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India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile

I have seen tons of ridiculous claims on this forum. But I do not think these are called trolls. BTW, I have been around for decades and I say it is a copy of Tomahawk design. Does that make me a troll or do I have the right of an opinion and it is probably a copy... Let us be fair. Nothing the Indians planned worled. Now USA wants India to be counter of China. Suddenly you have a working Tomahawk copy? That is not trolling my friend. That is an opinion. And if you ask me that is more realistic knowing Indian background.

Wow, good one. India struggles to get ToT for critical parts of the javelin missile but some how gets a copy of a Tomahawk missile. Good one genius.

And about the nothing works. Please look at the missile tests from the past 3 years. Most of them are flawless.

Bitterness at it's finest.
Cruise Missile Engines are considerably different from Turbofans in Fighter Aircraft which take considerably more stress and have to operate reliably under wide range of operations conditions.

You have no clue my friend. Getting mach 1 and keeping that for long period to travel that distance... That is a rocket engine. and just tell me, if others do not have that how come Indians will have it? After reaching Mars with a lego packet (bought from others, guided by others) you suddenly want to jump ahead of the rest of the world. Reality is India can not produce a basic prop trainer. You get now and then injection by foreign powers that want you to grow against China. In reality you get the same proxy status as Pakistan... Congrats.
Ok this might sound dumb, but can nirbhy be used as a payload for agni?
Well warheads itself are light but its size of RVs which matters. If ever, Nirbhay will carry smaller RVs with 12-17 KT warhead.
I have seen tons of ridiculous claims on this forum. But I do not think these are called trolls. BTW, I have been around for decades and I say it is a copy of Tomahawk design. Does that make me a troll or do I have the right of an opinion and it is probably a copy... Let us be fair. Nothing the Indians planned worled. Now USA wants India to be counter of China. Suddenly you have a working Tomahawk copy? That is not trolling my friend. That is an opinion. And if you ask me that is more realistic knowing Indian background.
im wondering how on earth you became a think tank???

@Ammyy man... you got negative rating for calling a troller.... troll.!!!Lol so funny! !
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Wow, good one. India struggles to get ToT for critical parts of the javelin missile but some how gets a copy of a Tomahawk missile. Good one genius.

And about the nothing works. Please look at the missile tests from the past 3 years. Most of them are flawless.

Haha. Let me remind you your last test of this missile... A few seconds flight and they call it successful till it crashed in a few minutes. Here we are looking at a nation that is the largest in the world. Busy with 3d generation aircraft since the 90's. Not even able to produce a prop plane. It has all the input it can get from Israel, USA and Europe. And now you wannebee superpowaah. I smell Modi. A seller of chai now acting like God after massacre of Muslims in Gujarat. Enjoy it, After MKI crash you need something positive.
This is exact copy of a tomohawk. Let me remind you how Indians reacted when Pakistan tested a decade ago Babur... If one repeats that (and indeed this one looks a lot more then a tomahawk) it is suddenly a nationalistic blind person. Let me ask you, what is the difference? And how come India is behind Pakistan?
To tank in basic logic is not a great thing.

A copy can be made when the original is available, unless you think that India has the capability to simply look at videos of F-22 and copy it. :D

Pakistan had failed Tomahawk missiles (in its possession long back) which was used to reverse engineer and make a copy called Babur.

Here lies the difference, Pakistan hardly fails any missile test, you are way ahead of us :D

Even after having the original you came out with a missile before us so obviously you are ahead of us here too :D

After all, we with so many failures are inching to reach the level of achievements Pakistan has made. Let us have fun with our look and copied defence equipment in the mean time. We are a third world country after all :(
You have no clue my friend. Getting mach 1 and keeping that for long period to travel that distance... That is a rocket engine. and just tell me, if others do not have that how come Indians will have it? After reaching Mars with a lego packet (bought from others, guided by others) you suddenly want to jump ahead of the rest of the world. Reality is India can not produce a basic prop trainer. You get now and then injection by foreign powers that want you to grow against China. In reality you get the same proxy status as Pakistan... Congrats.


I have seen tons of ridiculous claims on this forum. But I do not think these are called trolls. BTW, I have been around for decades and I say it is a copy of Tomahawk design. Does that make me a troll or do I have the right of an opinion and it is probably a copy... Let us be fair. Nothing the Indians planned worled. Now USA wants India to be counter of China. Suddenly you have a working Tomahawk copy? That is not trolling my friend. That is an opinion. And if you ask me that is more realistic knowing Indian background.

Just add the post above to the (reasonably long) list of ridiculous claims, apart from being totally unsubstantiated and even astronomical in the degree of its speculation. Now will you bring on another "farmer" story to support what you say? :) 'bout as realistic as it will get, nah?
You have no clue my friend. Getting mach 1 and keeping that for long period to travel that distance... That is a rocket engine. and just tell me, if others do not have that how come Indians will have it? After reaching Mars with a lego packet (bought from others, guided by others) you suddenly want to jump ahead of the rest of the world. Reality is India can not produce a basic prop trainer. You get now and then injection by foreign powers that want you to grow against China. In reality you get the same proxy status as Pakistan... Congrats.

Every one here knows how big a moron you are brother,no need for you to try so hard to prove it all over again!!Cheers............
captain, is there any possibility of converting nirbay into a suicide drone with decreased range.... something like "IAI harop"???
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