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India test fires nuclear capable missiles

News media. :read:

Here, you too can read some with us:

"The DDA in its report had conceded that there are 150,000 homeless people in Delhi.” Ajay Maken writes to Ghulam Nabi on DDA

"the accident once again has brought the spotlight back on Mumbai's homeless, as nearly 50 lakh of them continue to live and sleep on the streets." Mumbai killings: Shock over driver’s apathy

"Lakhs of homeless people in Mumbai are living with the risk of incidents such as being crushed by rash driving while asleep on the pavement." Mumbai pavement dwellers live in fear

Forget news or even photos; please click on the link to see the severity of poverty and homelessness in Indian metropolises, The ugly face of Mumbai's nightlife

Apparently, when I said you cant walk on footpaths without tripping over homeless was an understatement.:sad:

What makes you think, I haven't?:what:


Not that there is any need to add to what Waz has already said, but here is little more to add to what the whole world already knows.

According to ‘The Hunger Project’, “In India, 44% of the population live below the international standard of $1 per day, and as many as 86% live below $2 per day.”

Please compare Delhi's infrastructure with any Pakistani city you wish. I dont know how long back you visited here. But for the past 5years, the govt has declared an all out war. Developing infrastucture with a war footing. From metro making a world record in developing max km's per year to developing fly-overs. This is all in preparation for the next common wealth games to be held here. I do hope you visit here and then talk. And i cant talk about Mumbai, but in delhi, there is no situation of 'you cant walk without tripping'.
And he lies that he is an American.

An American citizen maybe, but not an American.

Last time I heard was that anyone with an American passport is an American.

Hope you don't think that "Goras" are the "real" Americans.

Actually the real Americans are the native Americans
According to ‘The Hunger Project’, “In India, 44% of the population live below the international standard of $1 per day, and as many as 86% live below $2 per day.”

get real man,

India's middle class has more than tripled in size to 250 million people. While the number of rich has certainly grown, about 1% of the poor have crossed the poverty line each year

In 1984 the middle class constituted less than 10% of the entire population,and now its closer to 20% mark .

Its estimated that if GDP can grow by7% and population increases by 1.5% every year,and literacy rate keeps rising(all of which has been happening in the past decade) half of India will turn middle calss by 2020-2040.

On a Purchase Power Parity (PPP) basis, the middle-income group will have per capita income of roughly $7,000 to $8,000 a year.
get real man,

India's middle class has more than tripled in size to 250 million people. While the number of rich has certainly grown, about 1% of the poor have crossed the poverty line each year...

Yet over 700+ million Indians are still dirt-poor who live on less then $2 per day. India has the largest population of homeless in the world. It has more poor than any other country on Earth, including Africa. It has one of the highest mortality rate among children and newborns. More female fetuses are aborted in India then anywhere else in the world. The moment one steps out of 4 star hotels the reality of deep poverty hits the face like ton of bricks. Rampant poverty, that is the real India.

As India builds flyovers for its rich and spend billions upon billions of dollars on military toys, hopefully one day it will be able to provide clean drinking water and latrines for its 700+ million dirt-poor population.:coffee:
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