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India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile








US tomahawk




another question.... Russian one has no fins...why??? or It has TVC
It was you who gave us babur so that we can copy or your defence is so weak that our hackers stole it's tech.Both scenarios don't make sense as u r patriotic and I know many hackers from pakistan like shadow etc etc.... Anyway its ur choice choose wisely m8 :)
and the fun part is its actually out performed its original counter part in Range Etc:lol::lol:
Well; one can add any amount of "bells and whistles'.....but is there really a need to?
There are already ARMs in existence as well as in development. Which are probably even more purpose-oriented.
As they say: "Horses for Courses".

Well,that's a different question altogether,isn't it??Yes,we do have quite a few Krypton ARMs but I would argue that even with them,the SEAD aircraft has to venture into enemy territory,may be even within the interception envelope of the said SAM site,and so there will always be a danger to that launch aircraft.But if you have 1100 km range ARM,you do not have to send a SEAD aircraft in the harm's way!!What do you think??
Well,that's a different question altogether,isn't it??Yes,we do have quite a few Krypton ARMs but I would argue that even with them,the SEAD aircraft has to venture into enemy territory,may be even within the interception envelope of the said SAM site,and so there will always be a danger to that launch aircraft.But if you have 1100 km range ARM,you do not have to send a SEAD aircraft in the harm's way!!What do you think??

Does one only need to carry out SEAD with an aircraft. What are the Harops for? :azn:
India has successfully tested its Nirbhay Cruise Missile

So Indians you basically like us just have copied Tomahawk Missile and with same Range like our Babur 700 KM

No this is the first complete test.It would be operational only after a series of tests .And it would have more than 1000km when it become operational
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