Pakistan it was 2 against one and they also had a lot to worry about because east Pakistan was getting there independence from west Pakistan.
4) Pakistan won the Kargil war in 1999 even though Pakistan didn't get use the navy or air force and India used air force and infantry. Also Pakistan had 5000 troops in that war and India had 30,000.
5) In 2010 and 2012 Pakistan army came came 1st place in a world wide competition.
6) since 2008 Pakistan nuclear power has grown by 40 percent and is stronger than Indias.
7) India will have a lot more to lose than Pakistan in war because India is bigger they also have a good film industry and a bigger population.
8(Pakistan army commandos are claimed to be one of the toughest forces on the planet and have cam 3rd place with the us green berets 1st place and British sas 2nd place
9) Pakistans army is the worlds 6th biggest.
10) pakistans commandos size is so special and the size and list of operations is classified by joint chiefs of staff and Pakistan has won a bravery medal for doing everything and in warputting themselves at risk.

P.S your media tricks you into feeling patriotic but in reality you are just little worms

Pakistan Missile Force should get ready its Missiles also look into making it to be used against Naval Targets as well.

Also I am asking that HIT had gain the capacity of 50 MBTs per year but if they do 24 hr production then they can produce 100+ yearly. So producing Al-Khalid - I can be produced in huge numbers.
I don't know about the missiles but I have a confirmed source (non internet) that Pakistan is producing 20+ Warheads per year.
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