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India stands up for Iran


Jun 28, 2010
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Iran has a right to peaceful nuclear energy: India
Iran has a right to peaceful nuclear energy: India - Hindustan Times

Emphasizing Iran's right to pursue a civilian nuclear programme, India has said that Tehran should reassure the international community that its nuclear project is only meant for peaceful purposes. "India has taken a consistent stand on the Iranian nuclear issue," Hardeep Singh Puri India's envoy to
the UN said at a Security Council meeting to discuss the status of the sanctions imposed on Iran.

"Iran is entitled to the rightful use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and should at the same time restore international confidence to the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear activities", Puri said.

Colombian UN Ambassador Nestor Osorio, who chairs the Security Council's Iran sanctions committee, told the Security Council about two alleged violations involving material that contributes to enrichment activity and development of nuclear weapon delivery system.

"The increase in the number of reported sanctions violations is a matter of serious concern," he said.

Earlier this month, Yukiya Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said that Iran is still not cooperating to show that its nuclear programme is peaceful.

"Iran is not providing the necessary cooperation to enable the Agency to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities," Amano told the Board of Governors of the IAEA.

In June, last year, the UN Security Council passed a fourth round of sanctions against Iran for running its nuclear programme without transparency and violating previous Security Council resolutions along with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The resolution, however, did not pass unanimously. There were 12 votes in favour but both Turkey and Brazil voted against while Lebanon abstained.

India noted that misgivings about Iran's nuclear programme needed to be addressed by "peaceful means, through dialogue and negotiation."

Other countries, however, spoke more sternly.

"Iran's behaviour is correctly identified in today's report as part of a pattern of deliberate circumvention of sanctions," said Mark Lyall Grant, Britain's ambassador to the UN

UK also pointed out that NATO had confirmed the arms seized in Nimruz, Afghanistan were from Iran and were intended for the Taliban.

"The detailed technical analysis, together with the circumstances of the seizure, leave us in no doubt that the weaponry recovered came from Iran, despite the fact that they were crudely doctored to make it look as though they originated in a country represented on this council," Grant said. "This is completely unacceptable, and not the behaviour of a responsible neighbour."

India is right - every country has the right to use nuclear technology to produce electricity.
Good move by India. Shows that India is independent, and no country including the US can pressurize India into anything.

Iran does have the right to nuclear power for civil purposes. It needs to open up, be transparent and let the other countries know that the nuclear enrichment and reactors set up are for peaceful purposes.
No surprise on this - especially the Opposition holding the Govt by the neck after the recent Wiki leaks.

Its not aimed at Iran as much as it is aimed at the NDA/Left.
I am afraid we are skirting the main issue here. Both India as well as Iran.

Every and any country in the world has the right to develop nuclear weapons as a nuclear deterrent to ensure its survival.

And in light of that basic right -

develop = acquire

And as a corollary, the debate on nuclear "proliferation" as a "rogue" activity simply a form of self-serving nuclear racism between the haves and the have nots.
Iran = Psycho state unfit to be called a country which is ruled by radical islamists who openly scream things like 'DEATH TO AMRIKA!'
India should not support nukes to iran. Or S300s to Iran. Or Even kalashnikovs to iran for that matter.
Every country has the right to pursue the quest for clean nuclear energy, its a right stand by India in that matter. While I don't support Iran having nuclear weapons, its will add further chaos in this part of the world.
there should be no problem if they want to use nuclear enrgy for civil use
I am afraid we are skirting the main issue here. Both India as well as Iran.

Every and any country in the world has the right to develop nuclear weapons as a nuclear deterrent to ensure its survival.

And in light of that basic right -

develop = acquire

And as a corollary, the debate on nuclear "proliferation" as a "rogue" activity simply a form of self-serving nuclear racism between the haves and the have nots.
retard post!!
Are u out of ur mind?????
people like u endanger this world...
If nuclear arms are spread to ME,there will be nuclear cloud in ur area...
This world is in danger from countries like North korea,syria,iran trying to have nuclear weapons and put it on their rivals...
India never supports Iran having nuclear arms,India supports ONLY electricity through nuclear energy...
If Iran makes any Nuclear weapon,then we don't object any actions which are taken by the west....Let them do watever they want...
One thing i can predict,
As soon as Iran tests a successful nuclear bomb,then start counting days for a war....
Iraq history will be repeated
retard post!!
Are u out of ur mind?????
people like u endanger this world...
If nuclear arms are spread to ME,there will be nuclear cloud in ur area...
This world is in danger from countries like North korea,syria,iran trying to have nuclear weapons and put it on their rivals...
India never supports Iran having nuclear arms,India supports ONLY electricity through nuclear energy...
If Iran makes any Nuclear weapon,then we don't object any actions which are taken by the west....Let them do watever they want...

I dont know what was insane with that post,if Iran is acquiring any thing through proliferation then the world had every right to criticize them and block them,but why cry a river when they themselves r developing it,its the right of every human,every nation to acquire what is best for its interest,what is best for he survival.

Why US shivers due to this,end of their monopoly,ironically they r the only nation on the planet which had used nuclear bombs,slaughtered a huge population,at a time when Japan was already on their knees,only for the sake of displaying technological prowess,but still they had the moral authority to controll the non proliferation regime.
retard post!!
Are u out of ur mind?????
people like u endanger this world...
If nuclear arms are spread to ME,there will be nuclear cloud in ur area...
This world is in danger from countries like North korea,syria,iran trying to have nuclear weapons and put it on their rivals...
India never supports Iran having nuclear arms,India supports ONLY electricity through nuclear energy...
If Iran makes any Nuclear weapon,then we don't object any actions which are taken by the west....Let them do watever they want...

Calm down !

In the end India will neither be friend of Iran nor of US.

When you side with USA's enemy then you will automatically become USA's enemy also. Remember what what George Bush said back then ?
He said "If you are not with us then you are with the terrorist" !
Calm down !

When you side with USA's enemy then you will automatically become USA's enemy also. Remember what what George Bush said back then ?
He said "If you are not with us then you are with the terrorist" !

YES !! that definitely strucks only & only for Pakistan ; An ally , who has to obey US { lots & lots of $$$$$$ }:no:
India should not have supported for this...if they are successful in making Electricity then there next step would be making a bomb....
offcorse Every and any country in the world has the right to develop nuclear weapons as a nuclear deterrent to ensure its survival.but cant take chances Just think if Libya had nuclear weapons at this stage what would have retard Gadaffi done... bomb his own people...& black mail many nation if they interfere there...thus reversing the peoples mandate... & it will hurt our allei Isreal too...Iran is still not matured to have Nuclear weapons...
I am afraid we are skirting the main issue here. Both India as well as Iran.

Every and any country in the world has the right to develop nuclear weapons as a nuclear deterrent to ensure its survival.

And in light of that basic right -

develop = acquire

And as a corollary, the debate on nuclear "proliferation" as a "rogue" activity simply a form of self-serving nuclear racism between the haves and the have nots.

I would like to differ here. Not every and any but a country with a ruling elite that is accountable to their citizens, that shows some degree of sanity and responsible behavior in domestic and international matters.

BTW i dont support nuclear weapons, but thats the reality.
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