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India, South Korea sign five-year defence cooperation agreement

PHOTOS: Indian Defence Minister Visits Korean Military Establishments



Antony in the cockpit of a KT-1 basic trainer aircraft (a contender in India's basic trainer competition) at KAI complex.

Nice pics Jha... liked the expression of Mr Antony .. LOL
This thread is way too exaggerated. All countries in the world has relationships with one another. However, only US has special relationships with the East Asian countries listed in this thread. According to Indians in here, India seems to want to replace the US as the super power already.
Here again to undermine an Indian initiative hiding behind American name. We're kind of getting used to you man. BTW face it, USA has expressed no concerns over anything of our political maneuvers in the last 2 years, while China has.

So here's the deal: don't try to project as if USA is apprehensive or offended by what we do. USA is not PRC is.
PHOTOS: Indian Defence Minister Visits Korean Military Establishments



Antony in the cockpit of a KT-1 basic trainer aircraft (a contender in India's basic trainer competition) at KAI complex.
Instead of holding time consuming tenders and stupid red-tape loaded procedures, why don't we just order 60 of these KT-1s for basic training in IAF until HAL gets theirs readied in next 4-5 years as Ashok Baweja said?

What's the use of delaying needlessly when we have a good product at hand? I think Anthony's visit might very much bring SK to win the tender.
I think India and South Korea should seriously consider warship and submarine development. South Korea has got good ship building capabilities
While the agreement is a positive development for Indo-SK relationship, I wouldn't read too much into it. It seems only the Indian media is enthusiastic about the agreement, while Korean media largely fails to pick up the story.

India at the moment offers very little to South Korea, as I mentioned in another thread India plays no role at all in inter-Korean affairs, which is the single most pressing security issue for the South.

Also one shouldn't have the idea of an 'overstretched' U.S giving up its obligation toward Japan and South Korea thus creating a vacuum for India. East Asia is going to be the most important region of the world by 2030 at latest.

Does people really think America is so stupid as to spend billions of dollars and tens of thousands of American lives to be the dominant player in the region only to give up the position when the region becomes the center of gravity of the world economy?

South Korea 's attention may be fixed on the threat from the north but that does not mean they are oblivious to what is going on elsewhere....no one in east asia....given as you put it.."the most important region of the world by 2030" ....will be completely unaffected by the great tussle of the 21st century between china and the U.S......in fact it is this which gives east asia its importance.....let alone east asia the U.S will not think of "giving up" the sole IOR base that it has(diego garcia)....that was not what I meant,but with a rising china exerting a fierce pressure on the east asian region through diplomatic,military ,economic and other means .....the U.S will be hard pressed to maintain its traditional military supremacy without the support of at least another strong partner behind it.......and being the predominant power in the IOR( i believe this is something we can agree on)....this is the role we intend to step into....being the gatekeepers of the Energy lines to southeast asia.... this is a natural role for us....regards.....:cheers:
South Korea 's attention may be fixed on the threat from the north but that does not mean they are oblivious to what is going on elsewhere....no one in east asia....given as you put it.."the most important region of the world by 2030" ....will be completely unaffected by the great tussle of the 21st century between china and the U.S......in fact it is this which gives east asia its importance.....let alone east asia the U.S will not think of "giving up" the sole IOR base that it has(diego garcia)....that was not what I meant,but with a rising china exerting a fierce pressure on the east asian region through diplomatic,military ,economic and other means .....the U.S will be hard pressed to maintain its traditional military supremacy without the support of at least another strong partner behind it.......and being the predominant power in the IOR( i believe this is something we can agree on)....this is the role we intend to step into....being the gatekeepers of the Energy lines to southeast asia.... this is a natural role for us....regards.....:cheers:

This is what I was talking about, how US is hard pressed to maintain its traditional military supremacy without the support of Indai. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Its clear that many Indian fan boys here are already pushing :usflag: to the side line by talking about how countries like S Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam needs a friendship treaty with India in order to maintain peace. That is where the exaggeration and out of the world ego comes in. To many in East Asians in countries such as Japan and S Korea, their relationship with Australia or far away European countries would rank far more important than their relationship with India. Indians members in this forum has an unrealistic view of India's international position in East Asia. Unfortunately, Indian media and military share the same view as Indian members here. But I hope most Indian politicians, academics and most importantly, average Indians don't have such an unrealistic exalted view of India. To ask India to maintain peace in East Asia is no different than ask South Africa to maintain peace in East Asia:woot:

From the American perspective, east Asia is the most important region for US policy maker now, it should be much more so in 20 years. As this region contains China, Russia and Japan, argueably the three most important direct relationship for the US. I know it will be a shocker to most Indians in here but US do not need India to survive or grow. But the other way around is more likely.

So the 5 year defence cooeration between India and South Korea barely get any air time in India is a shocker to most Indians? Let me ask the indian members here, would you guys be surprised if South Korea news failed to report a 5 year defensive cooperation between South Korea and Kenya?
This is what I was talking about,how US is hard pressed to maintain its traditional military supremacy without the support of Indai. :rofl:

if not now definitely in the future....even now Obama talks about engaging with China on one hand ....and back he comes with a look of having been too "soft" on china for a dressing down from hardliner pentagon think tanks....[/U]and let me request you to respect my nation with the courtesy of a proper spelling [/U]....i believe you could disagree without a personal cheap shot....

Its clear that many Indian fan boys here are already pushing :usflag: to the side line by talking about how countries like S Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam needs a friendship treaty with India in order to maintain peace. That is where the exaggeration and out of the world ego comes in. To many in East Asians in countries such as Japan and S Korea, their relationship with Australia or far away European countries would rank far more important than their relationship with India. Indians members in this forum has an unrealistic view of India's international position in East Asia. Unfortunately, Indian media and military share the same view as Indian members here. But I hope most Indian politicians, academics and most importantly, average Indians don't have such an unrealistic exalted view of India. To ask India to maintain peace in East Asia is no different than ask South Africa to maintain peace in East Asia:woot:

unrealistic only in the minds of an average American....so used to living in their own bubble....not in the minds of the think tanks in the establishment.....whether you like it or not our location ,diplomatic influence and military are the things which really matter in east asia...not some European union country or Canada or Australia.....:cheesy:...this is where it pays to have a foreign policy untangled with the U.S....in effect the countries you refered to could be re labeled ....U.S extended....( the relationship with.. the U.S..matters more...) which is common sense.....

From the American perspective, east Asia is the most important region for US policy maker now, it should be much more so in 20 years. As this region contains China, Russia and Japan, argueably the three most important direct relationship for the US. I know it will be a shocker to most Indians in here but US do not need India to survive or grow. But the other way around is more likely.

So the 5 year defence cooeration between India and South Korea barely get any air time in India is a shocker to most Indians? Let me ask the indian members here, would you guys be surprised if South Korea news failed to report a 5 year defensive cooperation between South Korea and Kenya?


my turn to have a good laugh at your pomposity and illusions of grandeur......American arrogance personified indeed !!!....for 63 years of our Independence we tolerated everything you guys threw at us...from undisguised hostility , covert destabilization attempts(remember khalistan..??)....even a de facto nuclear threat(U.SS enterprise..)....and now on the verge of our economic turn around you come up with that old cinematic aggressive American tone .....telling us we need you to survive...!!!! :rofl:
hilarious to say the least .....

next time do try a little harder to come up with some credible logic to explain your points instead of just enacting a comedy.....

eagerly awaiting your esteemed reply....
fyi ::: an interesting read::

SsangYong Group is a South Korean based Chaebol or conglomerate. SsangYong, literally translated, means "Double Dragon". It was largely broken up by the East Asian financial crisis in 1997. The chaebol was forced to sell or relinquish control in many of their subsidiary interests including the SsangYong Motor Company, originally joining the Daewoo Group in 1998 and now controlled by the Chinese automobile manufacturer SAIC (Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation);

link :SsangYong Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Connects to this thread because:

Mahindra Axe is an AM General High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) like vehicle built by Mahindra & Mahindra, based on an Israeli design originally designed for IDF. Mahindra Axe is being customized to meet Indian Army specifications; the Indian Army is evaluating it as a replacement for the current Mahindra Jeep derivatives.

Current Axe variants use either a diesel engine---2.7 L Mercedes derived Ssangyong engine (which powers the Rexton)--or a petrol engine (using 4 L GM Vortec engine (which powers the Chevrolet Blazer)). There are plans to have variants using Mahindra's current line of diesel engines.

link : Mahindra Axe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so the co-operation was already pretty much there??


Mahindra is to build about 215 units of Axe for an undisclosed foreign army with 15 being shipped immediately. Mahindra hopes to export Axe to countries like Malaysia in 2008 (diesel version) and for Africa, UAE, Jordan.

source again same as above...
if not now definitely in the future....even now Obama talks about engaging with China on one hand ....and back he comes with a look of having been too "soft" on china for a dressing down from hardliner pentagon think tanks....[/U]and let me request you to respect my nation with the courtesy of a proper spelling [/U]....i believe you could disagree without a personal cheap shot....

unrealistic only in the minds of an average American....so used to living in their own bubble....not in the minds of the think tanks in the establishment.....whether you like it or not our location ,diplomatic influence and military are the things which really matter in east asia...not some European union country or Canada or Australia.....:cheesy:...this is where it pays to have a foreign policy untangled with the U.S....in effect the countries you refered to could be re labeled ....U.S extended....( the relationship with.. the U.S..matters more...) which is common sense.....


my turn to have a good laugh at your pomposity and illusions of grandeur......American arrogance personified indeed !!!....for 63 years of our Independence we tolerated everything you guys threw at us...from undisguised hostility , covert destabilization attempts(remember khalistan..??)....even a de facto nuclear threat(U.SS enterprise..)....and now on the verge of our economic turn around you come up with that old cinematic aggressive American tone .....telling us we need you to survive...!!!! :rofl:
hilarious to say the least .....

next time do try a little harder to come up with some credible logic to explain your points instead of just enacting a comedy.....

eagerly awaiting your esteemed reply....
He's not American. There are many actual Americans around here.. do you see any of them speaking like this? Don't aim at US as this is what he wants you to do. Aim at what he is actually. Chinese.
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