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India Strongly Rejects Pakistan Raising Kashmir at UN

All my indian bros........why you guys are arguing .. reality will not change . Kshmir with us.. . india has control over all rivers flowing . indus water treaty is in favour os us.. siachen is with us........no country in the world can dictate us.. we are not beggers,,, we are a strong democracy.. we will thrive...no one can take kashmir from us.. NO ONE...
dont be naive, dont compare Kashmir with Baluchistan, 50 RAW fed criminals VS millions and millions of Kashmiris who sings Pakistan anthem, wave Pakistani flag and celebrate Pakistan wins.
by the way we just caught few VVIPs in Lahore and Karachi, they are being fed 5 star meals right now

:pakistan: damn, I have the Pakistani flag too, I must be Kashmiri.

I wonder what happened to the 3 million erst while East Pakistani's who also waved Pakistani flags :pakistan: hmm....:raise:

Kudh ka desh handle nahi hotha, duniya jeetne chaley.
no everyone believes it because they have seen it, if you want i can send you all the links

U cant argue with these hindus. All they r good for is rat worship. And they think they can rule by force the Muslims in Kashmir. Their day is coming soon Inshallah
Indian occupation forces have killed 21 Kashmiris, all of them Muslim, most of them young men in August alone. India's colonial barbarism needs to be raised at the global level.

that means Indian army taking care of those terrorists very well...
It's Pakistan's right to raise the issue and India's right to reject it.
The only thing to discuss about is to take back pakistan occupied kashmir and the part it gave away illegally to china. Rest, "jo ho sake woh ukhaad lo". Kashmir se Kanyakumari tak Bharat Ek hai ! :tup:
Explains why a plebiscite hasn't been held in Kashmir to date!
Because, Kashmir is not Scotland....!! ...Kashimiris are misled and terrorrized by Jihadis and extremists from Pakistan for decades...let Pak stop infiltration and violence in Kashmir for at least 2 decades..and after that, lets go for plebiscite, only then it will be called as fair and perfect resolution of any so called issue... by the way...you do be ready about plebiscite in Baluchistan!!
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