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India takes up Human Rights Violation in the United States in 2+2 briefing

Cow Cola seems to have reduced your IQ to single digits. Add up all the scams of the congress, it probably adds up to 1% of the losses due to demonetization and Unscientific lockdown that saw GDP contract by like 7%. Yea, i would rather take scams and lose a few billion every year rather than see the economy getting wiped out due to an honest monkey. It's the same case with Pakistan - they got a so called honest guy who wrecked the economy and turned out to be worse than corrupt ones before him. Just because one is honest doesn't mean he is smart. A monkey is honest and will do no scams but will wreck the economy.

But in any case, you gobar bhakts already have your glasses full.
Liberandus believe that under scamgress India was becoming a supa powa while its evil Mudi who brought India to its knees, we all see wtf your scamgress has done to India in all these years. Being an eternal slave of the foreign powers have done everything to undermine India, but maino’s feet are more sacred than India for librands. For low IQ chamchas lockdowns are unscientific as rest of the world reported +1200% GDP growth except India :lol:. Had scamgress been in power we would be seeing Vaccine ghotala, Oxygen ghotala and ventilator ghotala for billions of dollars, they would’ve bent over to Western vaccine lobbies and undermined our indigenous ones. Except for cursing the industrialists and worshipping socialism, nothing else you idiots do. Your stupidity is the reason why nobody gives a F to scamgress, even after recent election andhchamche won’t wake up and continue licking that Italian maino’s boots. Nobody wants your party in India, gl.
Liberandus believe that under scamgress India was becoming a supa powa while its evil Mudi who brought India to its knees, we all see wtf your scamgress has done to India in all these years. Being an eternal slave of the foreign powers have done everything to undermine India, but maino’s feet are more sacred than India for librands. For low IQ chamchas lockdowns are unscientific as rest of the world reported +1200% GDP growth except India :lol:. Had scamgress been in power we would be seeing Vaccine ghotala, Oxygen ghotala and ventilator ghotala for billions of dollars, they would’ve bent over to Western vaccine lobbies and undermined our indigenous ones. Except for cursing the industrialists and worshipping socialism, nothing else you idiots do. Your stupidity is the reason why nobody gives a F to scamgress, even after recent election andhchamche won’t wake up and continue licking that Italian maino’s boots. Nobody wants your party in India, gl.
These scamgressis act like Modi has brought India down from Europe like economy to Pakistan like economy but the fact is India had Somalia like economy in 70 years of their rule. They couldn't do anything in 70 years except corruptions and now they expect public to vote them on their fake promise of Making India like European countries. They really believe that public are fools and Rahul Gandhi (Pappu) is the best leader in the world ( In any other countries, parents of Rahul Gandhi would have sent him to Paglagarad for treatment).
You get cornered and pressured by USA....

While Indonesia state owned company, PT Pertamina profiting from bringing Russian oil into China....:partay:

Speaking at a parliamentary hearing, she said amid current geopolitical tensions, Pertamina saw "an opportunity to buy from Russia at a good price." She was referring to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"Politically, there's no problem as long as the company we are dealing with was not sanctioned. We have also discussed the payment arrangement, which may go through India,"
she told parliament members.

You are a joke :rofl:
chad jaishanker


polite, articulate yet firm & gives it back when needed.massive respect prob the best EAM we ever had but let us not forget the strong leader backing up our MEA


Liberandus believe that under scamgress India was becoming a supa powa while its evil Mudi who brought India to its knees, we all see wtf your scamgress has done to India in all these years. Being an eternal slave of the foreign powers have done everything to undermine India, but maino’s feet are more sacred than India for librands. For low IQ chamchas lockdowns are unscientific as rest of the world reported +1200% GDP growth except India :lol:. Had scamgress been in power we would be seeing Vaccine ghotala, Oxygen ghotala and ventilator ghotala for billions of dollars, they would’ve bent over to Western vaccine lobbies and undermined our indigenous ones. Except for cursing the industrialists and worshipping socialism, nothing else you idiots do. Your stupidity is the reason why nobody gives a F to scamgress, even after recent election andhchamche won’t wake up and continue licking that Italian maino’s boots. Nobody wants your party in India, gl.

LMAO, you BJP cow IQ gaumoutar drinkers have only 3 words in dictionary - cow, Pakistan and Congress. You retarded dumbfuck, most of the world reported slightly negative growth rates like -2, -3% during 2020-2021. Most of the developing world saw slightly positive growth rates. India was the only outlier with -7% for the year, thanks to cow pakoda party. Yes, had "scamgress" been in power, there would have been a few ghotalas instead of 4 million dead bodies floating in the ganges river. It's funny when you whatsapp educated gaumutar sevaks talk of socialism BJP has always been socialist and was one of the biggest opponents of economic reforms introduced in 1992, also an opponent of GST. It's only recently they have started speaking of free trade, liberalization etc. All major economic reforms have only taken place under Congress. Your god Mudi ji has had 10 years of absolute majority and not a single major reform passed. For fear of election losses, he even took back the single reform he had introduced - farm laws :lol:. Now go back to your gaushala, dont you have cow mutar to drink?Yes, Italian rule is better than Ambani Adani gujju rule. Reliance and Adani group are the only corporations doing well in India thanks to Pakoda party's amazing economic policies, most Indians have become poorer.
These scamgressis act like Modi has brought India down from Europe like economy to Pakistan like economy but the fact is India had Somalia like economy in 70 years of their rule. They couldn't do anything in 70 years except corruptions and now they expect public to vote them on their fake promise of Making India like European countries. They really believe that public are fools and Rahul Gandhi (Pappu) is the best leader in the world ( In any other countries, parents of Rahul Gandhi would have sent him to Paglagarad for treatment).
You gowmutar drinkers even claim that vimana flew in vedic times and satellites existed, your own MPs say so, so congressis claiming that India was Europe back then is nothing :lol:
LMAO, you BJP cow IQ gaumoutar drinkers have only 3 words in dictionary - cow, Pakistan and Congress. You retarded dumbfuck, most of the world reported slightly negative growth rates like -2, -3% during 2020-2021. Most of the developing world saw slightly positive growth rates. India was the only outlier with -7% for the year, thanks to cow pakoda party. Yes, had "scamgress" been in power, there would have been a few ghotalas instead of 4 million dead bodies floating in the ganges river. It's funny when you whatsapp educated gaumutar sevaks talk of socialism BJP has always been socialist and was one of the biggest opponents of economic reforms introduced in 1992, also an opponent of GST. It's only recently they have started speaking of free trade, liberalization etc. All major economic reforms have only taken place under Congress. Your god Mudi ji has had 10 years of absolute majority and not a single major reform passed. For fear of election losses, he even took back the single reform he had introduced - farm laws :lol:. Now go back to your gaushala, dont you have cow mutar to drink?Yes, Italian rule is better than Ambani Adani gujju rule. Reliance and Adani group are the only corporations doing well in India thanks to Pakoda party's amazing economic policies, most Indians have become poorer.
LMAO, you BJP cow IQ gaumoutar drinkers have only 3 words in dictionary - cow, Pakistan and Congress. You retarded dumbfuck, most of the world reported slightly negative growth rates like -2, -3% during 2020-2021. Most of the developing world saw slightly positive growth rates. India was the only outlier with -7% for the year, thanks to cow pakoda party. Yes, had "scamgress" been in power, there would have been a few ghotalas instead of 4 million dead bodies floating in the ganges river. It's funny when you whatsapp educated gaumutar sevaks talk of socialism BJP has always been socialist and was one of the biggest opponents of economic reforms introduced in 1992, also an opponent of GST. It's only recently they have started speaking of free trade, liberalization etc. All major economic reforms have only taken place under Congress. Your god Mudi ji has had 10 years of absolute majority and not a single major reform passed. For fear of election losses, he even took back the single reform he had introduced - farm laws :lol:. Now go back to your gaushala, dont you have cow mutar to drink?Yes, Italian rule is better than Ambani Adani gujju rule. Reliance and Adani group are the only corporations doing well in India thanks to Pakoda party's amazing economic policies, most Indians have become poorer.
Librands have no source to back their claims just dalal media and “trust me vro” as sources, pappu peshab prasad is the reason these low IQ subhumans are spitted upon whenever they say Pappu will be India’s PM. What “reforms” did scamgress do exceot for proposing them and then opposing them when BJP passed them? And has modi announced some special scheme for Gujju businessmen that has helped them or pappu peshab makes chamchas go bonkers? Now get back to the bar where your owner used to dance. Most of the country has already thrown scamgress out and it is an indication that they don’t believe in your low IQ rhetorics and they find Modi better than your Thailandjeet Pappu. Aaloo daalo sona nikalloooo :rofl:.

You gowmutar drinkers even claim that vimana flew in vedic times and satellites existed, your own MPs say so, so congressis claiming that India was Europe back then is nothing :lol:
Pappu peshab drinkers can only be obsessed with peshab afterall thats the lifeline which chamchas injected inside them to save themselves from covid :lol:

Scamgress ministers say if you’re getting raped then enjoy it, typical subhuman woke culture these subhumans have brought to India.
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Watch the video. Dare any other country takes up US human rights violations issue while in US soils

@Wood @Joe Shearer @beijingwalker @Black_cats @bluesky @Imran Khan @Raj-Hindustani @INS_Vikrant @INDIAPOSITIVE @Indos

About your dare, watch this 2009 speech by Gaddafi in the UN General Assembly ( which sits in USA soil ) where he spoke about various issues in the world and nicely laid waste to the Western government order including calling the UN Security Council as a Terrorist Council which is only a rubber stamp for the imperialist wars of certain military powers and called for moving the entire UNO to another country ( including to India - this was five years before Modi took control of India ) and he also tore up the charter of the UNO including because it had not prevented 60 wars from happening since establishment and because the UN General Assembly is powerless and what happens in the world is essentially decided by the UNSC ( especially the Western powers ) so this is undemocratic. Gaddafi called the UN Security Council as the Terrorist Council in 2009 and the Modi government is desperately wanting to join the same council in 2022 ?

Before Gaddafi there were other Socialists and Communists who dared speak against the American-led political and socio-economic order. In 1964 Che Guevara made this superb speech in the same UN General Assembly sitting on USA's soil. Che Guevara and Muammar Gaddafi were intellectuals and magnificent people who cannot be compared with crass and dullard people like Jaishankar and Modi. Che and Muammar wanted to build Socialism among all humanity but what is Modi's government doing except enabling genocide and irrationality in India and among the Indian emigres abroad ? Jaishankar and Modi cannot compare in a light year to the rationality and empathy of Che and Muammar because Hindutvadis can never be intellectual, rational and empathetic.

And since when are Hindutvadis so caring about Sikhs that Jaishankar spoken in a concerned manner about Sikh killings in USA ?

Lastly, Jaishankar spoke of the Americans doing vote bank politics. Well, BJP is the biggest vote bank party in the world. :lol:

So calm down.

Had scamgress been in power we would be seeing Vaccine ghotala, Oxygen ghotala and ventilator ghotala for billions of dollars,

How shameless you are ! There were more than four million deaths because of COVID, mainly because of the inadequate and money-based healthcare system in India where families had to scramble to mortgage their houses and livestock to arrange for money to pay the limited hospitals for oxygen, ICU beds, medicine and post-hospital care. Yet a few million died. And Modi not at all mention those deaths in his speeches to the idiotic masses who adore him ( "India and Canada are the 2ab in the formula a2 + b2", LOL ). Modi's photo is pasted on the COVID vaccine certificates but what about his photo not being pasted on the death certificates of those two died because of COVID, those citizens who died because of his incompetent government ? States led by BJP governments like in Gujarat and UP did massive under-reporting of the COVID cases and deaths and the brave, decent journalists who brought those real death numbers those journalists were jailed. You speak of Congress doing oxygen ghotala ? How many people did not die from lack of availability of oxygen cylinders under BJP rule ? And remember how Dr. Kafeel Khan was arrested in UP on charges of being professionally negligent which led to death of 70 children due to lack of oxygen in 2017 ? He was hounded by the BJP state government of that bigot Yogi Adityanath whose administration really should have been responsible for ensuring supply of daily sufficient oxygen to all hospitals including to Dr. Kafeel's. So, who's doing the oxygen ghotala now ?

It's funny when you whatsapp educated gaumutar sevaks talk of socialism BJP has always been socialist and was one of the biggest opponents of economic reforms introduced in 1992, also an opponent of GST.

Please don't insult the thoughts and sacrifices of Socialists in the world by associating Socialism with the BJP. About GST etc there should be no tax really because tax is an artifact of monarchist and feudal times when there would be an overlord extorting from the citizens. Tax should be abolished among humanity. Tax is ridiculous but India has the most ridiculous taxes even for things things that are basic human rights and should be free - house tax despite the system not providing free housing and housing in comfortable, harmonious neighborhoods ( dogs, traffic, louts, multi-storey apartments, vehicles floodingly parked on the roads because banks give stupid loans to people to buy cars and two-wheelers ), then water tax, electricity tax, road tax despite India having the most chaotic roads in the world with about 450,000 road accidents every years in where 150,000 people die. Stupid, stupid. As for "economic reforms", India hasn't changed a bit socio-economically after these "reforms". India is still in 1000 BC with just elements of modern technology like mobile phones and LED TV, things that came from outside. Just between 1995 and 2015 more than 350,000 Indian farmers suicided because of socio-economic reasons. Yes, these were the years after the "economic reforms" were initiated. What India requires is Communism because only then will India become a true democracy and evolve socio-economically, socially and environmentally.
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will you ever get over the guy ?

bhot samay guzar chuka hai.. time to move on, bro.

He was a wise man, a philosopher and a revolutionary who contributed to human history. Every revolutionary had good things to say about him. Why should I stop speaking about him ?

But many Indians on PDF should move on from Modi Mania. How can any rational person adore him ?
Not sure the Sikhs were attacked because of hate crime, looks like robbery by a black individual. Even if the motive was hate, there is a world of difference between being assaulted by a random racist and politically inciting such attacks backed by the state machinery. That is the reason USA went through Civil rights movement and a series of Civil rights acts were passed in the 60's which made America what it is today. They have not stopped. Recently, USA passed an anti lynching law. So cannot compare USA human rights with India. USA human rights are ahead of Western Europe and far ahead of France.
Did anyone ask you ? I know you are muslim and bound to support your muslim brothers from Pakisthan and therefore oppose India, but at post correlated things.

By the way Indonesia is nothing in international politics. So it dose not matter what Indonesia dose.

Your Indian official seems afraid talking about how Europe still get Russian oil....:laughcry:

Thats is not an attribute coming from strong nation

Compare to Direct and Blatant Indonesian official statement against US in US soil .........

Your Indian official seems afraid talking about how Europe still get Russian oil....:laughcry:

Thats is not an attribute coming from strong nation

Compare to Direct and Blatant Indonesian official statement against US in US soil .........

Ok Mr. Indonesian "strong" Muslim. Thanks for your unsolicited advice.

As I say Indonesia is nothing in international politics.
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