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India successfully conducted user trial of Agni-IV from Odisha coast



Dr V.G. Sekaran, DS & DG (MSS) reviewed the launch activities and guided the team. Smt Tessy Thomas, Project Director AGNI-IV led the team of scientists during the operation. Dr DN Reddy, Chairman, RAC, Shri S Sundaresh, DS and DG ACE & CCR&D (SI&PC), Shri Sibnath Som, Director DRDL, Dr Jayaraman, Director ASL, Shri MVKV Prasad, Director ITR, Dr Manmohan Singh, Directior VRDE, Dr Manjeet Singh, Director TBRL witnessed the launch. Shri Jugal Kishore Mohapatra, Chief Secretary and Shri Vipin Saxena, Principal Home Secretary, Odisha also witnessed the launch.
Who is the person in Coat & Tie?
It must be due to some optical illusion. :D I think he may be one of those Home Secretaries who're mentioned in the article.
I was thinking it was someone from Japan or South Korea :-D
You know to send a sms I mean a message
what is important is that it was a USER TRIAL.....

congrats to all....
Do you mean a private message?
No no. He looked like a Japanese or South Korean (again racist eye). So I thought may be India was sending some message across the border. But like you said, he does look like Shri Vipin Saxena,Principal Home Secretary, Odisha
Sridhar at *** posted his pic.
Agni 4 is Not a ballistic Missile But a Hypersonic Boost glide vehicle. Submarine launch version is in Making.
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