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India supporting "Terrorists" in Afghanistan against Pakistan

What ? :what:

The terrorists are from Pakistan and Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. US is killing them. Collateral damage cause deaths of innocent women and children.

And you blame India ? :omghaha:

May Sanity Prevail soon.

Don't worry krait, another Ronald Reagen in making. American love for Islam Pakistan and terrorism will die hard.. USA is supporting Islamic terrorists in Syria. They supported them in Lybia, now its Pakistan turn.. :)

It's good American policy, If you can't win enemy, make them friend..
India crucial for economic future of Afghanistan: Robert Blake

Washington, Feb 27:

Amid controversial remarks of US Defence Secretary-designate Chuck Hagel on India’s role in Afghanistan, a top US official has termed New Delhi crucial for economic growth of the country post the withdrawal of American troops from there.

Robert Blake, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, said during a Congressional hearing that the US sees India as kind of an economic linchpin for future of Afghanistan.

Blake termed India as one of the most trusted and valuable partners of the US in the region, noting that “any discussion of South Asia has to start with India.”

“We appreciate very much the significant role that India is playing in Afghanistan. In fact, we see India as kind of the economic linchpin for future,” Blake told lawmakers during a hearing by Asia and the Pacific Sub-committee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

He noted that India will play an important role in the process of turning Afghanistan into a trade-based economy from an “aid-based economy” once the US spendings get scaled down after the withdrawal of troops in 2014.

“As our troops (and) their spending draws down, it’s going to be much more important now to establish a private-sector basis for the Afghan economy and to make a trade-based economy and not an aid-based economy. India is such an important role to play in that” said Blake.

India’s investment programme in Afghanistan

The official, who was in New Delhi last week for the trilateral dialogue with India and Afghanistan, said India has a very large investment programme in Afghanistan.

“It has invested in things like the Hajigak iron ore deposit that’s going to be probably an $8 billion to $10 billion investment. It hosted a major investment conference last year to promote foreign investment into Afghanistan. It has its own very substantial assistance programme of approximately $2 billion,” he said.

“It very much has embraced this regional integration vision that (the former) Secretary (of State Hillary) Clinton and now Secretary (John) Kerry have endorsed to open up all of these trade links, to allow for, for example, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline and other forms of infrastructure – road, rail and other openings – that will link up this region in a very significant way.”

“India is really at the heart of all of those efforts and is such an important partner for us,” Blake said.

India not a trouble for US interests in Afghanistan

Blake was responding to a question from Indian American Congressman Ami Bera, who had sought to know his perspective on India’s role in helping maintain stability in Afghanistan, besides efforts to strengthen the US-India relationship.

Blake’s remarks assume significance in the backdrop of critical remarks by Defence Secretary-designate Chuck Hagel, who was shown in a video accusing India of “financing problems” in Afghanistan.

India, in its response, had said it did not view its engagement with Afghanistan as a “zero sum game” and New Delhi’s development assistance has been deeply appreciated by the people and the Government of Afghanistan.

In her remarks, Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation said Hagel’s statement is not only contrary to reality, but also goes directly against policy of the Obama Administration.

“Senior Obama officials have rightly avoided being baited by the Pakistanis into thinking that India is the source of trouble for US interests in Afghanistan,” Curtis said.

“By contrast, India has been one of the largest donors to Afghanistan, assisting with its humanitarian needs, energy projects, and even the construction of the parliament building in Kabul-the most powerful symbol of the burgeoning democratic process in the country,” she said.

Curtis said New Delhi strongly supports the US goal of ensuring that Afghanistan never again becomes a haven for international terrorism.

She said a Taliban victory in Afghanistan may directly impact India as the organisation is most likely to facilitate terrorist activities in the country.

Business Line : News / International : India crucial for economic future of Afghanistan: Robert Blake
Good for you, be ready for another wave of Islamic Jihad, Petro Dollars and Blood money... Moreover India don't give a sh!t to USA in foreign policies. Our foreign policies are independent of USA.

USA is just a business partner of India nothing more.. (Not certainly lover.. ;))

I feel it appropriate to say here that every one eventually gets a taste of their own medicine. Hope your business goes well.

Don't worry krait, another Ronald Reagen in making. American love for Islam Pakistan and terrorism will die hard.. USA is supporting Islamic terrorists in Syria. They supported them in Lybia, now its Pakistan turn.. :)

It's good American policy, If you can't win enemy, make them friend..

After his revelations you people should be the last one to lecture others about terorism.
@Bang Galore What the hell is wrong with you :angry:

At least should have let us get more Pakistani people in support of US then you could have posted this.

Damage Control started.
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I feel it appropriate to say here that every one eventually gets a taste of their own medicine. Hope your business goes well.

After his revelations you people should be the last one to lecture others about terorism.

OMG! this American is Prophet (of my religion), his words are word of God, All hail American... Cool to see American pampering Pakistan, I can see the history repeating itself. The love btwn Pakistan and USA is old one. Look like America is reconsidering the divorce..

We ignore such ppl... Our bond with Afghan is like brothers, We will keep supporting Afghan (till they want)
India finances trouble in Pakistan: Hagel

India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan from across the border in Afghanistan, says Senator Chuck Hagel, US President Barack Obama’s nominee for secretary of defence.

Mr Hagel, who faces a confirmation vote in the US Senate on Tuesday night or Wednesday, made these remarks in a talk at the Cameron University in Oklahoma in 2011. The video of his speech reappeared on a website of the Washington Free Beacon, an American news portal that publishes associated content from a US conservative perspective.

The video gave more fuel to his opponents who were already trying to block his nomination because of the alleged anti-Israeli statements he had made in the past.

Mr Hagel’s “comments on India’s role in Afghanistan during a speech in 2011 provide yet another indication that he is poorly qualified to lead the US Department of Defence”, said Lisa Curtis, a South Asia expert at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think-tank.

In his talk on Afghanistan, Mr Hagel reportedly said that India had been using Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. “India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border, and you can carry that into many dimensions.”

He noted that India took advantage of tensions between Kabul and Islamabad for fomenting troubles in the areas that border Afghanistan. “The point being [that] the tense, fragmented relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been there for many, many years,” he said.

Mr Hagel is not the only American to suggest that India has been using Afghanistan for stirring troubles in Pakistan. C. Christine Fair, an assistant professor at Georgetown University, made similar suggestion during a congressional hearing on Afghanistan in 2011 but was later forced to clarify her position following protests from Indian lobbies.

Our Correspondent in New Delhi adds: US defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has riled Indians after his comments from a 2011 speech in which he accused New Delhi of financing problems for Pakistan through Afghanistan.

The remarks sparked a strong reaction from India which said such comments were “contrary to the reality” of its unbounded dedication to the welfare of Afghans.

A Times of India report quoted the Indian Embassy in Washington as seeking to play down its importance.

“Such comments attributed to Senator Hagel, who has been a longstanding friend of India and a prominent votary of close India-US relations, are contrary to the reality of India’s unbounded dedication to the welfare of Afghan people,” the embassy said.

It added that India’s commitment to a peaceful, stable and prosperous Afghanistan was unwavering, “and this is reflected in our significant assistance to Afghanistan in developing its economy, infrastructure and institutional capacities”. “Our opposition to terrorism and its safe havens in our neighbourhood is firm and unshakable. India’s development assistance has been deeply appreciated by the people and the government of Afghanistan, and by our friends around the world including the US. We do not view our engagement with Afghanistan as a zero sum game,” the embassy said.

The Times said Mr Hagel’s remarks were in sharp contrast to the viewpoint of the Obama administration that had always been in praise of India’s developmental role in Afghanistan and in fact had been pressing New Delhi to do more in Afghanistan.

The embassy said India and the US had a shared perspective and a deep convergence of interests for ensuring peace and stability in Afghanistan.

“We will continue to work to help the Afghan people build a peaceful, prosperous, democratic and inclusive future for themselves in an environment free from terror and intimidation,” the statement said.

India finances trouble in Pakistan: Hagel | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
@Black Widow And here comes your infraction. :enjoy:

@Topic I think soon there will be another statement made by much higher official.
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OMG! this American is Prophet (of my religion), his words are word of God, All hail American... Cool to see American pampering Pakistan, I can see the history repeating itself. The love btwn Pakistan and USA is old one. Look like America is reconsidering the divorce..

We ignore such ppl... Our bond with Afghan is like brothers, We will keep supporting Afghan (till they want)

I dont give damn about Americans but i do find it amusing how they are treating indians. I read an article once in which writer said there is more profit in being american enemy than being their friend. The only reason they are pampering pakistan is because they want to get out of afghanistan heads high and second reason might be that we are getting closer to china and iran with every passing day.
@Gentelman So it was Gen. Zia doing all the fighting and training ? Who supported Mujaheedins in Kashmir ? I mean who gave power to Gen. Zia. Why scapegoating him alone. What about others ? Its like blaming Hitler for WW2 and not indicting Nazi leaders like Himmler etc.

Yaar, seriously, you also believe in Conspiracy theories that Israelis left the building.

I don't know why you don't see fault of PA and ISI in supporting and funding terrorists against India.

Who are killing Pakistani people in Pakistan now. Is it Indian attackers ? LeJ comprises of Indians ?

Sorry buddy, I can no longer debate on this issue. I have seen you guys never accept your own fault and allow terrorist to grow like Mushrooms.

P.S. Gentelman is wrong spelling. Its Gentleman. :enjoy:

Em talking about all jews not any nationalist...
well from where Kashmir came in b/w all this??:unsure:
u should also talk about East Pakistan and Balochistan issue 1st before dragging kashmir....
yeah terrorists like Manzar Imam...:lol:
in South waziristan??:sick:
and chk out their own nationalist US people their selves are raising questions about 9/11...:nono:
your media drag ISI in killing of your MNA donkey so thinking like that is not your fault sire!
actually I don't wanna discuss topics b/w india and Pakistan bt u always made me to...:oops:
qell gentelman word is being used as noun here not as verb soo any spellings are valid....
I don't see any terror camp running here bt those with indians support....
well why you shouldnot admit that RAW is behind BLA and TTP???
well what is LEJ???just some traitors what else???
these are paid people....
and who knows who is behind them??
well bt question about their weaponry and training still arises as they just came from no where with such terror ideas which were never before used in Pakistan....
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Most of us already suspected this. And most probably rulers in pakistan(army) knows this. Nobody has moral upper ground really.
But I believe this is better than war.
So this guy made a statement. Even Shinde made a statement about RSS running "terror camps". The proof the pudding is in the eating. It is one thing to shoot off your mouth; another to back up your statements with facts. I won't be surprised if Chuck Hagel claims his comments have been taken out of context or that he has been misquoted. He might even withdraw his statements. Is India a player in Afghanistan? It is but certainly its physical presence is limited. Gotta feel for the Afghans - the countries should stop using Afghanistan as some sort of global chessboard to play out their own agendas. Their country needs to be rebuilt and I am sure even the Pakistanis here agree that the medieval Taliban Government which shut down all forms of entertainment, prevented women from attending schools and dished out barbaric punishments needed to go and need to stay away.
"India has been causing troubles in Pakistan through Afghanistan" - Hagel.

Pak Army orders removal of all Indian actors pictures from cantonment

I think Sen.Chuck Hagel was referring to the smuggling of flex posters of Salman, Shahrukh and Akshay via Afghanistan into Pakistan :)

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