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India stands up for Iran

well done to india another wise move by the goi now china and india talk with the same language.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Q: Who is, and was, India in int'l arena?
A: India is, and was, nobody.

Q: When Iran has been under severe pressure, who have been side-by-side of Iran?
A: China and Russia, using their huge economical, military and political (read UNSC) influences.

Q: Who is Iran ?
A: Ancient Persia that is, who used to OWN India for centuries like the Brits & Mogols did.

India can't even stand for itself ( as it merely tries to crawl, literally) , and "it stands for Iran"?

Another Hindustan chest-thumping wet dream ! :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Q: Who is, and was, India in int'l arena?
A: India is, and was, nobody.

Q: When Iran has been under severe pressure, who have been side-by-side of Iran?
A: China and Russia, using their huge economical, military and political (read UNSC) influences.

Q: Who is Iran ?
A: Ancient Persia that is, who used to OWN India for centuries like the Brits & Mogols did.

India can't even stand for itself ( as it merely tries to crawl, literally) , and "it stands for Iran"?

Another Hindustan chest-thumping wet dream ! :rofl:

^^^ fake Chineese...

When did chinese started to call india as hindusthan?
I strongly feel that if Iran feels threatened by hostile nations and if it feels that nuclear weapons will give it security against such threats, then Iran has every right to opt for nuclear weapons. Every nation has the right to safe guard its sovereignty and integrity in a manner it deems suitable and appropriate.
its a gimmick, just to prove to the Indian people that their upa govt is not lap dog of the US. looks like mms got a script for his role once again from the US.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Q: Who is, and was, India in int'l arena?
A: India is, and was, nobody.

Q: When Iran has been under severe pressure, who have been side-by-side of Iran?
A: China and Russia, using their huge economical, military and political (read UNSC) influences.

Q: Who is Iran ?
A: Ancient Persia that is, who used to OWN India for centuries like the Brits & Mogols did.

India can't even stand for itself ( as it merely tries to crawl, literally) , and "it stands for Iran"?

Another Hindustan chest-thumping wet dream ! :rofl:

Were you born a douche bag?! Or all the brain washing made you?!

Whole world loved India, hence, they all wanted the piece of India and India produced 25-30% of world GDP before brits took over!!

And as far as Economical and Political clout is concerned India is quite blessed compared to your country! [cuz you're not chinese! Cuz from what I know and have experienced so far Chinese may have difference of opinion or might argue! But abusing one's country and using foul language is Chinese; cup of tea!] Now jog on and spread this BS somewhere else!
The point is simple. Nuclear weapons serve a purpose. Nuclear doctrines the world over, be it the US or be it North Korea, are devised and continually refined to maintain status quo. That said, ask yourselves about who or what gives any nation or block of nations the right to brand another as rogue or irresponsible. The answer is simple. Power. The power to influence. The power to arm twist. The power to attack and destroy. And where does this power emanate from? From peaceful civilian means? NO.

So if a nation feels threatened, threatened for its very survival as a nation state or for the physical survival of its people, threatened by a clear and present threat from another nation/s, then it is the RIGHT of such a nation to protect itself and acquire a nuclear deterrent as a last-chance card. Even if more often than not in nascent nuclear power states, such protection is more notional than real. And depends on the inherent principle of hurting back, even at the risk of self annihilation.

Ask yourselves this - in the backdrop of the bogey of nuclear proliferation and "irresponsible/lunatic/fanatic/rogue" states acquiring the bomb (Islamic or otherwise), how many nuclear bombs have been dropped on human populations? Then ask yourself by whom. Then ask yourself who it is who is championing the cause of war on nuclear proliferation as the self appointed watchdog. Then ask yourself how many nuclear weapons that nation state has in its own armory. Then ask yourself which nation state has been the common thread in wars all around the world for the past century.

And finally ask yourself why it is so - and what "nuclear proliferation" by "rogue" states does to that equation.
North Korea has killed less people with nukes than the US has. It is ridiculous that the US demands other countries to put down the nukes when they themselves hold 2500 warheads active and another 2500 in storage.

If Libya had nukes, there would be no war. Also note that Gaddafi killed less people than NATO did in the past month.
iranians hardly trust indians cause of their habit of getting in bed with zionists :lol:....everyone knows indians diplomats who get posted in iran first go to israel where they get special spy training
India also stands up to Israel, and Israel wants to attack and destroy Irans neuclear capability, and Iran wants to make neuclear bombs and use them to vaporize Israel. What Isreal and Iran want is clearly understandable. What India is trying to achieve is confusing.
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