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India slips seven positions to 101 in Global Hunger Index 2021, lags behind Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal

Less pepot then should be less Hungary people in the country.

But here, even the name of the six times less populated country names come around at 90+ and they are laughing on 6 times more populated country which rank is 103,... It is itself laughable...

The situation looks more worst in less populated country, here..

In fact, countries with a population of more than 300 million are easier to solve the food problem. You see, countries with more than 300 million people in the world are not hungry except India. There are many hungry countries in countries with a population of less than 300 million.
India Falls To 101 From 94 In Hunger Index Behind Pak, Nepal: Report
Global Hunger Index: "People have been severely hit by COVID-19 and by pandemic related restrictions in India, the country with highest child wasting rate worldwide," the report said

18 countries, including China, Brazil and Kuwait, shared top rank with GHI score of less than 5
New Delhi:
India has slipped to 101st position in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2021 of 116 countries, from its 2020 position of 94th and is behind its neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Eighteen countries, including China, Brazil and Kuwait, shared the top rank with GHI score of less than five, the website of the Global Hunger Index that tracks hunger and malnutrition said on Thursday.
The report, prepared jointly by Irish aid agency Concern Worldwide and German organisation Welt Hunger Hilfe, termed the level of hunger in India "alarming".
In 2020, India was ranked 94th out of 107 countries. Now with 116 countries in the fray, it has dropped to 101st rank. India's GHI score has also decelerated - from 38.8 in 2000 to the range of 28.8 - 27.5 between 2012 and 2021.
The GHI score is calculated on four indicators -- undernourishment; child wasting (the share of children under the age of five who are wasted i.e who have low weight for their height, reflecting acute undernutrition); child stunting (children under the age of five who have low height for their age, reflecting chronic undernutrition) and child mortality (the mortality rate of children under the age of five).
The share of wasting among children in India rose from 17.1 per cent between 1998-2002 to 17.3 per cent between 2016-2020, according to the report.
"People have been severely hit by COVID-19 and by pandemic related restrictions in India, the country with highest child wasting rate worldwide," the report said.
Neighbouring countries like Nepal (76), Bangladesh (76), Myanmar (71) and Pakistan (92) are also in the 'alarming' hunger category, but have fared better at feeding its citizens than India, according to the report.
However, India has shown improvement in other indicators such as the under-5 mortality rate, prevalence of stunting among children and prevalence of undernourishment owing to inadequate food, the report said.
According to the report, the fight against hunger is dangerously off track. Based on the current GHI projections, the world as a whole - and 47 countries in particular - will fail to achieve a low level of hunger by 2030.
Food security is under assault on multiple fronts, it said, adding that worsening conflict, weather extremes associated with global climate change, and the economic and health challenges associated with the COVID19 pandemic are all driving hunger. "Inequality -- between regions, countries, districts, and communities -- is pervasive and, (if) left unchecked, will keep the world from achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) mandate to leave no one behind," the report said.


Further, the report noted that it is difficult to be optimistic in 2021 because the forces now driving hunger are overpowering good intentions and lofty goals. Among the most powerful and toxic of these forces are conflict, climate change, and COVID-19 - three Cs that threaten to wipe out any progress that has been made against hunger in recent years, it added.

India Falls To 101 From 94 In Hunger Index Behind Pak, Nepal: Report (ndtv.com)
India slips seven positions to 101 in Global Hunger Index 2021, lags behind Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal - The Economic Times (indiatimes.com)
Fake News....Trillion dollar economy can't be so poor....
Shame on India and Pakistan both. They have the best fertile land yet 92 and 101 on global hunger index is pathetic. Just because we are few places ahead of India does not make us any better.
These DHAs, Bahrias are ruining our agriculture land, our farmer is no better than the Indian won. Had suicide not been haram we would also have the highest suicide rate in farmers too.

F*** leadership of both the countries
This study coincides with some other recent global studies showing Indian populaiton are getting shorter and more undernurished.
Indians need to grow shorter and smaller so they can eat less and poop less. Open defecation is dangerous especially for females and an actual pressure point in the evolution of the Indian population.
For political consumption, we are food surplus even after 30% wastage at the moment..

Tell them they dont need to conduct a survey to figure out the America is a begger nation with gdp of 23 trillion n debt of 29 trillion..

Even Vijay mallya if far better in front of Yanks economy..

Frog in a well find of a situation for you..

wow, supa powa dissing Yanks? supa powa is much better than Yanks?!aren't u QUAD buddies? :cheesy: :rofl:
All free market economies work the same way.

wow, India motto, as long as BJP gets your votes from paying 5 rupees, I don't care if you starved to death tomorrow
China produces 3 times as much and it still imports food for its people yet India produces 3times less and is an exporter... As I said before India does not add up no matter how you slice and dice.

everything from supa powa land is fake
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Well, "inefficiencies" is an understatement when people die of hunger at railway stations or have to resort to eat road-kill dogs on the highway or have to scoop up milk spilled from a milker tanker with dogs lapping up the milk upstream.

People are hungry because they poor. It has nothing to do with lack of food or inefficiencies as India is still a food surplus country. Even if we become super efficient our food exports will grow and people will still be hungry. There are homeless and hungry people in the US and EU too. That's how capitalism works.
wow, India motto, as long as BJP gets your votes from paying 5 rupees, I don't care if you starved to death tomorrow

That's how all free market capitalistic economies work. It is not specific to India. It the same with the US and EU too.
Shame on India and Pakistan both. They have the best fertile land yet 92 and 101 on global hunger index is pathetic. Just because we are few places ahead of India does not make us any better.
These DHAs, Bahrias are ruining our agriculture land, our farmer is no better than the Indian won. Had suicide not been haram we would also have the highest suicide rate in farmers too.

F*** leadership of both the countries
let me told you sir its not about DHA BT its about way we agriculture . i have a small example for you

how we make gurr in last 5000 years ? yes we are making same


روائتی بیلنے سے گڑ یا دیسی کھانڈ بنانے میں دقت یہ ہے کہ 5 یا 7 ایکڑ کا گڑ بنانے میں بھی تین سے چار مہینے لگ جاتے ہیں۔ جس سے اگلی فصل کی کاشت میں تاخیر ہونا یقینی بات ہے۔

now here is a machine which extract juice from sugarcane make it clean then make gurr and even pack it with in hours . do you know we don't have it in pakistan not even few machines . we works weeks and weeks months of months liek we doing since last 5000 years :rolleyes: کسانوں کے خاندان کے خاندان دھواں پھونکتے کینسر لیتے کھیتوں میں پڑے رہتے ہیں ہفتوں مہینوں اور گڑا بنا رہے ہوتے ہیں ۔

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Indians need to grow shorter and smaller so they can eat less and poop less. Open defecation is dangerous especially for females and an actual pressure point in the evolution of the Indian population.
Man you chinese people are so savage with your roasting skills. :yay: :yay:
Pakistan India Bangladesh etc all produce more than enough food. No one should be hungry. Its a shame that our people are suffering yet we focus on killing each other
Pakistan India Bangladesh etc all produce more than enough food. No one should be hungry. Its a shame that our people are suffering yet we focus on killing each other

Unless you plan to embrace communism, people will always be homeless and hungry in capitalistic societies. There are thousands of homeless and hungry people is developed countries like the US and EU too.
And modi is going to build the world's largest military :lol:
Few billionaires who became billionaires by working out the corrupt system and sucking the blood of millions of bhartis are representatives of India,s economic might How can you ignore the slum infront of Mukesh ambani world's most expensive home?? Those billionaire icons are a symbol of shame for India nothing proud here.
Whenever you talk with a indian about economy he will declare you a begger straight away and started talking about Mukesh ambani,vijjay maliya etc .
From now on guys don't argue with any indian,just let these lovely statistics come year after year. They are doing a good job 👌
Unless you plan to embrace communism, people will always be homeless and hungry in capitalistic societies. There are thousands of homeless and hungry people is developed countries like the US and EU too.
What a reply
Pakistan India Bangladesh etc all produce more than enough food. No one should be hungry. Its a shame that our people are suffering yet we focus on killing each other
Bhai, Bangladesh doesn’t grow enough food. We dont have the landmass to grow enough food for 169 millions of Bangladeshis.

We do grow just enough rice, fish, poultry and vegetables. We are import dependent on other essentials like various type of cooking oils, spices, fruits etc.

Our farming techniques still are ancient. But our land is very fertile...
So according to Bhakt logic...

Ranking 101 is better than ranking at 76 (Nepa & BD), cuz laRgEr PoPuLachaaan

This is Sadhguru's level of mental gymnastics. Ask him why so many people are hungry in India, he'll ramble on about the very concept of hunger, and how Indian's aren't really hungry at all

So India has 6 times our population, but 17 times our landmass. Unlike Bangladesh, when disaster hits, she can use the simply gigantic resources of such a large country to alleviate them. But if that happened in practice, India wouldn't have ranked 101st, or ranked behind (by a not-insignificant margin mind you) than Bangladesh for that matter. It's the same reason why "world's pharmacy" had the sort of covid catastrophe it did.

People forget how much devastation cyclones used to bring to Bangladesh. Unlike India, we couldn't utilize the resources of a country 17 times our size to alleviate worst-hit areas. Because the entire country was hit pretty hard. Yet, we found ways of managing it.

Also bear in mind, a very high % of Indians are mentally retarted. And I'm not trying to be malicious here. Childhood hunger results in stunted growth. Both physical and mental. And the number of people in India with stunted growth is enormous. Larger than the population of India and Bangladesh put together.

Makes you wonder whether certain groups of people in India benefit from such a status quo. Having that many retarted people in your population, as a consequence of hunger, will surely bring electoral results.
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