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India surpasses China, US as most attractive investment destination: Survey


China's per capita FDI is about 5 times India's。

It is noted that the increase in FDI comes at the expense of a sharply depreciated rupee。


True...and we don't resent that fact . India has long way to go to even 'begin' to catch up with China ...

I guess this could be one of the few good outcomes of depreciating of Indian rupee...
I will not believe in such surveys until there is a change on the ground. China by far is more attractive investment destination than India is

It's a survey after all ....
and all drawbacks of 'surveys' can be applied to this one too ...
It may not reflect the actual ground position
Nevertheless may be indicative of emerging trend ...

Lot hinges upon outcome of 2014 general elections in India ....

Fractured verdict will definitely spell doom for Indian economy ...
India most attractive investment destination: Survey - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: With relaxation in FDI norms to boost investor sentiments, India has emerged as the most attractive investment destination surpassing neighbouring China and the US, says a report.

The global survey of leading consultancy firm Ernst and Young (EY) has ranked India as the most attractive investment destination followed by Brazil and China at second and third positions, respectively.

No need to gloat!! There is no wow factor doing business in India.

There are two basic reason why India is preferred...

1. Immature manufacturing sector with comparatively cheap labor - Read Chinese manufacturing secure almost hit peak/ saturation and not cheap any more
2. Huge domestic demand (population is a big plus)
Too much importance is given to FDI while the local environment is crumbling.Government fooked up the core Coal,Steel,Power,Manufacturing and Construction Sectors :frown:
absolutely bullshit

our fdi has been falling constantly for the past 2 years,,,,,when it actually increases we will see
absolutely bullshit

our fdi has been falling constantly for the past 2 years,,,,,when it actually increases we will see

Why are so negative these days yaar?:D, We will have to wait till the next election, thats when something concrete will show up.
These stat and servey conductors must be punished for such stupid results.
Indian economy is in worst possible situation.
Surveys are just surveys. Until India actually sees a big rise in actual FDI, then these surveys are useless.

Some surveys say China is more attractive investment destination than the US but the US always get almost double the annual FDI of China.

So these surveys are only feel good stories. What matters is how much actual FDI is entering a country.
Total BS. Indian economy is failing and it will cripple any moment now :rofl:
Disintegration of India is imminent ;)

Well I had fun.
@ On Topic : not going to help till elections. Every investor first look at political environment. And wait till govt is in place for longer period. Now elections on head and nobody know what kinda govt and policies will be adopted they will wait.
Still a good news :tup:
True however I think that no matter what govt India gets in 2014 will continue on the FDI relaxation program and will make FDI in India a more attractive proposition. Both Congress and the BJP (with Modi at the front) are VERY aware that they will be measured by their economic performance record first and foremost. Thankfully Indian politics is at this stage where economic policies are so critical for getting votes. Rahul Gandhi just isn't experienced enough for my liking especially not on the economic front, Mr Modi will be a great prospect for the Indian economy IMHO.

Under him India can be guaranteed to return to 8%+ economic growth, with Congress maybe 6-7% is only achievable. The next 5 years are crucial for India on the economic front, it really needs a clean few years of strong growth- let's hope both parties are up to the challenge.

Fair play to Dr MMS and his select group of economists who are implementing change behind the scenes, some really good work is being done.

Hopefully, as things stand now, come the next elections but particularly the ones after that populist/vote bank politics won't be mainstream or the norm and THEN you will get some good candidates and good campaigns run on modern ideas ie economy and development alone.

Too much importance is given to FDI while the local environment is crumbling.Government fooked up the core Coal,Steel,Power,Manufacturing and Construction Sectors :frown:
AFAIK things are being done to address such issues on all these fronts.
Do you think the US will accept Modi as your next PM?

Pretty sure the CIA must be working to rig the elections.

CIA pretty much control the Indian media through front companies.

Modi is too anti-American for America's liking.

:lol: the fact that you even believe what the US says shows how naive you are.

The US don't want a strong independent leader. They want a leader that will follow American demands. This is why Modi won't be allowed to win the election. India is a very easy country to control for western intelligence agencies.

The Americans have always considered India as a pawn that's useful in containing China. If any Indian leader that won't kowtow to American demands, they won't be winning elections.

The US does this in Japanese elections by controlling the companies that own the corporate media to influence and control the politics.

You are a naive, the CIA is all over India.
Do you think the US will accept Modi as your next PM?

Who gives a shite
If Indian people makes him the PM
Then US will surely accept him & Yankees also have some multi billion dollar deal that they don't want to risk
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