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India Soldiers Gang Rape 13-year Old Kashmiri Girl

Well aware of Indian Army crimes. They're not the only ones and neither is rape a strictly military affair in this region.

Further, it's not the central point. There's presumption in the thread title. That's mis-stating the facts. The offered article has been altered without alerting the reader so. That's manipulation.

Policy or not, true or not, there's no relevance to Mumbai's slaughter unless you are eager to obfuscate one event behind another. They stand separately.
Well aware of Indian Army crimes. They're not the only ones and neither is rape a strictly military affair in this region.

Further, it's not the central point. There's presumption in the thread title. That's mis-stating the facts. The offered article has been altered without alerting the reader so. That's manipulation.

Policy or not, true or not, there's no relevance to Mumbai's slaughter unless you are eager to obfuscate one event behind another. They stand separately.

I think wt Kharian Beast meant was, if the mumbai attacks were done by the, Kashmiri jihadist, then the attacks were going to happen, after wt the police and the military does to the Kashmiris.

But i doubt the jihadi group being blame are responsible for the Mumbai attacks.
Policy or not, true or not, there's no relevance to Mumbai's slaughter unless you are eager to obfuscate one event behind another. They stand separately.

You Yanks really dont understand this kind of stuff.

This stuff does make terrorists, or terrorist attacks. Go watch some videos.
The Indian Army does rape and kill with impunity in the illegally occupied Kashmir.

It's sad the way the world sits idly by because of the atmosphere created by the media.
Let's hope that next time India's domestic terrorists will target security forces in Kashmir and not urban civilian areas, if in fact they had any involvement.
Wat a shame and how sad is this but for the ones that dont know Like mr s-2 welcome to the reality check boss this is been going on for a very long time and if we make noise its cuz it just wrong to human kind! basharm people that do this stuff how can there be peace??
'Troops entered Imam's house with the intention of outraging the modesty of his daughters'

Srinagar, December 4 (Newsline Bureau): Thousands of people today took to streets staging a massive protest against the troops of 36 Rashtriya Rifles (RR) for their alleged involvement in outraging the modesty of a girl at Dandhipora village of Vailoo area in Islamabad district of South Kashmir. Reports pouring in from Dandipora indicate that troops of 36 RR barged into the house of Mohammad Abdullah Khatana during the intervening night of December 3 and 4 at around 11:30 pm and tried to outrage the modesty of one of Khatana's daughters.

Father of five daughters, Khatana is the Imam of the local Jamia Masjid. "As his house is located in seclusion, the troops entered the house during the night with the intention of outraging the modesty of his daughters," eyewitnesses said.

As the news about the incident spread in the area, thousands of people assembled and held demonstrations against the troopers. Later, the protests intensified with more and more people joining in. Giving vent to their resentment against the mainstream political parties, the angry protestors chanted slogans against them. Anger against the incident was not only raging in Dandhipora but in the entire Kokernag belt with people demanding a stern action against the forces.

On being contacted, SHO Kokernag Nisar Ahmed said it is not as yet clear as to who had entered Khatana's house. "As two parties, one from 36 RR and the other from 164 Bn CRPF were on patrol at night, it is not as yet clear which of these two parties has entered the house. Fortunately no molestation or rape has occurred according to the statement of the girl," the SHO said "We received the information about the incident at around 11:30 pm on Wednesday night and rushed our party to the spot and took the girl along with her relatives in our possession."

An FIR number 137, 2008 under sections 456, 354 and 27 Arms Act has been lodged against the forces with Police Station Kokernag.

Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict
'Troops entered Imam's house with the intention of outraging the modesty of his daughters'

Srinagar, December 4 (Newsline Bureau): Thousands of people today took to streets staging a massive protest against the troops of 36 Rashtriya Rifles (RR) for their alleged involvement in outraging the modesty of a girl at Dandhipora village of Vailoo area in Islamabad district of South Kashmir. Reports pouring in from Dandipora indicate that troops of 36 RR barged into the house of Mohammad Abdullah Khatana during the intervening night of December 3 and 4 at around 11:30 pm and tried to outrage the modesty of one of Khatana's daughters.

Father of five daughters, Khatana is the Imam of the local Jamia Masjid. "As his house is located in seclusion, the troops entered the house during the night with the intention of outraging the modesty of his daughters," eyewitnesses said.

As the news about the incident spread in the area, thousands of people assembled and held demonstrations against the troopers. Later, the protests intensified with more and more people joining in. Giving vent to their resentment against the mainstream political parties, the angry protestors chanted slogans against them. Anger against the incident was not only raging in Dandhipora but in the entire Kokernag belt with people demanding a stern action against the forces.

On being contacted, SHO Kokernag Nisar Ahmed said it is not as yet clear as to who had entered Khatana's house. "As two parties, one from 36 RR and the other from 164 Bn CRPF were on patrol at night, it is not as yet clear which of these two parties has entered the house. Fortunately no molestation or rape has occurred according to the statement of the girl," the SHO said "We received the information about the incident at around 11:30 pm on Wednesday night and rushed our party to the spot and took the girl along with her relatives in our possession."

An FIR number 137, 2008 under sections 456, 354 and 27 Arms Act has been lodged against the forces with Police Station Kokernag.

Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict

I was waiting for you to stumble.

From the same web site:

[Note: In the 20 years of armed conflict in the U.N. recognized disputed state of Jammu & Kashmir , there have been many allegations of rapes and molestations particularly against the Indian troopers. A 1994 United Nations publication (E/CN.4/1995/42, pp.63-69) says that 'during 1992 alone, 882 women were reportedly gang-raped by Indian security forces in Jammu and Kashmir'.

According to the Kashmiri-Canadian Council, more than 6,300 Kashmiri women have been raped. According to a report by Human Rights Watch 2001 "Rape is used by the Indian security forces to attack Kashmiri women suspected of sympathizing with Freedom Fighters."

Women separatist leader Aasiya Andrabi attributes the absence of rape in the report to "well entrenched Indian policy"

"Basically India uses rape as a war crime and they don't treat it as a HR violation. So it employs all curbs and other tactics on the rights groups to pressurise them to desist from publishing it".]

Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict
I was waiting for you to stumble.

From the same web site:

[Note: In the 20 years of armed conflict in the U.N. recognized disputed state of Jammu & Kashmir , there have been many allegations of rapes and molestations particularly against the Indian troopers. A 1994 United Nations publication (E/CN.4/1995/42, pp.63-69) says that 'during 1992 alone, 882 women were reportedly gang-raped by Indian security forces in Jammu and Kashmir'.

According to the Kashmiri-Canadian Council, more than 6,300 Kashmiri women have been raped. According to a report by Human Rights Watch 2001 "Rape is used by the Indian security forces to attack Kashmiri women suspected of sympathizing with Freedom Fighters."

Women separatist leader Aasiya Andrabi attributes the absence of rape in the report to "well entrenched Indian policy"

"Basically India uses rape as a war crime and they don't treat it as a HR violation. So it employs all curbs and other tactics on the rights groups to pressurise them to desist from publishing it".]

Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict

what I posted is relevant to the reported incident, what you added is in general analysis of violation of HR by Indian armed forces. There is no official Indian policy of raping its own citizen by armed forces. Any violation of HR must be investigated and those responsible must be punished.
If this is the policy being followed by Indian forces then who am I to criticize Mumbai 2008?

Exactly and is it any wonder that Indian Mujahideen and Deccan Mujahideen and so many wings have turned up to fight Indian rule and to fight against Indias hatred of muslims and of the Kashmiri people?

If such mass murder is being perpetuated on the Kashmiri people and in general the minorities in India each one of whom has suffered atleast one genocide (Now its anti-christian genocide currently) then who can blame these minorities of rising up to Indian rule?

Clearly many muslim circles in India have completely rebelled. :agree:
I know you just joined us in 2007, but there's been allegations of rape by Indian soldiers in Kashmir since the 40's mate. Piles and piles of harrowing accounts. They employ fear tactics to subdue unruly populations not willing to bend to Indian authority, for instance shooting live rounds into protest crowds, suffocating leadership during times of voting and gang rapes.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Kashmir troops held after rape

"The most common torture methods are severe beatings, sometimes while the victim is hung upside down, and electric shocks. People have also been crushed with heavy rollers, burned, stabbed with sharp instruments, and had objects such as chilies or thick sticks forced into their rectums. Sexual mutilation has been reported".
(Amnesty International, March 1992)

"The worst outrages by the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) have been frequent gang rapes of all women in Muslim villages, followed by the execution of the men".
(Eric Margolis, The Ottawa Citizen, December 8, 1991)

"Young girls were now being raped systematically by entire (Indian) army units rather than by a single soldier as before. Girls are taken to soldier's camps and held naked in their tents for days on end. Many never return home....Women are strung up naked from trees and their breast lacerated with knives, as the (Indian) soldiers tell them that their breast will never give milk again to a newborn militant. Women are raped in front of their husbands and children, or paraded naked through villages and beaten on the breasts."
(The Independent, September 18, 1990)

"While army troops dragged men from their homes for questioning in the border town of Kunan Pushpura, scores of women say they were raped by soldiers....a pregnant Kashmiri woman, who was raped and kicked, gave birth to a son with a broken arm."
(Melinda Liuin, Newsweek, June 24, 1991)
[Anthony Wood and Ron MaCullagh of the Sundav Observer (June 02, 1992) estimated that over 500 Indian army men were involved in this orgy of rape and plunder in Kunan Pushpura.]

Rape and torture is well known official policy in Indian held Kashmir, I'm sorry it shocks you.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you for such an informative, organized, and compelling post, good job!

I as someone who has studied this conflict, and have seen videos and read stories about this conflict am Not surprise to hear these stories, however these stories still make me cringe inside. Inshallah One day we shall lay waste to kaffir Hindu India! Pakistan has Nukes and they Have the names of Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Chennai, Hyderabad, and other Indian cities on them, the WHOLE OF HINDU INDIA IS GUILTY!!! What shall we say about a people who elected the BJP extremist radical violent Hindu nationalist party, when the people of Gaza elected Hamas there was a MAJOR OUTCRY in the West by some pathetic countries who believe Nuclear Power is there right but not the right of others, and so on. The BJP party and the Indian Military are true terrorists.

Wonder why is India the most hated country in OUR South Asian Region, they are hated by Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and China!!! Say what you want about Pakistan, but the hatred that exist in the neighborhood for India means much more...

We are fed up
with this hegemonic, pseudo-super power, and degenerate Nation India! The day will Come when we will only find India on an Old Map and/or History Book!

Inshallah Inshallah Inshallah!
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This shameful act is done on daily basis by Indian forces in Kashmir and when somebody kills these Rapists He is a terrorist.
We've now a name. That should help. Perhaps we can assist the linked paper you've provided with basic spelling as well- "riffles". Journalists that can't spell are like mathematicians that can't add. Little credibility.

There may be a rape here or not. There's without question provocation though. Nobody but the accused and the girl really know. Lot of folks quick to jump on bandwagons though.

Guess that I shouldn't be surprised.

Thanks for the elaboration.
Trust me, 90% of the Journalists can't spell. Thats why we have proof readers. And in the case of web reporting, the proof readers only come in much later when the news develops.

Having worked with a regional newspaper giant, I know a few things of how the editorial department works. So its very difficult to get things 100% right in your online edition.

Anyway you're digressing from the fact that a 13 yr old has been raped. Its credibility cannot be suspected since Indian troops raping Kashmiri children is a regular feature.
So, in the end it is all Hot Air that she was not just raped but gang-raped. Great going media.:lol:
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